We All Have A Decision To Make. Our Founders Were Willing to Die for the Rights Espoused in the Declaration they Crafted and Signed at their Own Peril. Are We Lesser Men?

We all have a decision to make. Either we stand and fight, or we purely and simply deserve everything that is heading our way.

Right now we are willingly lining up to get in those boxcars. All of us. We are all capable of fighting and all we are doing is talking and grumbling. Granted we might be at the back of the line, but we are still in line and that line is moving.

We already have the moral authority to fight this evil we face, yet we wait. Are we waiting on Almighty God to tell us to “Move out”? Something is restraining the mighty men of valor in this country and it is not cowardice. Why do we wait? I know we don’t need a Pickett’s charge. We also don’t need a Custer’s Last Stand.

This video here that Hans linked to last night has me furious. Of course just about everything that happens every day lately has me furious. You see the Gestapo there just following orders? What if they actually feared for their lives every time they stepped outside to “just do their job”? How quick do you think things would change? We are surrounded by evil and yet we do nothing.

The world is upside down and fools surround us. It is frustrating just watching everything go the hell while being surrounded by oblivious idiots. Why is it that a judge, and thank God there are still some decent humans out there, has to order for a Hospital to give Ivermectin to a dying woman? You’re doctors for crying out loud. You should be trying any and everything to save people from dying. Instead you are following the orders of Lord Fauci. People laugh at me for wanting to cancel my health insurance. I promise you I’ll never set foot in a hospital ever again. Luckily I’m married to a nurse.

Everyone needs to realize the future is all in our hands, not these evil people in our so called government. Evil must be confronted and held accountable. It is way past time for the government to fear the people.

In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson remarks on “the design to reduce them under absolute Despotism.” We are living it, RIGHT NOW! It is time to show these evil “rulers” that we have the spirit of resistance.

I understand your fear and not wanting to stand up and fight. Fear still dominates our lives. Fear of losing your job, income, comfort, friends, home, personal freedom and yes, maybe even life itself, and it is this fear whom we have become slaves to. It is time for men to find their courage. Sacrifices must be made. I don’t sleep very well anymore and haven’t for some time. I am troubled by what we are faced with, but I am not afraid of what approaches and that mirror is getting harder to look at myself with.

I know everyone is busy with the holidays right now. I hope we get thru the New Year without things getting ugly. We need to hold a gathering or meeting and publicly have those with the balls to, sign the New Declaration and move forward from there? Yes it’ll be infiltrated, yes it’ll be dangerous, but we have to start somewhere, we have to start somehow. So for all you visitors here if you are using a good email address let me know and I’ll send you an email. Let’s work on a gathering for sometime soon after the first of the year to discuss matters.

Everything is hard and gets harder as we go. Somehow we have to come together and present an united front against this evil we are faced with. Our Founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Are we lesser men?


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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I have made my public declaration, my lord and saviour prepares my hands and fingers for war. The current regime in control of our country is my mortal enemy. They declared this publicly and I have accepted their declaration, if being a slave gives you solace suck it up and get on with it as some comments have stated.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Since you are ready to “get goin” can you share with new readers what peaceful steps you have taken to teach children and adults about our founding documents? New readers need to learn. Flipping a gun is not the one and only answer. Yes, it’s just about too late, but peaceful action must be exhausted.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

A peaceful solution is not a viable option at this time, that has passed a long time ago. We have no voice, we have nothing left but what our founding fathers gave us, the 2nd amendment, if that offends that is not my problem.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

We still have a voice.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Your voice is in the wilderness, they wont and will not hear you.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Sometimes a voice in the wilderness can change the world.
see John 1:23

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Yes Jane, we still have a voice. It does no good when we’re being ignored, pushed aside and steam rolled over though. They don’t care how loud we get, what we say, where we march or how we vote; we are irrelevant to them, their agenda and their future plans. There’s only one course left. It’s not the one we want nor chose, but has been thrust upon us. Proof is the fact we haven’t done it yet, but doesn’t mean it ain’t coming. And when His restraining hand is lifted, it will be ugly, brutal and no rejoicing in it, but it will be done, and it won’t turn out like “they’re” thinking.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

The vet that was just arrested in NYC for not showing his papers, had a voice also. All the way to the squad car.

Kevin Alderman
Kevin Alderman
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Actually, you don’t have a voice. The election system has been decimated in this country, so your vote means nothing. The tyrants did not rig the election just to walk away in 2024. They do not intend to leave, they intend to make us slaves. They will not back down, they will not acquiesce. They will meet us step for step and try to at first divide us, then subdue us, then eliminate us one by one. To survive we must first UNITE behind a leader. If we can unite and become a force of 10 million or more then perhaps we can force their hands.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Alderman

And that’s the more reason not to obey there wicked laws. The Scriptures teach us not to obey the kings or governors decrees when they become terrors to good works. There will be no peace for these sub human entities that I ha it the bodies of these evil doers.it’s time to lock and load.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Get it now?
Get with the program or get in line.
Canning,growing food,water,shelter,basic clothing,weapons AND tactics training, comms, where and when NOT to.
Who and why AND when to do what you have to.
anyone who hasn’t come to and accepted this realization yet are cannon fodder at best. This learning curve is steep now, going vertical pretty soon.

Figure it out Jane, tick tock.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

no we do not, if they fraudulently took over the white house against our vote, then NO we do NOT have a voice, they have already silenced us.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

We cannot wait for another generation to learn what should have been taught in the public propaganda centers they call education. Get your children out of public education they are in harms way.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I am working on getting the NC school curriculum to review and post here.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

oh whoopy……that will sure change the country. Geez you people that still think voting and running your mouth will fix anything. Evil people don’t care what you think!They keep doing what they are planning.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kepano

And we will do what we keep planning.

