We Are in the Process of Relinquishing the Freedom That Is America. Freedom Is Not Reserved for Those Unwilling to FIGHT for It!

It is surreal watching your country collapse in real time while life goes on as normal for most folks. I feel like all I do lately is scream into the wind.

Today, Brandon is going to address the nation again and tell us how he is going to send us “free” masks to put a stop to this “pandemic” and how we must all comply and wear the mask all hours of the day. I can’t wait to see all the videos of these masks being burnt upon arrival to people’s homes. I also can’t wait to see how many sheeple will be crying tears of joys that they have received these “free” masks which will save them from this “virus”.

It takes a long time for nations to fall, even when they are dead on their feet, but here we are, in the thick of it now. A look back in history will show that in 1913 America took its fatal blow, and we are now seeing the results of that horrible year. Feb. 3, 1913 the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified, authorizing the federal government to impose income taxes on individuals. An amendment to a tariff act in 1894 had attempted to do this, but since it was clearly unconstitutional, the Supreme Court struck it down. As a result, and mostly under the banner of bleeding the rich, the 16th Amendment was promoted and passed. Woodrow Wilson signed it into law and in 1914 income taxes began.

Also the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified, taking the powers of the states and transferring them to Washington, by mandating the popular election of senators. Previously, senators were appointed by state legislatures, restraining the power of the national government. This change gave political parties immediate and massive power, nearly all of which was consolidated in the city of Washington, D.C. So they consolidated power and began robbing Americans of their wealth. It has taken just over a hundred years from that day, but now we are in the death throes of our nation.

We are in the process of relinquishing the freedom that is America. Sadly the vast majority of us fell for the two weeks to flatten the curve. It was a huge mistake looking back in retrospect. But now it is time to fix that mistake. It is time to actively resist all these unlawful mandates. Mask mandates, “Vaccine” mandates, Weekly testing, Show us your vaccine passport for employment, etc. Our Founding Father’s would literally have been shooting a long time ago.

Oh there you go again Wes, “Saber Rattling”. I can hear it now, “What’s your plan?” “You first!” “Who will we be fighting?” “How will we know when we have won?” “What comes after?” “What if we lose?” “I have bills to pay and a family to take care of!” “It’s much to risk.” “We can’t fight the mightiest government in the world!”

I guess I’m just wired different. For all the comforts in the world mean nothing if you don’t have Freedom!

Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

You think we have that? Not even close, and not for a long time now.

People keep asking what do we do? Doing something is better than nothing. Courage is contagious. Start somewhere, the momentum will build. The big dance will come soon enough. I can’t even describe to you the feeling you get when you actually stand up to tyrants. It’s something that you have to experience for yourself.

Are we really brave if we allow all these things to occur and keep silent and not fight back, because we are afraid that someone will call us a name or threaten our livelihood?

It’s time to fight! No matter how small of an act you might think of, do it! Do it now! Begin the resistance in your area. Throw caution to the wind and damn the consequences!

Freedom is not reserved for those unwilling to fight for it.


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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Truth to fact, snafu situation normal all fucked up is what we have. I will not comply obey or surrender to any of their illegal mandates, edicts, laws or anything else they might think of. It is way past time to stand and fight, I will not live on my knees I will stand and fight like a man, time is up.

3 years ago

Having watched South Africa fall from the inside, it is even more surreal for me watching the same thing going down in my country. Unlike most I could see it coming because I had experienced it. We have arrived people. How the rest of this rolls out is up to us.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Australia, New Z have reverted back to prison colonies/police states, enslaved and dumbed down, spinless cowards, under mind control w/ A.I. installed softwear in the shots making them even more stupid w/ each jab. https://banned.video/watch?id=61d710495b236759d26ccd7a folks also see: theStewPeters show on rumble, and the newpatriot on Brighteon for constant updates incl covid patients murdered in hospitals for gov. money, and shot ingredients to control the slaves who got the shots..

3 years ago

When I pick up a rifle I’m doing so for my Kids, Grandchildren, Nieces and Nephews so they may have an opportunity to fix this FUBAR of a nation. I look around and realize we stopped raising American boys and girls some years ago. My conundrum is this: Do I really want to give my life for a bunch of loser POS’s that couldn’t tell me anything about the Constitution or Bill of Rights, people that want to “be taken care of rather than have an opportunity to become something?” People who would do anything for a new Apple Phone and nothing to protect their liberties or freedoms. When you hear of young people give their body for a damn phone upgrade …we have a problem!
We need a Reset alright and Jefferson gave us one: That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety!

