We Didn’t Start the Fire” – Donald Trump Edition


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We did not start the fire. I will give credit to Donald Trump’s exposure of the true depths of the evil that eventually overthrew the Republic. But there is no doubt that the Deep State’s conflagration is burning down the country.

We will see this week if there is any response from the pitiful opposition known as the Republican party. There is a small chance that Biden will be impeached by the House but he will be exonerated in the Senate trial. What is our recourse? Should we wait to rebuild from the ashes after they have executed their plan Bs and fled to their safe havens?

What do I personally want? This country is going down in flames. I have no desire to rebuild the country as it is now composed. I would like to see a portion reborn from Texas through Virginia and all states below. As for Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago and the West Coast, let them stew in the cesspools of debt that they created. This new nation’s biggest problem will be immigration. Think of how many people will want to migrant to the new South based on the founding principles of this once great nation.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago


1 year ago

You forgot the Redoubt : Idaho, Wyoming and Montana with Eastern Oregon set to join in. Likely the Dakotas would hook up. A significant geographical oversight on your part, David. The South will need allies up this way…

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yeah, West coast people just don’t understand Appalachia was here long before white man even saw those states.
But whatever. Everyone thinks they’re smarter and know better. Its not just or Northeastern problem.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 year ago

There have been two “overthrows” of the Republic. The first was in 1865 when the power of the federal government was consolidated over the several “states united” (the Republic). The second was the “New Deal” in the 1930s when Fascism fundamentally changed the nature of the federal government.
What we are seeing now is the logical conclusion.

1 year ago

The United States is Mystery Babylon… God will destroy it and rightfully so… does the Bible say it will be rebuilt or rise from the ashes?? We are living in the very last days David please wake up to that and the Trump deception.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I had the hit in the face moment this weekend when I realized Biden is on the way out, one way or another and Trump is wrapped with all things legal, what a great time for our antichrist to jump in. The kingdom is/was right here.
If true the next contestant ( on The Price of a Nation) may improve things enough for great support then pull de rug, right out from under everyone’s feet.
Stay grounded in truth.

1 year ago

What do we do? I’m not a forever Trumper, though he did a very good job even despite the friction against him. He did many very good things for the country that we never heard about due to a violent media against him. Yet he has not come out against the killer jab. That is the ego issue. He can’t ever say he was wrong. Ego. But what other options do we have? As the other side is doing everything other than taking him out, he is the only option true Americans have. Dangerous times.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

It was 8 years ago this August my wife informed me.
I saw the light, I voted with my feet, I shoukd have left WNY for ETN a decade ago.
As someone who lived on the other side of the mason dixon for 40 years, theres something you have to understand. These people believe, truly believe it in their heart and soul down to their feet, that they are better than you.
You need to exclude most of northern VA from your list David. In fact anything Richmond on up… frankly its more of an East/West divide than North/South in that state. Take the right side of Rt81 and toss it, we’ll take the left side.

1 year ago

look to Tactical Civics.com for answers to our problems-time to go to work fixing our country

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

What ‘we want,’ does not matter.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

i agree also.

1 year ago

Not to be a Debbie Downer but could someone please explain to this old, retired Army Medic how we are going to stop the evil and rebuild our once fine Republic?

I think most folks here know I prayerfully believe we are under God’s judgement as per Isaiah Chapter 3 and soon Revelations 18 will be fulfilled.

But setting that aside as plenty of people before me in history also thought so in various other countries.

How do you think we can defeat the evil infesting our country? The electronic surveillance and soon enough a total ban on cash for a Chinese style social score E-Dollar that allows THEM to choose IF you can buy or sell (a bit like the Mark in Revelations, eh?).

Grid down anybody? Ever think that one through a bit?

The after that who here can rebuild society and the power grid and many other systems that allow over 10 TIMES the population that lived in America prior to electricity? Look up US population today vs 1860 when electricity became commonplace as in a wired in light bulb for most folks.

As the rule of 3’s says you DIE or wish you were dead on the 3rd DAY of bad or no water. Currently there are squatters living in RV’s dumping raw sewage on peoples properties. I suspect it will be far worse after we shoot up the place a bit.

I’ve seen an ethnic cleansing aka civil war as a medic. It’s not armies meeting up at battlefields. It’s family members against family members often fighting over who gets to eat today. Basement torcher chambers.

No wonder I’d welcome an EMP, a few weeks of troubles and see you on the other side.

Praying for wisdom

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Many different ideas and scenarios. i believe as you do, these things are all in His hands. Trying to be the best that i can and hold things together as long as He is with me, and calls me to do so. Persevere.
One day at a time.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Given this much thought and or Biblical reference?
i doubt if many people yet have heard of the Carrington event:
The Solar Killshot -- Statistics and Timelines

Hammers Thor
1 year ago

What most people still do not know (because it’s not broadcast on MSM or even most alt-news) is that Earth is more vulnerable to a big solar flare than even 20 years ago. If the Carrington Event from 1859 were to occur today, the entire grid, worldwide, would melt down and fail. Within three months the vast majority of humanity would be dead… more than 90 percent.

Every electrical wire in every home, office and grid will become supercharged and melt from the overload. This will cause fires in nearly every home and office, and disable most automobiles, and the ability to refuel them.

It’s not IF this will happen, but WHEN. And we’re due.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Hammers Thor almost a biblical level destruction, like the flood? Like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Would make a mere human EMP look a lot less impressive.

So, how would your home being ablaze affect your nicely stored prepping supplies? All those safe queens and gear?