Howie Felterpuss
Howie Felterpuss
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

People 85 years ago around Europe spoke just like that. They didn’t believe they would have their businesses and homes destroyed. They didnt believe that a gold star / health passport would be forced on them. They didn’t believe they would be sent to Ghetto’s. They also refused to believe they were being sent to camps for extermination.
You have all of those same warnings showing up around Earth for you to see and yet, you still hold tight that democracy will fix it.
News Flash -- The Nazi’s actually won WWII. Their army was destroyed but their ideology survived and conquered the world.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

when will you do that, when you are dead/dying or in a concentration camp? When and where do YOU draw the line and say enough is enough?

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Kepano

Watching the people scrambling is entertainment for them -- not far removed from the watchers of the gladiator games.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Arguably too late Tom. 2+2 already equals 5 in the minds of children still in government-funded and staffed schools. 75% of those children have already been taught to despise merit and achievement confusing it with imaginary ‘privilege’. The damage has been done and their generation is lost. Any residual future they might still have now depends on us. Don’t believe me? Read Jane’s comment before yours.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  buffalolips

Well believe what you will I stand by my statement, remove your children from the public schools, they are in harms way. 2+2 still equals 4.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Only a fool sends their kids to public school.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Everybody needs to read the r/antiwork threads on Reddit.
You’ll understand where this is going and why they’re winning.
Until you get that burned in, you’ll not see it.
Do it now, not later. Information is vital.

William Williams
William Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

>>>what should have been taught in the public propaganda centers they call education.
“A man who lets his enemies educate his children is a fool.”

  • Malcolm X
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Gods speed Wes, Paul Revere is riding.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

I with you. I understand how corrupt it is at the local level. Learned that lesson first hand in 1992 on the Sheriffs Reserve in Ohio. No where else I have lived has been any different.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Your locals don’t have ss protection either.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Um…we’ve been trying the peaceful approach since 1865. How much more time should we give?

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

So did Christ.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

And for him not obeying they nailed him to a cross. I would like to avoid that.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

They hate Christ. They have pledged allegiance to Lucifer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Never forget who created Lucifer. God himself did. The bible is very clear on that. God also LET Lucifer tear Job apart, God met with Lucifer, per the bible and set the rules. Rules only being you cannot kill Job. Then when Job asked why God was letting this happen, God chastised Job for asking,while knowing full well he gave PERMISSION to Lucifer to do all that to Job. God does create and let things happen, it’s right there in the bible.God created satan, and they are wagering souls. Then God creates (sends) the cure, Jesus to redeem our sins. And that is biblical.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kepano

God created everything and it was good. I just know what I am supposed to do.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

True…I suspect that the original words used would indicate rather than good, acceptable or appropriate to His purpose. The word good is, as are many words translated into English, ambiguous.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

was good until sin entered, now we are in a fallen world and by the sweat of our brow are we to toil. What was the law, a life for a life, and eye for an eye. I know that Yeshua came to fulfill the law, and revenge is His, but we cannot sit around and be destroyed for lack of knowing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kepano

Let me add an important footnote to your job discussion, God allowed satan to inflict harm on job not because he wanted to harm him it was because of jobs self righteousness and our Lord had to teach job that man who he is self righteous but God alone

3 years ago
Reply to  Philip

I thought it was because satan thought Job would curse God, so he was allowed to hurt Job in various ways and yet Job cursed Him not. God was the one who called Job his righteous servant. He said “have you considered my servant, Job” to satan.

3 years ago
Reply to  Philip

Where does it say Job was self righteous ? Satan brought Job up before the Lord and the Lord let him do his worst (almost).

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Also, that was HIS role. It is not necessarily any of ours. I do know it isn’t mine. Yeah, He disobeyed by trying to bring peace and truth. He rebelled for the sake of peace and truth. Do so if you want, just know where it is most likely to lead.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

He was not too peaceful in the temple or when he ordered his disciples to purchase swords.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Not one more second Rob.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane, for all the research and article links you post, i am surprised you don’t seem to realize we have gotten past the “peaceful steps” part. Our justice system has completely failed us, bought and paid for, all the way up to very top.
Do you really think we have a bunch of bored, suicidal, trigger happy idiot’s, that don’t want to see our kids grow up, or grandkids grow up?
If so, i am sorry to hear that. That’s not me though.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I am fairly new to the this. blog. I am a Christian, and I see the powers that be are trying to destroy Christianity. I read everything posted here and agree with most articles posted. I am 73 years old. I am non violent. I prefer to exhaust every means of peaceful means till the end.

I realize we are near the end game. Why am I here replying to you and posting links? I stand. 🇺🇸 I will do my best to discern truth. In doing so, the questions I ask on this blog help me discern if there are bots, real people, and where they stand based on their replies. I have not been here for months or years.

Time is short. Christ stated they will hate us because we abide in Him. I see it more each day. I eat, sleep, and read to learn what I can do in this war to relieve suffering. That’s all. ✝️ The outcome is up to all of us. I do not think we have to worry when the SHTF hits. We will all connect in the name of Jesus Christ as He chooses -- not us.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Do you think the founding fathers did not rely on and pray for guidance, they were steeped in prayer and knowledge of history. They exhausted all avenues of a peaceful resolution. Just as today there is no recourse but one.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

That’s cool with me.
I just prefer going out using my own free will, not getting destroyed by these tyrants with bio Sars-Ebola mix, or whatever they decide to do, as they hide in multi million dollar bunker cities.
These platforms can only help so much, anyone willing to speak freely, as they wish…usually can’t. Words have to be carefully filtered, but only for one side.
That needs to end ASAP!
I fear we have very little time left, before the big ugly virus arrives. And I’d surely be pissed, if that’s how it ended, knowing ALL we know, and just sitting idle.
The Nuremberg codes are not just fake papers, and what happened to hipaa laws now, Who will enforce these laws, if we the people do not?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Amen to that Jane! We all try, or should try, to lead others to Christ while it is still day, but I fear it is now twilight and our ability to work is fading fast!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

A peaceful solution died when the VOTES! where counted wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

start at 1:45 minutes. The time for peace is past. People have to see that the other side wants us dead, they do not want any peace or compromise.