Last edited 3 years ago by OPM
R. Shooter
3 years ago

I had this very same conversation with my (conservative?) brother this very morning. He said” that’s not who we are” and” I am just as bad as them if I fight and kill them”. He said F@#k you and hang up on me. I’m afraid there are far to many like him out there. Wes your post and those on this site along with comments give me a bit of hope in patriots.Though we are many miles apart, I pledge my life fortune and sacred honor to all my real brothers and sisters. I feel its about to start. May God be with us all.

3 years ago

This is not going to be some traditional Gorilla war with militias and fire teams. This will have to be a million men each acting alone, doing what they can do, not communicating or teaming with anyone.
Today’s technology means any grouping, training, or communications would be compromised. It must be one man, one event..

Dave of Oregon
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

Well, get Ham radio gear, and ditch your stupid cell phone. comms can be accomplished with lots of other resources. learn morse code, and use lights, etc. Don’t be STUCK ON STUPID. When the war starts, a Ham license will be meaningless. But learn how to use the equipment from patriotic HAMs who understand what’s going on. Get as many UV5R type radios as you can, and large batteries. Keep them in sealed metal cans, like galvanized trash cans when not in use. Get them NOW. the uncivil war is really close now. I hope you all have stocked up on all the food, medicine, TP, and other supplies you need, because when the SHTF you won’t be resupplying easily. Keep your plans close to the vest, and if you have to discharge your FA, don’t hesitate. AIM SMALL, HIT SMALL.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave of Oregon

You could also get a satellite phone as well, team up train up and get ready.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave of Oregon

Stasi/gestapo/UN troops will be going around in cities, etc w/ protective vests. Folks keep this in mind when defending yourself or others.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

This will definitely be a very different war, no concentrated effort until we get to the political revamping process, but until then, when it kicks off, it will be an individual war against all who persecute. It will not be a force against force, but a war of 80 million individual battles. As individual battles are won or lost they will slowly become one.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

We are ALL an ‘Army of ONE Patriot’ -- each militia will start as one patriot holding traitors/invaders accountable… Armor of God be with you all.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

Anthem: Agree w/u, Or a very small number of close knit people acting as a cell: http://www.louisbeam.com/leaderless.htm

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

If anyone survives, books will be written about the conflict about to unfold on us. I don’t think there has ever been an enemy like the one we are facing. The enemy looks like them and he also looks like us. He uses demographics as a weapon. Currency, food and finance as a weapon. Bio-warfare on their own people and others. Propaganda so intense and relentless, it’s at a new level. School indoctrination. But we are humans. We have survived everything that nature could throw at us since the beginning of humanity. We will destroy them. That’s what we do.

Dave of Oregon
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Well then, when it starts, take them out first, whoever THEY are, anymore it will be your personal choice. When you think it’s time, then IT’S TIME.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

They want us dead and they are outa options, except deadly bioweappons that kill more people: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/desperate-democratic-leadership-out-options-result-americans-are-great-deal-danger

3 years ago

A moral dilemma? In the old days, when a king was deposed, his entire male lineage was killed. This to prevent any ‘sons’ from rising later in vengeance. If we look closely at TPTB, we see an entire network of nepotism. Connect the dots and see how many ‘important people’ are related to other ‘important people’. So, just suppose a populist upheaval does occur and We the People are victorious. What is to be done with these families? I’m not advocating anything here, just throwing out something to ponder. Once George Soros finally dies, his son is right there to continue his evil work. If there is to be a cleansing … how thorough?

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Remove their seed from the face of the earth.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Good men will have to do evil things, they will all have to go.

3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

eliminate the gene pool completely nuff said,run them thru a Morbark 50/48 whole tree shreader feet first

3 years ago

The only thing that would put a smile on my face is a mass hanging of those responsible up there to end their nonsense on the American people for over 100 years.
Public hanging.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

Some say Guillotine.


[…] of the U.S. population actually wants an authoritarian ‘big brother’ police stateWe Are In the Process of Relinquishing the Freedom That is America. Freedom is Not Reserved For Thos…As A Global, End Times War Nears, Despotism Is Being Ramped Up In America: Expect Armed Guards […]

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago

People in this country are so dumbed down, proven by acceptance in major cities: NYC, Chicago, New O. ,L.A., San Fr, All of Hawaii, Philadelphia and other cities mandating the QR shot pass for entering most businesses. It doesn’t appear to be letting up, Philadelphia was just added to the list. Anyone know of other places not mentioned? Stupid people allowed it in these cities.