Still getting your news from the main stream media? The government propaganda engines have been repeatedly caught providing doctored and staged ‘news’ to America. It always follows the agenda of the global elite. The following video is one more example. How much longer will we continue to accept the BS propaganda being dished out to us?
But how do you keep all those locals quiet?
rogerunited -- I’ll answer your question with a question. Assuming one of the ‘locals’ wanted to speak up, just who among the MSM would give them a hearing? Just who would broadcast their ‘conspiracy theory nonsense’?
When I was a boy (circa early 60’s) the MSM still had real journalists who actually investigated and ‘broke’ stories. Today any who dare break a story inconsistent with the ‘agenda’ will find their career ruined. Simple as that.
It would seem, with the internet, that somebody would be able to post something or contact a group like the one that did this video anonymously.
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