Anna Marie
Anna Marie
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane


Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

What stopped you from reading the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Federalist Papers? The are freely found on line. They only thing that stops people from doing it is that they do not care. To be honest, if you do not care enough to read them, then you probably do not have the yearning enough to be free, let alone understand exactly what that means.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” -JFK
History abounds with examples. Violence is the only answer. Think about it. Appeasement — a show of weakness — never works.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Good luck with that approach, we will leave you to do that. I will point out, however, that if the tin-plated tyrants who are engaged in dictatorial totalitarianism were in any way interested in a dialogue with us, then they would still be trying to convince us with words and with offers of reconciliation rather than with coercion and violence.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom -- go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” — Samuel Adams

The fact that Λmerican Patriots have so far not yet demonstrated our long-distance rìfile marksmanship against the Bidenmentia Bolsheviks is enough of our “peaceful action” against their tyranny. We are right now very peacefully not turning them into fertilizer.


So you just keep on with your hand-holding “kumbaya” drum circle if doing that makes you feel any better. As for me and mine, we will continue to prepare, train, and organize. Doing that is what makes us feel better.

Eventually, those who are drunk on power over others will step over someone’s particular “line in the sand” and those Patriots will then start sending those in power to their Eternal Celestial Dirt Naps.

Once that starts, it won’t be over until Λmerican Patriots have nailed the last of the tyrant’s furry scalps to our lodge poles.

Last edited 3 years ago by ArizonaMilitia
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Stop whining!

Wayne Gabler
Wayne Gabler
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Ditch the warmongers known as the World Bank and NATO, any questions?
But now I have written unto you not to keep company,
if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator,
or covetous,
or an idolater,
or a railer,
or a drunkard,
or an extortioner;
with such an one no not to eat.
Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him;
but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue:
For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Wayne Gabler
Wayne Gabler
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The war a Christian is the ones that is about feeding the poor. It is the false Christians that believe their mission is to create as many starving and poor as possible:
What doth it profit,
my brethren,
though a man say he hath faith,
and have not works?
can faith save him?
If a brother or sister be naked,
and destitute of daily food,
And one of you say unto them,
Depart in peace,
be ye warmed and filled;
notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body;
what doth it profit?
Even so faith,
if it hath not works,
is dead,
being alone.

PJ London
PJ London
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

What exactly are your hands and fingers going to do to exactly who in the current regime?
“Who” is the current regime? 10 million government employees?
100 million people who are on the government welfare rolls?
Making posters saying “Let’s go Brandon”, or anything else is going to bring about change?
Give me an enemy, an objective and a plan and I (and ten million others) will join you, until then you are just blowing air, unfortunately out of your rear end.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Please send me the Declaration Wes, the email is correct thank you and God bless.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I will hope to see you all there.
I have seen enough “GREAT comments, articles and videos”.
This platform IS NOT gonna make magic happen, without the courage. 🇺🇲💪

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Totally Agree……..No one is coming to save us, It is up to us to stand against this tyranny and We the People are what is left of Freedom in the world!
God Save this Republic and give those of us willing to stand the strength and protection needed to engage these tyrants!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Til Valhalla brother!

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I don’t think the people that are on the fence are uncomfortable enough yet. They still have jobs and still can feed their families (and our owners will see too it that we have the essentials so we don’t become ungovernable). If some do resist they will need support from the locals and if food or jobs are hard to come by people will be reluctant to help. I wouldn’t be surprised if no one shows except our alphabet friends.
“I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you haveThe course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
-- Thomas Jefferson

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Outstanding Rob, nothing else to add to that.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Fellas… i would have drove from FL a year ago!
I am interested in meeting in person, bc all this barking is making me into the same type of people i despise most, “keyboard warriors”! Nothing more.
Trusting in your neighbor is necessary, or they won already. That’s my opinion.
Unless this place is crawling with fake keyboard warriors, which i wonder… Well, those gents better be very careful, bc i don’t see a stupid bunch of idiots here. It is our GOD GIVEN rights to do this.. No idiot talk, real possible actions to take though. I AM IN!

Wes, a “good email” like this one we use here, or “protected type”?
IF those even exist, i don’t believe there is a great ghost way, not that i know of. Yet like i said. Not hiding anything i am saying, its all here.
Anyone who is still worried about that, don’t bother showing up I’d say.
The cowards can keep keyboard warring away!
Time to separate though.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Obviously, that never came Wes. I’ll search my boxes though.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes could you possible send me the new declaration of independence to my email it is correct.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thanks again Wes.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

We have to keep barking until they wake the fuck up. But at some point you are right let us move to action, the sooner the better.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I wish there was a recruiters office in my state and city.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Keyboard warrior?……..we are communicating and gathering strength in unity………remember that only 1% took part in the Revolution!…………..Paul Revere rode alone to get the others motivated, warned and united to stand, which I think is what is going on here…….Also know that not everyone that heard Paul Revere’s warning were ‘good guys’, I would guess there were many ‘agents’ of the Red Coats hidden amongst the common folk!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Yes we need to keep our focus, not turn off to the right or left. When he rides again and he will let us answer the call.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Wes is the 2021 Paul Revere?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

You bet I hear so do you.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I am not trying to downplay what Wes is doing, he has the platform for all of us to be a Paul Revere. Ride on Rob.

Elder Son
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Just a reminder. Those 1%, 3%, whatever percent who fought against their fellow… countrymen, fought on equal terms, in arms and compliments of war, against the Crown.

