Welcome to the Melting Pot

A perfect example of how the United States became great. Immigrants came to America, assimilated into the culture and built a better America. How many twelve year old children can build something? We should be teaching them to throw away the video games and cell phones and learn to enhance their lives with positive goals.

The new world order is to destroy America and its culture. That includes education, religion, family structure and everything else that made America great. Why are we letting the government destroy our children and their future with their replacement pogrom? A better question is why are we not helping our children learn to build a better future?

David DeGerolamo

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The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
6 days ago

Absolutely wonderful to see this, to know there will always be a remnant left that can grow to become something and rebuild our nation.

tom finley
tom finley
6 days ago

Great American family!

a follower
a follower
6 days ago

I believe many are taking this direction, but this is not what gets the clicks and the attention.

6 days ago
Reply to  a follower

So true , it’s all prom queen- social queen-look at me queen. Get the three R’s & then DO something (& do it till you get it RIGHT- EVERYTIME) AKA the best you can-never stop learning. Would also like to point out multi-generational converse to multi cultural

6 days ago

Awesome! Love. Dedication. Passion. Enthusiasm. Creativity. Perseverance. Deep Care. The Enrichment of Family Connections and Relationship. The “I can” power; The “I can” spirit; The “I can” Holy, Sacred Sovereign Authority and Co-Creative abilities that Yahweh God in the name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua Divinely created and innately imprinted within many of us. Thank you for sharing this. Through the years, I have shared with younger family members to be “like a Renaissance” person with multiple skill sets…practicing, focusing and keep in the momentum of doing. A very precious son this family has amongst them: a bright shining light of enthusiasm, love, passion, dedication, takes responsibility, and is a doer!

6 days ago

reminds me of my family growing up in New York City, Italian families used to be like this and very close knit, but from what I see going on this is not the case any longer, even in Italy.

Chris Mallory
Chris Mallory
5 days ago

If they call themselves “Italian Americans” then they are not assimilated. The melting pot is a big lie.

Al Bino
Al Bino
5 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Troll… maybe, but I can see his POV. Many have exploited our ‘freedom of religion’ clause. Take LGBTQRSTUV…, anyway, nothing in the Bill of Rights says freedom of ORGANIZED religion, and these multi colored sugar based cereals are engaging in a form of faith. (Faith ~ belief in something for which there is no evidence)
NOT calling it a religion allows them public access to your children through gov funded facilities, such as public libraries. Everyone likes to call Scientologist crazy. Is there really any difference? Do we allow Scientologist, or even fellow Christians, pubic access to children’s minds?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

He really only wanted to hear himself talk anyways… lol.

Al Bino
Al Bino
4 days ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

You’re right, I’ve no children to protect.
Let the degenerates feast.
Wake Co. public libraries openly promote ‘rainbow’ behavior, for all the children to have access.
Say no more, I’ll never speak up for children again. We all took our chances and made it through. Fudge the next generation, it’s about me from here on out.
Thank you for your wise insight, hope you have grandchildren in Wake Co.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
5 days ago
Reply to  Chris Mallory

we do not have to become ‘the Borg.’

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 days ago

The world as a whole, and certainly our country, is bifurcating. There are two worlds forming. The old one is the one you’re talking about, the one we came from, grew up in. The new one is a very different world… but cannot survive without ours. They cannot build, fix, or create. They can only consume, use up, and discard.
When we stop letting them live in our world, theirs will collapse. Kick them out of your world. Car’s broken? Man, that sucks. Need a home repair? Better get someone on that before it rains. Be the baker that refused to bake the cake. Don’t make a grand stand about it or you will become a target, sorry, all booked up this week.