We Were Sold Out…

US budget vote lifts shutdown threat

From YouTube:

The U.S. Senate on Saturday passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill that lifts the threat of a government shutdown.

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9 years ago

Yes, something is definitely going on here. Even the supposedly conservative SC representatives sold us out on this for some, at this point, unknown reason. They had the chance to stop this from even coming to a vote. NONE of them voted to do so. Yes, they voted against it in the end but when even let it come to a floor vote unless they were just looking for cover knowing it would pass if a floor vote was allowed.

Why? What did they have to gain by doing this? Why vote to let something come to a floor vote and then vote against it unless it was all about appearance? It certainly was not about principle. If it were, they would be against it ALL the time, in the beginning AND in the end.

It certainly appears even the so called conservatives had joined the establishment and really attempted to pull the wool over our eyes to cover their true colors.

So, to me, this leaves us with nothing. We have ZERO possibilities of affecting any positive change in government through our representatives as none exist that maintain our level of principles.

Our remaining options just got extremely narrowed. It’s totally public now that our representative form of government no longer exists.

9 years ago

As Ann Barnhardt has been pounding home:
we have ONE PARTY -- WILLFUL destruction of the USA..

I have a friend who lives on the southern border who has been warning
of the dangers of illegal immigration -- SO-CALLED conservative talkers,
as in, Michael Savage, Alex Jones and locally here WHP Harrisburg refuse to take the calls from….Alice Novoa

9 years ago

The way it was explained to me is; Republicans voted to fund the government until mid February 2015 because 1) they know there would be another govt shutdown fight and they would be vilified
again, unless thay do this.
and 2) they do not yet have a Senate majority so it would be pointless anyway. They plan to start dismantling what will be done between now and Feb. when they have a House and Senate majority. We shall see.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dave

They funded the government until Sept except for DHS which will be addressed in Feb, so basically they gave up all their control for the next year.

9 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Exactly David. That’s the jist of my first post. Whatever hope we might could have had from the November elections went up in smoke.

They have left us with very few remaining options. The ballot box had most definitely been taken away from us.

9 years ago

excuses excuses excuses

Republican Betrayal…………………….


162 Traitorous Republicans voted for UNconstitutional Executive Amnesty..


$1 trillion congress spending bill keeps Obamacare and funds illegal alien invasion..


Palin on Barry/Boehner Omnibus: “It stinks to high heaven”


9 years ago

Now my comments are under moderation………