Of course, someone will bring up the Taliban.

Not one of you are on equal footing with the Taliban, in mind, body, and soul. And it is obvious that no one here has the “Taliban” commitment to carry out what needs to be done.

Hence, the 20+ years of Patriot Bowel Movement squabbling.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

You speak for yourself do you not, that bowel movement is in your head, maybe you should try flushing that thing once in awhile might help.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Would you avoid this, bc of that possibility Rob?
We are just speaking man, that’s not illegal.
What are we scared to lose?

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I wouldn’t avoid it. I was just commenting that the masses are not ready for a decision as big as this (but we would need support).
We are just speaking man, that’s not illegal.
Tell that to the J6 political prisoners who were exercising their 1st amendment rights.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Yes. I agree, but my opinion is, ‘what they’re doing to those prisoner’s, is to get us saying exactly what you just said’ and i agree with pretty much every comment you make, usually.
They have installed FEAR into us, using these poor prisoner’s as their chess pieces. How long can we think that way though…

That was the point to those prisoner’s though, FEAR TACTICS! *They wanted to scare everyone else to submission, and it seems to be working sadly.

That’s my personal opinion though.

3 years ago

The Gospel is being violated and the truth is rejected. Even the clergy have been infiltrated and compromised. The police have been compromised. The military has been compromised. Children have been thrown to the wolves by their dumbshit parents who haven’t the faintest idea they have been swallowed by the reptilian elite. The teachers are compromised. The elite feed poison words to the world populace while dining on caviar. They are hungry ghosts constantly lusting for more blood and mammon.

Has a peaceful group went to the NC legislature (office to office) to read allowed the New Declaration? Has anyone asked each representative -- face to face -- for their position statement? This must be done. It must be made available to every citizen in NC.

I stand. 🇺🇸

No Thanks
No Thanks
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Quite literally EVERYTHING has been 110% Compromised and corrupted and polluted. I am so thoroughly DISGUSTED and Ashamed and just plum pissed @ this point my friends.

3 years ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Me too…and very sad.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Maybe someone could come up with a new and improved tale of little red riding hood for our schools. Something like little red riding eunuch hood, something along those lines, seems apropos and supports the crt curriculum.

3 years ago

We have no leader to coalesce around. No one to rally the troops. Until that person rises up, we are just rag tag groups and individuals easily taken out. I agree that we must continue to meet even clandestinely. We must form some resistance. What form that must take is not a discussion for an open forum.

3 years ago

We the People are the representatives of freedom and God. Has any parade taken place around the legislature with legal permits? Answer: No.
Question: Why?

Why hasn’t this happened? Every county should be connected by now to read the Founding Documents.

3 years ago

Most definitely not

3 years ago

Please state What forms of peaceful by actions you have taken to save the children? Have you made calls, went to the legislature or just prefer clandestine meetings? You disappeared and have not further replied. It’s easy to be violent and much harder to critically think even at this late date.

Going back in this blog, conversations have been going on about ten years but no fruit that has ripened is revealed on the blog that I glean so far.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

I thank you for your comment and will read your offering. I have done the same as you for 15 years : Hundreds of letters, phone calls, and endless reading. Yes, we are at the last stage before hell breaks loose. Parades near legislature with drums and calling out the NC treasonous traitors in the NC General Assembly are a peaceful warning .
Say their names.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Yea Wes they claim to want the truth, but whine and cry when they hear it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

No reply offered

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

There should not be one leader. Many leaders. Completely decentralized. Think Afghanistan tribes (they survived wars with Russia, US and the UK).

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

When they come to my town they will not like what they get guaranteed.

3 years ago

Question: What person commenting on this blog has called various legislative reps to ask them for a bill to read the Founding documents, American Creed, etc. etc. in our NC schools? What forms of education are commenters doing here to enlighten youth?
Is their any interest?

Why aren’t drum groups playing downtown -- American songs of yesteryear that promote love of country? If you have decided it’s not worth doing then why?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

No response means incapable

3 years ago

No secrets: Just called legislature to learn what NC children are being taught ( grade 1-12) about founding documents of NC and our nation. I have requested the curriculum. We shall see how many folks here are interested and how many say nothing. Truth is in action.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Lol! Negative response.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

You did not like the response you got from Wes, he did not mince words he told you the truth.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

What? I BC am very happy with the response I got from Wes. What on earth are you stating? See my response to him.

No Thanks
No Thanks
3 years ago

I agree 110% I have been saying this and asking the same damn question. Folks our inaction is literally Cutting our own damn THROATS. Fight Now or just plan to DIE a terrible DEATH. My God wtf is seriously wrong with us, the citizens of this once great land? ?

3 years ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Clarify how you choose to fight?

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago
Reply to  No Thanks

If you’re looking for fighters, you’re at the wrong place. These are mostly old folks. It should be you and your friends and relatives. How many of them are really ready to kill? A very small percentage of able bodied people are in that category. When it blows, you’ll know it. Keep your mags loaded.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I am currently 70 and able and willing, I do not take any meds reason is I stay away from the quacks they call doctors. Believe me when I tell you I can and will fight, been turning my body into a weapon since the early 80s, practicing martial arts and boxing for just such a day that is coming.

3 years ago

What is restraint the mighty men of valor? Read the context in Joshua 1. They were told to keep the Torah of Moses and then the Lord would go before them. God’s people has rejected his law, and that is what is restraining th3m.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
3 years ago

Have made my peace with God. Although I have a lot of metal in my hips and back, am prepared to do what is necessary, including drawing my last breath. Am not too far from you so let me know if I may do anything to assist. Have written senators and
other government officials and received squat in reply. God bless our country.