I ask because a friend of mine lost his home and the bulk of his prepping supplies last year in a wildfire. But since we split our supplies between friends places the group and insurance were able to make them almost whole.

Trusted friends are worth more in times of trouble than electronic digits in the bank.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Would make a mere human EMP look a lot less impressive.”
we have opposites.
Yep, it seems while man can destroy himself and many are giving warnings and spreading fear of man (many pastors through the years) The Good book tells us we are not to fear man nor what he can do to us or the body. Yet the world yammers on….about mans “great reset!”
They (evil) want, need you, to fear and loath mankind while the Good book tells us to behave in the opposite.
Yahuahs Great reset will be like nothing man could do to himself!

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, my name is Scott. I very humbly and politely give you this advice.
You are a Child of God, created in his image, though your Savior the Christ you are given full authority over Satan and all his evil doings.
why do you sound so afraid. Why are you exhibiting capitulation for any on to see? Why are you showing fear in the face of the enemy? Why would you utter with a voice that so many can hear that you are afraid and so should every one else? WE DO NOT LIVE IN FEAR!!! I am the head not the tale. I rebuke any authority over me that is not righteous in nature and bearing the fruit of my Lord God Almighty who sits on the Throne In Heaven. Please if you are going to sow seeds of futility and cowardice, just sit back in your lazy boy, grab a bag of popcorn, stay out of the fight and pray for us that will never resist, never back down, and will never, ever, live on our knees, and will stand with authority against all toiling, machinations, of the enemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

Somehow Scott you wandered into the wrong church and wrong pew.

Go play in a sandbox. I asked a real question and you’re pretending to be some sort of Preacher.

If you’d like to take a intelligent stab at answering the question, OH Humble One then I shall apologize for your missteps.

I fear no one that can kill the body, I fear (as in Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, fear) ONLY He that can destroy body and soul in hell.

Matthew 10:28
King James Version
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Laughing out loud at the Fakebook down arrows.

How about taking a stab at the question at hand?

It’s EASY to kill and destroy. ANY Green Haired tacklebox faced critter can do that. It took years of hard work by men of honor to build the framework of our Republic.

For those that don’t do history the American Revolution ended in 1783. The Constitution was ratified and put into service in 1789. 6 YEARS of Hard work by Honorable men.

How many here have an actual paper copy of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bible within arm’s reach right now?

If not when the internet is down what pray tell are you going to USE Rebuilding this Republic again? IF IT’S IMPORTANT Have HARD COPIES.

So, the questions remain, after you do the easy part of finishing off our Republic with gunfire, what’s your plans to rebuild it?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

i have re read Michaels statement and questions a few times and do not gather that he is (“Why are you showing fear in the face of the enemy? Why would you utter with a voice that so many can hear that you are afraid and so should every one else?”
He no where stated that every one should be afraid and in fear!
Seemed to me he is a brother speaking freely of thoughts that many of us have had. He also states he is praying for wisdom.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

we all know how to do it, but no one wants to be that guy to say it or start it. One side gotta go! Sort of peaceful solution….balkanize.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal

Kal you cannot balkanize with evil. They don’t know how to stop or agree to anything other than overlording it over ashes.

I ASKED after you “Defeat Evil” HOW are you going to REBUILD the Republic.

Seems a lot of FAKEBOOK Patriots KNOW only down arrows instead of honest and honorable discussion.

No wonder Satan in his many faces laughs at us.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

I ASKED after you “Defeat Evil” HOW are you going to REBUILD the Republic.
One day at a time. As He guides us. i for one do not think nor believe we will be “rebuilding the republic.” i believe that this phase is done. Perhaps after what is considered (a thousand years of peace) things will go awry once again. History repeats and people have a very short remembrance it seems.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Much prayer and real revival is how it gets fixed

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Just saw this, pretty well describes where i am at.

1 year ago

Trump finally calls for full disclosure concerning the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines:

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Does not matter whether you support Trump or not, the evil men and women are being exposed. They are not the majority in this country, God fearing men and women are the majority, I seek God first. I will never surrender or kneel to satin’s minions, no quarter or mercy to this satanic regime, there demise is coming.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Well said, Tom. I stand with you.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Thank you strider, God bless.

Hammers Thor
1 year ago

This new nation’s biggest problem will be immigration. Think of how many people will want to migrant to the new South based on the founding principles of this once great nation.”

Kurt Schlichter has it right in his books… MUST serve in the military to become a voting citizen. Also, border walls work.

1 year ago

We, meaning “we the people,” didn’t start the fire. It was treacherous, treasonous, evil and godless men and women who set the fire blazing. But I still believe that if we raise-up an army of decent, brave and God-fearing men and women, all of us together will damned-sure put the fire out.
Keep fighting the “good fight” in every way you possibly can. Never surrender!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Yes, strider it will take action on our part, not just words, action.

1 year ago

Looks like IRS is also starting a fire

Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

The weaponization and militarization of the federal government continues unabated as Congress and the states sit back and do nothing

When the corporate media asked the IRS why it needed automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and heavily armed staffers trained in the “use of deadly force,” they said it was for “administrative reasons.”

But we now know that the globalists are not just arming the IRS, along with just about every other federal agency. They are militarizing these agencies to the hilt with military-grade weapons not available to American citizens.

Why, for instance, would the IRS need armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns?

The IRS has been arming up for at least ten years. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache, according to an August 8, 2022, Forbes article, “Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS.” You can bet they’ve got a lot more than that stored up six years later in 2023.
