We Are at War


It is not begging the question to state that the US government is at war against the people. I define “the people” as those who have and still are trying to build a better future for our children in a united States. The “government” of the United States does not represent us and as shown above, they want us dead.

The Republican House has been seated almost two months. I do not have to say anything about what they have done so far. The release of the J6 footage to Tucker Carlson should have happened two years ago. The political prisoners should never have been arrested, let alone held in literally tortuous conditions.

I do not have the answers. I wrote this time last week that I was sure that we would be in WWIII by February 24th. And yet, events still continue to deteriorate without igniting the fires of freedom.

I do know that if possible, I want the thousands of people responsible or the overthrow of the Republic to be held accountable for their crimes. From the “law enforcement” who attacked unarmed protesters to the “leadership” of the House and Senate who managed this “insurrection” with the collusion of the FBI and other three letter agencies on January 6th.

God help us all because we are at the Gates of Hell.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They will keep doing as they please, it will only rachet up and get worse. They cannot stop at this point why would they, it is apparent that they are not worried about retribution or an armed offense. They will pick and choose who they take down next. Submit, surrender maybe you will survive. How is that, I bet you don’t call that bait, sissy.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

This time I am sure that the Republican House will do what it does every other time we have “hearings” and “investigations”.

Exactly nothing. They are not only useless, they are MORE useless than the demoncrats, and possibly more evil. MTG, anyone? I admit I had hope that she would accomplish something. Right up until she supported McCarthy. Stupid me… once more. Won’t be fooled again.

At this point there are two types of people in this country… those who care about freedom, and those who don’t. I have no more tolerance for the starbucks-sipping sissyfags that infest the cities and vote for our destruction. I will NOT fight to save them. I will NOT fight to save the cities. I will NOT fight to save the criminals. At this point, I don’t care whether they live or die. I used to. I have family in these cities. I quite honestly no longer give a F*CK whether THEY live or die, because they are the ones who wanted me to starve when I told the vaccine-overlords NO.

The price of abject incompetence is going up. The number of people who have suffered at the hands of government, big medicine and big tech, and ignored by big media is going up exponentially. The monsters in charge who have subjected the good, hard-working, honest Americans to inconceivable crimes against them, their children and future children will NEVER be forgiven. People can become very, very dangerous when they have nothing left to lose.

In the time I have left, I will mind my own business as long as I’m left alone. I will do everything I can to survive, and help those around me survive who also just wanted to be left alone. Under no circumstances will I fight any longer to save a country that wants to die, and I will NOT make any effort to feed, defend, or otherwise help ANYONE who has not made some effort to push back against our evil and oppressive government. They can contemplate the results of their inaction while they’re being gang-violated and then eaten by the thugs President Trump tried to keep from coming into our country.

 “Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it, leftists.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

we have been at war for a very long time.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Should add as far as the video goes, ‘Enjoy The Show’ i do not go along with the pro Trump aspect. i do not Trust that all of this was not part of the plan to further their agenda. Biut i do believe there is a lot of good info in this video. Pieces are assembled.

2 years ago

WWIII has started, the nukes just haven’t started falling yet. Remember WWII was first called the phoney war!