Louis Jenkins

3 years ago

Yes, I see the chest pounding, sabre rattling cries for action but still no plan and no targets of opportunity that make any sense. I’m as motivated as anyone else to kick the Marxist’s teeth out but we are simply not there yet. We’ve got some serious problems ahead though with the spike in inflation, the idiots in Congress raising the debt ceiling, the FED getting ready to raise interest rates. Collapse is on its way and THEN, things will start to get juicy. The radical antifa Marxists will start consuming one another along with the lawless thugs. When chaos (SHTF) hits, THEN opportunities will present themselves. Let’s not spill any blood too soon!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

Yea still waiting on that Arizona audit also, enough of the waiting BS

3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

That’s actually a very good point, they are eating each other. Seems they just bring in more though through open borders.
Also, how long before the really deadly shit is released on us “pure blood” people only? I still think old Bill was working on that ebola-sars mix in Africa.
I hope i am wrong, but my gut tells me this is divided just as *They want it.
(Masked- good Compliant sheeple,) (No mask- deplorables)
(Vaxxd- free stuff, travel/vacations, privileges at jobs)
( Unvax- non-compliant, deplorables)
Anyway, if i was NIH or Chani gang, I’d know which ones i wanted ill and out of my way. Them killing off the Compliant/vaxd only, makes no sense from a devil’s advocate view.

3 years ago

Stop serving the governmental gods and come back to the Lord. The institutions of men are all vanity. These governments are evil. Freemasons and their ilk are they, having taken oaths to destroy all that is good (God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit). Why go about and continue to place a yoke of bondage to sin around the necks of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who should be readying themselves for His coming, NOT readying themselves for Jacobs Trouble. Come back to your First Love
Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Galations 5:18But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 5:19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 5:20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 5:21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 5:22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 5:23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 5:24And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 5:25If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 5:26Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 8:2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 8:3For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 8:4That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 8:5For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 8:6For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 8:7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8:8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. 8:9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 8:10And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 8:11But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
8:12Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. 8:13For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 8:14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 8:15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 8:16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 8:17And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
8:18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 8:19For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 8:20For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 8:21Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 8:22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
to learn more about where this world is headed: nowtheendbegins . com- it is an EXCELLENT resource(I am not affiliated)

Last edited 3 years ago by Shannon
3 years ago
Reply to  Shannon

Yeah keyboard activism, checkbook activism is getting tiresome.

3 years ago
Reply to  Glincoln

So what are you doing?

3 years ago
Reply to  Shannon

Jesus said, “You will be hated by all men for my namesake.”

And we can see it

They pledged allegiance to Lucifer.
They hate Christ.

3 years ago

Originally posted this comment back in 2013 on several patriot web sites and several other times since then…even more relevant now than back then:
End of the Line -- We WIN
When we reach the end of the line, when all peaceful options have been exhausted, when the establishment facade of constitutionality has fallen away completely, the beast will then attack its prey directly and relentlessly.
Thus the fight becomes simply man to man.
Know that the numbers alone overwhelmingly favor the righteous, and lest we not forget The Creator’s spiritual anointment of those in pursuit of goodness. The righteous must embrace divine courage, look within and find their destiny.
If for every righteous one lost, just one demon of the beast is extinguished, goodness shall surely prevail. And each additional score you make will save a brother.
One for one, we win…big. Embrace the suck and live standing tall. God bless America and long live our precious Constitution.

3 years ago

The Constitution for the New states of America was produced some 60 years ago. Under this Constitution, the States are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government. Article I, Part B., Sec. 8 provides that the People are to be disarmed. Article XII, Sec. 1, provides for ratification by a national referendum -so whoever controls the voting machines will determine the outcome.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Publias Hildah. God bless her work.

Elder Son
3 years ago

Boobus Covidus AmeriKanus will get right on it. Just as soon as they get over the Majick Covid Spell.

Elder Son
3 years ago

And once again… I feel as if I am reading 20+ years of deja vu in the comments.

Everything said here has been repeated again, and again, these past 20+ years that I have been following the Patriot Bowel Movement.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

I have been following it longer than your 20 yrs, it has turned from we got to organize the vote to every other option we could think of. There are no other options at this time, flush that toilet the war drums are sounding now. Hope we don’t lose you on that flush.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

A different view. Not better, just different. We all have a decision or decisions to make. The article is a good one, the comments all legitimate, as I see it, depending on point of view. The thing is, this war is far different than any other -- as far as we know -- that has been fought on Earth. And it involves much more than this country -- not diminishing the importance of it, and what’s happening here. I suspect the decision or decisions that may need to be made will be hitting “home” on personal levels more closely than any of us wants to think. I suspect situations may well be coming at us individually, possibly rapid fire as time passes. Or maybe quite surreptitiously and sneakily. The place to stay is in truth and integrity, standing until the last breath. If one is fortunate enough to have a beautiful relationship with one’s God, the better. It could well be that nothing will save us physically. Talk about tests of trust and faith…the folks now grouped in a facility in W’n dee see did nothing significant -- I watched it live. Practicality, viewing that, tells me that perhaps the best place is on our home fronts, cherishing and nurturing what and who we now have. Continuing to educate as much as possible. This isn’t my Dad’s war, nor like any before it. The old rules just don’t apply. There seems to have been, in the past, a certain integrity in the war operation -- as much as there could be, I suppose. That just isn’t applicable today. The ballgame’s rules have been rewritten.

Dave Morris
Dave Morris
3 years ago

The US does not exist and has not existed since the year 2000. We are being eliminated by those who gave the US away to the UN in preparation for the coming world government. This war is evident. In 2001,an unspeakable event happened on American soil that changed our freedoms and gave power to those who now demand you take a kill shot in order to live. The war is hot and it will not stop until we show the few that the many will not comply.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave Morris

It was a corpse in 1861.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Something is restraining the mighty men of valor in this country and it is not cowardice. Why do we wait?”

