‘We Will Drink Your Blood and Eat Your Skull’: A Legacy of Islamic Savagery

By Raymond Ibrahim – American Thinker

What’s the deal with Muslim calls for, not just violence, but eating the flesh or drinking the blood of their infidel enemies?

Consider the case of Ahed Tamimi, described by Wikipedia as

a Palestinian activist… in the occupied West Bank in Palestine. She is best known for appearances in images and videos in which she confronts Israeli soldiers. Tamimi’s advocates consider her a freedom fighter for Palestine… In December 2017, she was detained by Israeli authorities for slapping a soldier. The incident was filmed and went viral, attracting international interest and debate. Tamimi was sentenced to eight months in prison after agreeing to a plea bargain and released on 29 July 2018… [I]n February 2018, the famous Israeli poet Yehonatan Geffen, the nephew of Moshe Dayan, posted a poem on his Instagram page that ended with the following lines: “You, Ahed Tamimi, The red-haired, Like David who slapped Goliath, Will be counted among the likes of Joan of Arc, Hannah Senesh and Anne Frank.”

Well, this “heroine” recently wrote the following on her Instagram:

We are waiting for you [Jewish settlers] in all the cities of the West Bank, from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we’re waiting for you.

Much, as usual, can be said here, but of curious interest to me are the cannibalistic references, and the fact that they are common among Muslims — and, as can now be seen, not just of the so-called “radical” variety.

The Islamic State, for instance, has repeatedly stated that “American blood is best, and we will taste it soon.” Nor was this just “picturesque” language. According to a 2017 report, “Islamic State terrorists are teaching their fighters to eat non-Muslims, it has emerged.” (I managed to save one picture, since likely expunged, of an Obama-sponsored Free Syrian Army “rebel” digging into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier in 2013.)

Please read the entire article from American Thinker here…

The entire cult of Islam should be considered a terrorist organization and eradicated from our country.

About Hammers Thor

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

Perhaps. But first they’ll face my gun.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

We should be preparing for terrorist attacks in the USA soon. There are dozens of Islamic training camps in virtually every state in the USA that will soon be unleashed on the general population, the federal government know where all of them are and are doing nothing to close them down.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

I pray that it never comes to that, but the Muslim blood will run in rivers on American soil. I will rub my bullets in pig entrails prior to loading them in my magazines.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

I believe there is (or was) an ammunition company producing 5.56 rounds that each contained a small amount of pig blood. This stuff became popular during the Iraq war as some soldiers were telling any would be jihadis that they wouldn’t be going to Islam heaven. Stirred up the goat fuckers pretty good.

ell jay
ell jay
1 year ago

Best to watch exactly who moves into your neighborhood/area to know what you may be up against. Also, people need to have mutual defense networks MDN.s in place to eliminate these savages should they poke their dammed heads around.
As for those of us who live in rural areas, we know you’re coming from a mile away and when you get here, you’re dead. Stay away. We WILL defend ourselves and our families.
Let’s refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of these tyrants, not ours.

1 year ago

Pure EVIL. “Those who love death, Hate God.” -- God

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

This …

1 year ago

Such threats will only harden the reserve of those who would be the next ‘blue plate special’. It will unleash horror upon the enemy that will know no bounds, no prisoners, a spectacle of blood, flesh and screams that will be rejoiced in our land for all time. And the fallen will be buried and burned with swine and they will rejoice in hell eternal.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
1 year ago
Reply to  Muse

Instead of burying them with swine, let their bodies be consumed by swine and feed the pig meat to their children. I believe Islam should be destroyed completely and at least a 10 megaton nuke dropped on the Kaaba.

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago

Definitely wild Savages period.