The conservative project has failed, and conservatives need to forge a new political identity that reflects our revolutionary moment.
The left will only stop when conservatives stop them, which means conservatives will have to discard outdated and irrelevant notions about “small government.” The government will have to become, in the hands of conservatives, an instrument of renewal in American life — and in some cases, a blunt instrument indeed.
Maybe anti-federalist? But then, that would leave most “conservatives” out. It has been my experience that most that call themselves “conserative” are just a light socialist.
Much to ponder on with that article, some good ideas. But to give up on the idea of “small government”; one of limited power? NEVER.
While I agree with you, what is our alternative?
I could go into a quote fest here. But do you want to be free? Do you want the liberty promised to you by the founders of this country? Do you want the country God blessed us with at it’s beginning?
If not, why do you bother? I ask this in all honesty? Why waste time, efforts and dreams to compromise? A man’s belief system should have lines that are not crossed. He should have ideas he cherishes so much he will not compromise.
Samuel Adams once said “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
The alternative? We all will die sometime. Do you really want to be free? Compromising is not liberty, it is self enslavement.
We assume most people living in the US want freedom…do they? Most people want “Free” everything and would gladly live in Klaus Schwaubs world as a”useless eater”. Which brings up the following question: What the hell are we fighting for? I feel much like our forefathers in the 1770’s where 99% in the colonies gladly welcomed the crown with all its tyranny.
No, most do not want liberty. I think even those that think they want it, when faced with the reality of it (all the “programs” they would have to give up) would not choose it.
If you want my personal opinion. The return of Jesus is close. Some will die for their faith, some will be spared to the very end. They only thing that matters is we stand up against all evil. Our time and way of death are already written. What matters is what we choose to do between now and them. There is not going back from here, the seal are being broken and the end has begun. Now is the time to dig in deep and stand firm, if not we might turn away and loose the only thing that matters.
I ran for congress decades ago, I found out during debates and other gatherings, people didn’t really want freedom, they wanted free stuff and laws for others. That is what seems to win elections, I hope things have changed!
Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
If you believe Liberty is “good”, then you must acknowledge the proposition “the power to command is evil”.
How does striving to become the bigger evil enable one to evolve toward Liberty? The author grudgingly admits this problem in his conclusion.
In his character study of “Henry Bowman”, author John Ross provides a simple model to neutralize the runaway political power of a single government agency.
Given the option of becoming the bigger evil or becoming an outlaw, the choice appears obvious.
Hogs are hungry
… and it’s time to feed them. Trouble is, who starts the process? We all talk a big game, but in the end, we do nothing except complain, prep, and train. We’re waiting. I suspect for a strongman to step up and lead. That would require him to give orders, to command, which we now say is evil? I think I just need to find a hole and crawl in. We will never stand united against the evil to the degree necessary to defeat it. We cannot defeat evil with platitudes. I’m not counting on God to save us, either. Our nation has earned judgment, not salvation.
Malachi … when you and others assert “We will never stand united against the evil to the degree necessary to defeat it”, I hear you looking for a final decisive battle to banish evil from the face of the earth … Armageddon, Ragnarok … end times.
As long as there are “fallen men” we will always experience evil. We are instructed in Ecclesiastes to “Fear God, and keep his commandments”. Fallen men by their nature will murder, adulter, steal, lie and covet. They do not fear God.
This fact alone explains why men and governments of any size become corrupt and irredeemable … why no man should hold the power to command over another adult human.
All we can ever do is consciously work to suppress our own evil nature, and defensively act to minimize the impact on our lives resulting from the evil done by others. This means of this self defense may range from gentle guidance to extreme unorganized violence.
I am not looking for a “strong man” to lead (command), I’m looking for spiritually strong men and women who live the virtues I believe are important.
Hans, I recognize that evil cannot be eradicated in total. I should have been more clear. The evil I refer to is the evil that has replaced our Republic with a Satanic structure and belief system. Our Republic, our nation, not the whole world. I thought the inference was clear, but clearly it was not. My apologies.
My original response was that we need a ‘strongman’ to lead in order to prevail. You apparently were suggesting the power to command is evil. So that would, I assume, mean that Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, George Washington, etc. were evil? I don’t think that’s what you meant.
When I look at the mess we’re in and the capabilities and mentality of Americans in 2022, I simply see no way that a limited government of spiritually strong men and women who live by the virtues you believe are important can prevail. I agree with you that that would be the ideal, but we do not live in an ideal world. They began to destroy the Republic almost from it’s inception. Evil never sleeps, but we do.
As you clearly, I think, proved, we are divided about how we respond to the evil, ergo my comment on our inability to be united enough to defeat the evil (not all evil). Some of us support a limited term strongman to do what is necessary to rid ourselves of the Satanic elements, however that needs doing, be it one-way helicopter rides or measures less severe. Others want to vote our way out. Still others depend on some mass awakening of the population to rise up and throw the bums out. Meanwhile, we all sit on our hands and wait.
It has been said no one is coming to save us. I agree. It should also be noted that a Sunday School response did not result in the separation of America from the Crown. War is required. War is by it’s very nature evil. So … evil is required to defeat evil. Fight fire with fire. Therein lies the problem. Does it not?