We are a nation under judgement. Until those me turn to God and seek repentance, there will be no large uprising to good.

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

You are on the money! The hour is late, time to choose .

3 years ago

You must know this. Those that say we are just following orders won’t work anymore.
Because it should be quite obvious whose side you are on and you should know better that you are committing treason.
Like I said, it won’t work anymore. No more pathetic excuses.

3 years ago

I haven’t been to a doctor in 40 years, haven’t had health insurance for 30 years. And is why I am probably in real good health.

Kevin Alderman
Kevin Alderman
3 years ago

What we need is a leader. Not a Trump, but a true leader that all of us Patriots can gather behind and march. Is there a leader among us? Who will answer the call? It is time to unite, stand up and put the tyrants back where they belong and put the country back into the hands of the people.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Alderman

The leader you’re looking for is in the mirror, not in the TV.

3 years ago

Ok so ya’ll are ready for war? Why has no one retrieved the Jan 6 political prisoners? You are allowing patriots to rot. …go get’em lol.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  rickybobby

All of this simian chest beating has gotten old, in reality, they’re waiting for the NRA and Republicans to get their shit together and do it for them. That’s why they send their favorite special interest groups so much money, proxy fighters so no one has to get off the couch and get their hands dirty.
Follow the money in either direction and you will find laziness involved.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  WiscoMando

Sheckelberg thanks you for remembering the holo-hoax..especially the black and white film with the little girl in the red dress…
Pol Pot doesn’t get it
Shekelberg (to Pol Pot) “It’s about EMOTION!!..it’s about SELLING IT!! Now you bring in a movie where it’s black and white..except for a little girl in a red dress…oh you remember THAT shit now! And they put you into a gas chamber with wooden doors, where you claw at it..and for some reason the claw marks are in cement -- Come on! -- This is how we brand it!!
And remember kids..any sufficiently important meet and greet WILL be massively attended by the feral glowies…it’s the ‘famous but inept’s’ main op go to, besides staging false flags for the NPC’s/normies to lap up.
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

3 years ago
Reply to  NorthGunner


3 years ago
Reply to  NorthGunner


3 years ago
Reply to  WiscoMando

And being able to re-post simplistic overused memes is soooo effective…it’s far more simple than kicking a bolshevist indoctrinated neckbearded middle class pantifa soyboi in the nuts…
Hope you liked the cartoon though…funny and truthful at the same time…
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

3 years ago

Λmerican Patriots, Λrm yourselves, while we still can.  Black Rífles Matter, guys.  
Be prepared to Vote from the Rooftops, because Bidenmentia Bolsheviks are not bulletproof. 

3 years ago

I think if they were still alive they would have created 2nd amendment sanctuaries where it would be the strict policy of the local government and its agencies, officials, officers, and agents to not help any law enforcement agency in a state that is hostile to the second amendment, to arrest, detain, purse, investigate, harrass, or impede anyone accused, suspected, or proved to have committed a crime against an agency, department, politician, bureacrat, official, officer, or agent of a state, county, parish, city, borough, district, town, township, or village that is hostile to the second amendment.

3 years ago

I live in NC and you can definitely call me, I am also a nurse that is absolutely refusing the jab, for two reasons, one cuz I just ain’t doing it, and two, had a dream back around 2016 or before about running in the woods with a man in a business suit running after me, he catches up to me, zip ties my hands and jabs an injection in my neck and all goes black (I am sure I died). The man in the business suit is government, corporation, big pharma, you name it, the zip ties is that I have no control over it, given against my will, and of course, the injection which we all know now, it killed me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

I see the issue is that we all want to stand up, but individually, it will cost us our life, collectively, we have better chance. I think its one person or many waiting for the savior to come riding on a white horse to save us all, well folks, the only one riding on a horse soon will be the anti-christ, which will make things tons worse! Other countries are revolting, why are we not? I also know this is what they are waiting for to dissolve the constitution and our 2a rights and throw us under the martial law. If the BLM and antifa thugs can take the law into their own hands, why can we not?

Wayne Gabler
Wayne Gabler
3 years ago

An unresponsive civilian Government should be disbanded by the Military. If they are corrupt, citizens can create petitions that put every bill up to a referendum vote, which means a nation vote where everybody that can vote does and that decides the fate of the bill. Do it through your IRS account and the tampering part is removed as well as it being very expensive to set up. ‘Remain in Nato’ should be something that is voted on every 4 years automatically, considering how easily the FED was passed and the true cost of that mistake has never been added up yet.

3 years ago

Live free or die. Thanks Wes, great article.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay
3 years ago

Count me in.

3 years ago

Folks here want a REAL solution that would have a positive immediate effect to eliminate BOTH the domestic bolshevists influence and abilities and in 9 months guarantee a reverse in the declining White birthrates?
Without having to ‘re-draft’ a “new” doi..or a mutually destructive violent civil conflict?
Simple! Here it is:

  1. Take women’s rights (voting) away. Granting them the franchise of voting was a clear and destructive historical mistake that CAN be undone. Women, by their very nature WILL select for bolshevism as their principles are based on being provided for and protected and they operate on an emotions based system, NOT critical thought or logic.
  2. No education past high school and no careers allowed for women beyond that of being good Mothers to their children and duitful help mates to their husbands. Single motherhood poses NO benefits for any society and must be seen for the cancer that it is -- such should be openly shamed and ostracized openly and often! Motherhood with a strong stable MAN at the head of the family IS their proper and historic role in life. And definitely NO positions of authority in any office.
  3. End ALL welfare entirely, both domestic and foreign. Charity, if truly needed CAN be more than adequately provided for from private sources for those who truly need it. For those that are ignorant and try to say that welfare is a ‘social good’, the proof of it being nothing but an addictive element need look no further than it’s effects on the indians residing in the ‘federally recognized ‘rezs” across the country -- the level of alcohol/drug addiction, violence, poor health, single motherhood and other social pathologies dwarf that of inner city blacks by a wide margin..all because of intergenerational welfare.

