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Yea I guess we just need to be good little sheep and wait for it to burn down around us. Then we can begin to rebuild from the ground up, if this is not another insane idea what do you call it. While we cower in fear, and try to not let them find out we do not agree with their agenda, for fear of retribution. As people here have stated we do not have the power to change or stop what is happening, this is another insane proposition. Our cowardice will not save us either.
The Bible says it’s all going down the shitter. I suppose you’re calling God insane. God does not promote cowardice. “We”, don’t do the rebuilding, God does. In light of this, telling others that their fight against evil is ‘doomed’, is just sowing discord among the brethren. It is not good to take His name in vain by calling oneself a Christian while also, telling them to trust in man and not God.
Your interpretation of my words saying I’m calling God insane are your words alone. You speak like the modern day religious leaders to cower in fear and kneel to your task master. I never said to not fight evil, because I say stand and fight you call me evil. Have at it kneel to your masters I will not.
Why don’t you pull the timber out of your own eye first, no one said to trust man first you lie, I guess your the good Christian, I don’t think so.
Get behind me satan in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I know who you obey if you don’t.
Pro24:10 If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Pro24:11 If thou forebear to delivery them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;
This is not another insane idea: it is the truth. I and many other good people fought the good fight for two years at great personal expense in the Raleigh area. We fought for our children, not power, glory or political office as many other tea party groups did. Once Obamacare passed and we realized that most people had not suffered enough to fight, we retrenched our efforts, finances and goals. We may have lost all of the battles to date against tyranny but the war is yet to be fought. Stop wasting time on people who will not act and develop resources to fight the real war against evil.
If you think you will win that battle I have a bridge I want to sell you, they have been preparing just as long if not longer. They have underground facility’s very well stocked and secure. Just look at the facility underneath the colorado airport, just one of many. Is this a war of contrition? I think not, this is a war for all the marbles.
If you think this is the path you have chosen I would ponder this, they have led you down this path, death by a thousand cuts is what we need to start doing ASAP. I know we are not the men our founding fathers were that is very evident.
Sorry to say you will lose that battle as well no offense meant just my opinion.
It appears that I have hit a sore spot concerning how you will fight the impending war. Consider this:
Their final goal is 500 million people. They will do anything to get to that point including unleashing the next deadlier pandemic, nuclear wars or EMP nuclear wars to starve us to death. Or the most likely pathway: death by vaccination. If that is their choice, we have already lost the Republic as most people sit idly by criticizing everyone else who does not want to follow in their footsteps.
I will continue the path laid out before me by the Lord. I think you have made several faulty assumptions concerning my path. Good luck to you.
Good luck to you as well.
They cannot and will not abide our existence. Unless we are suicidal, we have no choice but to fight. Whether we can win or not is not relevant.
I agree they have all the money and assets to kill us off, when and how they choose. Fear of what is holding us back? Fight we must.
It is your truth, I am not sore or hurt and the path you have chosen is yours, but because I differ on opinion with you, you assume too much.
Tom … what is your advice? What do you think we should do? Like D, I’ve been fighting since I was 18 years old. I’ll be 68 in a couple of months. Bread and circuses, brother. The American people have had plenty to eat and plenty of entertainment. Why worry? I agree with D. They have yet to suffer enough, but it’s coming. What if the normies continue getting sick and dying from the clot-shot? What if their kids do? What if the election fraud investigations (yes, they’re ramping up and gaining momentum) finally break out for all to see? What if individual Americans who will have lost so much begin to take matters into their own hands? It takes pain to get to that point.
Of course it takes pain to get to what you propose, it is amazing what people can get used to. Your attempt to wait them out is doomed to failure, they have all the levers at their command. Soon enough energy sources will start being rationed as well as food, we are also talking about water as well. You cannot survive very long without water, you can survive a little longer without food. Your dream of the phoenix rising out of the ashes is just that a dream. Is it fear that drives our in action, I think so.
In a movie multiple 5 or 6 man teams are seen making strategic surgical strikes as long as it takes to get the ball rolling day and night in the movies, especially involving the politburo and their accomplices other targets come to mind also these type of assets are hard to come by, just in the movies you see.
So I repeat my question. What do you suggest we do?
Start organizing people in your community militia if that is what you want to call them, in my little town of 30,000 we have over 12 active militias. They are working and training as one. As 2nd line of defense stated if 12 men per county stood up, we would have a more than substantial shoe of force, not use of force.
Tried that (militia) in NC before I left for the Ozarks. Turns out we had two Feds or Fed controlled operatives in our unit. They created dissention and collapse. Anyone who thinks they can get away with forming a militia without the Feds getting in are mistaken. The answer is lone wolf or pairing with a close friend. Then … rule .308.
You need to vet these people and stay vigilant; you can weed these people out. This is one of their best weapons trust. When you bring people in they should not be trusted or given information, until they are completely vetted and then still it is not 100%. But still your idea is a good one, their is no one path to follow, whatever you think is best, why not try.
Bank bail ins coming -- Dodd Frank
Jane, your warning disturbs me. Please provide a link if possible. Thanks.
Revive the people’s militia! I’m not talking about the national guard, they are an auxiliary branch of the armed forces. Im talking about the Militia written into your states constitution. If all able bodies citizens stepped up to the responsibility, we would have an armed force of 55.000.000 armed Americans.who is going to argue with that? LE? Secret service? FBI? US armed forces? Nope! Nobody. Get off your asses arm chair Patriots. Put 12 people together per county, and we stand as 36,000 armed Americans in a show of force, not use of force. Remember, these fucktards we’re Americans too. And may be again when the smoke clears.
Arizona is already in this state, just in my own small town we have at last count 12 militias. Stand up people time to be counted.
Have you shut the southern border of Arizona yet? Stopped the invasion from the south? How much territory do the 12 militias in your town control? Just asking.
I am in NW Az, we do not control the border or territory, we try to help and inform people about the state of our nation. When the time comes and I think it will be sooner than later we will stand and fight.
Rule 308.
You know who, you can find out the when and where, then execute.
Should Tom Finley be correct, I see lots and lots of folks resorting to Rule .308. Once the normies are red pilled, anything can happen.
[…] still surprises me which articles get the most traffic and the most spirited comments. For example, this post, now keep in mind just because I post a video doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with the content. […]
I have a silly question and it’s probably a late in the game question, why can’t we drink the tap water?