Malachi, I do not believe picking up our arms and defeating this satanic cabal is evil, it is our duty before God.
Then we are of like mind.
Malachi -- I did not misunderstand you. And as much as you would like to put words in my mouth, knock down a straw man, and engaging in polemics, you clearly understood me. You just didn’t like what I said. Let’s take a few points from your comment above:
You want to destroy “the evil that has replaced our Republic”. That very Constitutional Republic was the seed of evil that replaced the voluntary arrangement among the several States and led to our post civil war ‘National’ government. Read the arguments of the Anti-Federalists at the time of the Constitutional convention.
You claim I was “suggesting the power to command is evil”. No, I did not suggest. I stated this as an axiom, not a proposition for debate. I admire certain characteristics of Lee, Jackson and Washington. To the extent they conducted their battles with conscript troops they were in fact evil. To the extent their military campaigns became aggressive and not defensive actions is in fact evil. I might have volunteered to fight with them against specific foes, but never as a conscript against a generic enemy.
You opine “Some of us support a limited term strongman to do what is necessary to rid ourselves of the Satanic elements”. You missed my point entirely. All fallen men contain stanic elements and those elements are nourished by and flourish through the power to command.
When I hear people argue we must “do what is necessary”, I translate it as: “We must abandon freedom and liberty to achieve freedom and liberty” … much as George W Bush said ‘I have abandoned free market principles to save the free market system’ (2008) … how well did that work out for American businesses and consumers?
Malachi, we understand each other. You just don’t like it when I say you advocate evil as a tool for social re-engineering.
“Cry havoc! and let slips the dogs of war”. (Marc Anthony)
Well I guess we do understand each other. I’m ready to raise the black flag and begin slitting throats to restore the Republic. You deem that as evil. OK. So be it. We can agree to disagree. I do, however, take serious objection to your contention that Lee and Jackson were in any way evil or doing evil deeds. Any student of history will know that both men were devout Christians and that there was very little ‘conscription’ of troops on the Southern side. Our country had been invaded. There was little need. Lincoln was the one conscripting. Mostly right off the boats from Ireland.
I wish you well. We can disagree agreeably. I doubt that either of our opinions will make any relevant difference in the coming unpleasantness. Have a good day.
P.S. Look into Just War Doctrine. I’d support raising the black flag and slitting throats under those rules.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely! Government will always be corrupt, you can have small government and little corruption or large government and extreme corruption, that is the nature of man and government! To think the nature of reality will change because if something written on paper is foolish! Arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic however you want!
Our founding fathers realized this, and attempted to limit the size and scope of government, realizing it wouldn’t last and would require regular revolutions!
I am too old to effect any change or even care! I am just trying to cover my self from, social, economic, government or radioactive fall out!
You are never too old to stand tall. No offense, but excuses like just trying to cover myself, I have a family or this and that got us where we are today. If we do not do something as a whole soon, you will not cover anything. You will bow down to them or die. There is no hiding anymore. There is not place to run to. There is only chains and slavery no one can avoid them without a fight.
Yes, you are right!
We need to clean out our house.
It’s infested with …RINO’s/Double Agents/Spies…(you pick the word)
But we are INFESTED by Vermin.
Years ago a Phoenix City council woman proposed, in order to reduce prostitution on Van Buren Road in Phoenix they should rename the Road something else. Calling a pig a swan doesn’t make it smell any better. Calling a conservative a revolutionary or anything else won’t change a thing. The only answer in my opinion is for men to stand up and become and act like (Godly) men.
Conservatism might work against liberalism, but we’re not up against liberals. We’re facing off against commies. We need a much bigger stick. Throw out the rules. By any means possible.
The cdc has voted that all children in this country now become genetically modified organisms. This affect Everyone, Every side. There is an evil in this land and you are not going to vote it out. What moniker shall we use -- What do you plan on governing?
Pistol Pete, it appears that this is not a mandate. However, some local schools may try to make it a mandate. The battle must be on the local level.
When I started becoming active in this fight in 2008, the term “conservative” was widely used to label people on our “side”. I remember looking up the definition of conservative since I was not sure what it meant in relation to our attempts to change the powers that be. The definitions left me more confused and I remember stating the following at several speaking engagements:
Ask 10 people what the definition of conservative is and you will get 10 different answers. Now ask those same people what a patriot is.
Do not be defined by labels; be defined by actions and sacred honor.
We are Americans; and we are patriots. That is what we will always be. Our allegiance is to God and Christ, our country and our families.
you may be an amerikan but a patriot you are not. patriotism is more than waving a flag, stating i support the military, and stating you are an american.. you allow evil from the ‘ptb’ continue and cry foul when someone actually stands up, does something and then is shot down or imprisoned due to his stand.
you may go to some ‘church’ but a kristian is all you are with churchainity. at least 98% of you have no clue what a true Christian is. your sunday morning ‘meeting’ just doesn’t cut it.
your allegiance to God has proven to be the wrong god.
We are Americans. Call us that. Please understand there will be “blue” people continually seeing the light so Republican isn’t the correct name either. But we are all Americans.