Don’t say that the above measures ‘can’t work in the real world’..they’re ‘too impractical’. They work for the Amish, Orthodox Jews and Moslems, none of which allow the poisons of ‘feminism’ or egalitarianism to enter their respective cultures to fester internally and cause damage.
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

3 years ago
Reply to  NorthGunner

Had to uptick your comment, if only for your sheer nerve. I’d go further and say that NO man has the right to Vote away another’s property. That, right there, is Communism.

3 years ago
Reply to  bogbeagle

Thank you very much, definitely appreciate your support.
I speak the truth as I see it, no matter who may take offense to it; it’s who I am.
You’re exactly right, and I will go even further, NO one has the right to vote away ANYONE’S else’s property -- EVER!!
And yes such a practice IS communism.
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

David Lawn
David Lawn
3 years ago

There will be quite a mess soon if certain actions are not taken.
The US military is in charge, and Trump is Commander in Chief, but if the commander ignores certain necessary commands then other factors and other people will take over.
We have the matter of the mandatory death vax.
That seems to have been stopped now in the USA.
It is still a deathly threat in Austria, Australia, Europe … .
Forced-vax can be stopped in America because of the 2nd amendment. But the other countries dont have guns and I cannot see how to resist the goons knocking down the doors in those countries.
And the goons are coming. At the latest end of January 2022.

trump may macron merkel 70.jpg
3 years ago

“War: when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution: when you figure it out for yourself.”

3 years ago

We are lesser men. We are no longer self-sufficient and we no longer live hard lives. Technology has made us soggy. Good times create weak men. We are living in those times, but fear not, times are going to get tough, so what is left after the chaos will be hard men, and women. Start learning how to forage. Pick up as many texts on herbal remedies as you can find. Once the lights go out, the meds will dry up. It will be up to you to keep your family healthy and fed. I would like to recommend a couple of books to get you started. First is “Herbs to the Rescue by Kurt King. This is a small handbook and for under ten dollars, one of the best I have found. Second and third are the School of Natural Healing by Dr. John Christopher and the Herbal Syllabus. These are college level books on herbal remedies and are worth every penny. All three of these can be found on Amazon. Herbal Home Health Care is another great book by Dr. Christopher. If you’re noticing a pattern, its because I am a student of the School of Natural Healing. I have these books as part of my course and if my house was on fire, these books I’d grab, along with my pewers. In addition to books, Living Web Farms on youtube has a lot of videos on everything from soil conservation, to creating your own apothecary, to beekeeping. Perhaps this sounds a bit off topic, but if you consider our dependance on the state at present, it would be wise to position yourself to become more independent. I have been very fortunate over the past few years to be able to take courses at Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracker School, as well as classes with the School of Natural Healing. While it would no doubt be uncomfortable, I could walk into the field today and survive with minimal gear. This, in my humble opinion, is something we should all be striving for. Freedom is not a comfortable state, but it is better than the alternative. Scout, I plan to set up a Patreon page in the future covering herbs, nutrition, perhaps some primitive skills. I will email you once I’m up and running. Best of luck patriots. Keep yer heads down.

3 years ago

“So for all you visitors here if you are using a good email address let me know and I’ll send you an email.”
May I suggest for OPSEC readers use TUTANOTA.COM or PROTONMAIL.COM, 2 FREE services that enable end-to-end encryption, and in any case store ALL incoming mail in an encrypted folder (which they themselves cannot read).

Trust God and Live
Trust God and Live
3 years ago

I believe that PREPAREDNESS for potential hazards, be they acts of God or man-made, is prudent for everyone at all times and places. Since the likelihood of Mutant Zombie Bikers (or ravaging hordes of “the woke”) are not, presently likely in my rather sleepy desert town, I am striving to PREPARE for many different kinds of PERILS:

  1. I have maps of my neighborhood; my city; my county; my state; the nation. I am studying methods of access and egress to my neighborhood, as well as other potentially notable features.
  2. I have made friendships with my neighbors; learning who they are, what skills they have; what their priorities are. One, the closest, and a former marine, has made a “mutual response pact” with me. In the event of PERIL, we have a notable signal and a firm pledge to come PREPARED to render aid.
  3. I am studying my home to see if obvious “failure points” can be reduced or eliminated. For example, fire extinguishers are in every major room.
  4. I have personal, family, and “group” FAKs [First Aid Kits] with increasingly sophisticated tools; and I am studying first aid.
  5. I am about to join a local gun range, and have equipment which I will better learn to operate, while seeking the advice and counsel of my betters on the range.
  6. I have come to know a local pastor whom I respect, and I am aiding his work and seeking guidance for me and mine through worship, prayer, and scripture study. I pray frequently for those who are “here and now” in need of Divine Aid--and I couple my prayers with modest contributions within my power.
  7. I have not completed an Area of Operations study to learn local circumstances.
  8. I read several blogs every day, looking for possible PERILS to which I might reasonably respond. While there is no limit to the treason and deceit practiced in DC and elsewhere, I do not presently find any basis to “lock and load”. By the same token, however, the creed of the MINUTEMAN resonates with me--patriots prepared, skilled, and willing to respond to PERIL at a minute’s notice.
  9. I am reviewing my food storage plans; culling older inventory and replacing the same.
  10. I have given spouse and children my Christmas Wish List which includes, exclusively, preparedness items I “really want” but do not yet feel comfortable about just buying.

I perceive that the time will likely come when I must use these, and other preparations, to respond to PERIL. But, for now, “I send where I cannot go” and I PREPARE for when the need arises.

