A common refrain from people is that we need a leader to restore Liberty. Is this a valid argument or is this an excuse for inaction? How did our forefathers come together and organize the American Revolution?
- Our country was united from 1750 through 1776. We had a common culture and although there were different denominations, our religion was Christianity. More importantly, the clergy encouraged their congregations to rebel as documented in the book Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution. The British called our revolution “The Presbyterian Rebellion“.
- Our forefathers understood the concept of public virtue and made sure that it was taught in our schools. They understood that public virtue was the key to success in securing our future Liberty and were less concerned about implementing a new governmental structure before taking action against tyranny. There is a reason this concept has been eliminated from our schools.
- Our schools were not state indoctrination centers.
- Our communications were not monitored by a police state.
- We were more self-reliant. We relied on the Lord to provide for us, not the state.
- People knew their neighbors.
- People worked or they did not survive.
- Local and state politicians were held accountable. Votes were cast in secure elections.
- The extended family structure was important to their survival.
- We were a moral people asking for the firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence to escape tyranny.
Our nation today is under attack by our government. They want to increase tyranny by dividing us: political affiliation, racism, vaccination, culture or religion are all weaponized against our unity. I will not address the above points of our country and culture as they apply to our present circumstances since they should be self-evident.
I do want to address what we need to do to defeat the evil that has usurped our country, government, churches and educational facilities here.
- Unite. Reject the labels and attempts to divide us. Concentrate on building a community based on common goals and tenets.
- Focus on what needs to be done to give our children a better future. This begins by taking back our schools in every aspect. A good start would be allowing parents to sit in their children’s classrooms or monitoring teachers online.
- Concentrate on every method to remove dependence on the state. That pathway has no honor, morality or virtue.
- Become proficient in the safe operation of firearms. Always be armed and prepared to protect yourself. Practice operational security at all times. Our enemy must think twice before acting against us with impunity.
- Stop using the lack of a “leader” for your inaction. Stand up and be counted. Whether it is a PTA, school board or county commissioners’ meeting, you can make a difference. Encourage your neighbors to do the same to make a united front.
- Stop thinking you can vote your way out of this. The government has usurped power by fraudulent elections since 2008 at a minimum.
- Remember the best trait of leadership is followship. Look for this trait.
- Act with Sacred Honor.
- Get your affairs in order.
- Prepare for war.
David DeGerolamo
I think speaking up is very important. so many don’t speak because they think they are alone in their thinking what is wrong. your voice gives strength to others to speak and stand with you.
it’s the gaslighting that does this. isolates you.
Excellent to you too, Otis: Too many times have I seen verbal abuse by the Left [e.g., the “COS”] against those who oppose their wicked schemes; but no one stands up for the target of the abuse.
People should rise up against those who engage in smear mongering!
Jeffrey Prather started team America with most of those concepts. Let us take America back God bless.
Thank you. This is an excellent article.
I pray that people are beginning to wake up to the evil that has surrounded them for decades. Once again, thank you.
that is excellent!
One question: re No. 7: What is “followship” ?
Followship is a trait that was taught to me by a very smart and humble leader. An effective leader knows when to listen and follow advice that will advance the mission or ensure a better outcome.
thank you!
You are welcome.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
I spoke on this very theme at a Patcon in Idaho about 8 years ago. I told those assembled, that if they didn’t start governing their communities according to their beliefs, then they had no standing to complain when things went wrong.
I also told them, that the sacrifice of living a public life through such service was a far lighter burden to bear, than having to go cull the crop of local problems, at which point I tossed pizza boxes into the crowd. I told them there were 3 choices -- surrender, destroy, or win.
The same is true today. Choose wisely.
Very nice article. I’ve been watching political developments for decades, and I’ve been waiting for the articulate to voice what you have finally said: if you want to recognize a good leader, practice good ‘followship’ (what I used to call ‘followership’). If you want to have a good leader, be one. Continue in the meantime to practice good followship, and the best leaders will come to the surface.
I will add two thoughts to your essay:
1) what preceded the American Revolution was the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years’ War which lasted from 1756 -- ‘63. In the North American theater of battle (it spanned 5 continents), the colonies were united behind the British flag against the common enemy of the French with whom they had been in deadly conflict all throughout the ‘40s and ‘50s. In the war, the men of the colonies learned how to cooperate militarily. They learned that military action taken by a unified and generally well-led mass of men will have positive outcomes. They also learned what they would not tolerate: overweening abuses of power directly upon them by the British military authority. It would be easy in the ‘70s to recall that and to equate their personal wartime experiences with the principles the American colonists fought for and against.
Ironically, the Treaty of Paris which resolved that North American conflict induced the French finally to support the American Revolution as a means of weakening the British Empire. Their support was a big deal to us, but that’s another story.
2) I came here by way of WRSA. Along with the link to your oft-linked webpage is this link: https://www.smallestminority.org/2021/07/analysis-spot-on/ Let me recommend the essay there to your readership as a thought piece.
Keep thinking and writing.
Yours in support of Liberty,
Ed Gage
We must leave government schools en mass, monitoring the pit still makes it a pit.
We cannot continue to send our children to Caesar for their education and be surprised when they come home as Romans.
Voddie T. Baucham
i am 60 yrs young, but i know that things is getting bad, i live alone but have been up on defense, have two dogs that are very alert on anything. that is around us, but like i said alone.. any advice could be helpful, thanks in advance
If you agree with #1-4 act on #5 “ get to know your neighbors “ and I would qualify that with get to know the ones you suspect already feel like you do. Go easy on the political talk at first. A good opener is “ what if the power was out for an long time? What if we couldn’t get groceries or gas to get to a store? Should you and I be thinking about how to protect our area from roving bands of thugs?
Start with some of those depending on how you think each neighbor will respond. You’ll either find a patriot or a fool who drank the government Kool Aid. When you find patriots in your neighborhood you’ll hear them say the things you’ve been thinking and more! #10.
Works for me.
Bluntly, Gen X almost certainly will not lead anyone . Its the leave me alone generation and is constitutionally diinterested and woefully unprepared for such roles.
There are a small number of exceptions but if leader is required beyond some small groups, they will probably be older Millennials (who yes come in Right Wing varieties) or Younger Boomers.
The main battle force in Iraq and Afghanistan belonged to Gen X. So do I. There is a great variation in any generation, of course. I have significantly older siblings that could fall into that category (the angsty teens of the 80’s) but many of us in our 40’s were the ones that had to suck it up and grow up because everyone was too busy for us, and if we were lucky enough to be supervised it was by our grandparents and their morals and stories. Mine told me about living through the great depression. So maybe you are confusing us with the older millennials…but most of those in that group I have met are too wrapped up in how white the Friends cast was to even care. However, this is just another label being used to divide us. It doesn’t matter. Those who have strength and honor will do what needs to be done, regardless of their age.
[…] We Need A Leader | NC Renegades I do want to address what we need to do to defeat the evil that has usurped our country, government, churches and educational facilities here. […]
[…] Which only confirms my original assessment. As for the comments stating that we must find a leader, I addressed this in another post. […]