3 years ago

I can’t walk or run but I still have a good eye and trigger finger

3 years ago


3 years ago

Sounds good, comma, the official line is that the govt. and financiers are working to try to improve public health. That’s the official line, and to counter it effectively takes some knowledge and study of medicine and dis-ease, which is where Sen. Paul comes in, because he’s a licensed physician and knows stuff that the rest of use do not. He knows what is going on and can competently educate his colleagues and fellow policymakers in Congress. The rest of us are stuck taking notes and reading what gets handed out.

COVID enforcement: Of direct interest is what has happened in Australia, and in Austria and in other countries where gun control is a fact of life. Here in the US where we still have most of our rights, the socialists and social engineers have had a tough time, especially among Americans who are (also) armed with a genuine non-woke college degree and who can read/write/speak the english language at an advanced level, possibly equal to or even superior to that of members of the medical community as well as some people with the govt. and possibly even exceeding that of the power players in Silicon Valley with their computer toys that they love so much.

A wise man once said, “It’s all about control.” Those who are in power and presume themselves to be authorities, or at least in positions of authority, hate it when they come up blatantly ignorant against an even-tempered and well-informed electorate. When well-monied individuals such as Gates, such as Zuckerberg, et.al. including the social media dungeon masters, when these people pal up with govt. to turn a medical crisis into an excuse to implement their digital surveillance state and start messing with private citizens’ lives, that is when that electorate needs to assert control and authority over a system that has demonstrated its utility to be turned against the general public as a tool or weapon. so: don’t go for the bait, don’t get dragged into sketchy situations or fights, instead, ‘bring the receipts’, be like Ted(Cruz) and other statesmen who’ve been taking copious notes on/about/against the people who would cheerfully facilitate themselves upon the rest of us.

Reagan had a point about smaller govt. Unfortunately, no one listened to him or to his predecessor, Jimmy Carter. Here we are, papers, please.

PJ London
PJ London
3 years ago

Fight who?
Fight what?
Should we shoot the postman?
If you want to start a movement you must identify the opposition. You must have an objective. You must have an endpoint at which point you can say “We won”.
You have given none of these things.
Stupid slogans like “Fight Communism and Commies” mean nothing.
Is Saunders a Communist?, the local cop?
How about “We must fight until Trump is President”. And then what? he achieved nothing last time, why would he achieve any more the next time, or any person?
The most stupid argument is “We must fight for Jesus” in a country where not one in ten thousand actually live by his rules. And if they did, they would “turn the other cheek.”
As long as you have no idea what you want, no idea who is preventing you from getting it and absolutely no idea of how to get even if you knew the answer to the above, fighting is ridiculous.
But it makes you feel “strong and brave to call for a fight”.
No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique.
Sun Tzu

Brian Edminster
Brian Edminster
3 years ago
Reply to  PJ London

Fight Who? Fight What?
Both EXCELLENT questions! They seem obvious, but are they -- really?
But even more important, is having some idea of what ‘victory’ conditions look like should things go ‘kinetic’ -- so we can know when we’ve won.
That may sound trite, but it’s not. We can’t just ‘kill all the Commies (or those that act like and/or conspire with them)’ -- as that will end up with an uncomfortably large percentage of our fellow countrymen dead, and no changes to reduce the likelihood of this happening all over again. And just fighting until there is no more ‘government’ to speak of is also not the answer. Heck, it’s probably less than half the battle -- so to speak, because it does nothing to ensure the re-establishment of something closer to what the original Declaration of Independence and Constitution intended.
But take heart. Even if we have to do a ‘clean slate’ restart -- at least we won’t be hamstrung with the egregious 3/5 compromise that the institution of slavery forced on the Original Founders. We’ve had a working Constitution that while not perfect, was closer to that than any prior document in history.
What concerns me the most also concerned John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People.”
As we are no longer a moral and religious People (at least, not as originally envisioned), this needs to be taken into account in any ‘re-designs’ or ‘updated’ Constitution that may someday replace what we currently have.
FWIW -- I also think that banning the unofficial ‘4th’ arm of government -- the ‘Bureaucratic Branch’ needs to be high on the list of things that must be forbidden -- as it’s essentially unaccountable to the Citizenry and often even to the Legislative and Judiciary branches!
Enough for now -- as additional writing and then editing this into a shorter and more concise ‘statement of work’ will require enough time that this comment will be lost in the weeds, and be of no use. Hopefully though, it’s provided some perspective and planted a few seeds.

3 years ago

People are still arguing over taking action with arms. For what? To keep a corrupt corporation that you vote in some “selected CEO” every 4 years. How many times do we repeat the playbook. Surnames are slave names. Lawyers rule this country and they should not exist if the real government still existed. 13th amendment anyone. Private property…yeah right. We are trapped in OZ. We all might get lucky and wake up from the fever dream. In the meantime drink from the tap and take your jab.

Brian Edminster
Brian Edminster
3 years ago

I’m interested -- and this is as good an email as I currently have.
Just so it doesn’t get lost in the haystack that is my inbox, what subject line or ‘from’ address should I be watching for?

Big J
Big J
3 years ago

former operators are the ones that are going to have to take the lead on all of this. If none of the most capable are willing then good luck getting Joe six pack do do it.

Bill Fenn
Bill Fenn
3 years ago

I’m ready. The email is good.

B Johnson
B Johnson
3 years ago

Most doctors are slaves to the lawyers and their malpractice insurance; they will do whatever is necessary to appease them; thoughts of liberty are far from their minds. My theory is that to be meaningful, a new republic would require a NATIONWIDE uprising, which would require a nationwide true-blue, 5-star catastrophe, such as a virus strain that spreads like wildfire AND is extremely deadly, and/or a world-wide economic collapse so deep and so prolonged, that people literally have nothing left to lose.