What Are SEIU Plans for North Carolina: Revolution

Glenn Beck released the audio of a former (or current) high level SEIU employee Michael Lerner outlining a plan to collapse our stock market and JP Morgan Chase Bank. In North Carolina, SEIU has taken control of our state workers’ association SEANC. Listen to Dana Cope who is currently in charge of SEANC explain how we need a revolution in North Carolina and throughout the country.


Here is a thought: instead of SEIU collapsing our economic system by encouraging people to not pay their mortgages, why don’t we encourage people to quit SEANC. This will reduce their funding and hopefully their power in North Carolina. State employees are not required to be a member of SEANC as a condition of employment.

Anyone want to counter protest this event?

Raleigh Hometown Rally

4/30/11 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Bicentennial Mall (across from Legislative Building)
Jones Street
Raleigh, NC
Carri Derrick

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13 years ago

A thought …

We should not counter-protest, rather let’s join their event and carry very large signs with the talking points from Michael Lerner’s plan to collapse our financial system.

The Left has infiltrated crowds at Tea Party activities with signs designed to discredit. Here we would infiltrate with signs designed to expose and illuminate the true design behind the crowd of “useful idiots”.

Law enforcement would have no substantive ground to harrass us as we merely advocate the true position of the leaders of those who organized the rally. In principle we would be shielded by “equal justice” and “equal protection”.

How could any of these sweet, empathetic, folks who might recognize my face object that I “had a change of heart” and was moved to support their cause?

Then again, if during the rally I shed my camoflage, raised my flag, and reverted to my true belief … oh well, people do change their minds.

Long Live Lady Liberty

13 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

My, My … tsk

It’s obvious that you didn’t sign the “civility pledge” of the Coffee Party !


Catherine Newsome
Catherine Newsome
13 years ago

A resolution will be presented at the Wake Republican Convention regarding the SEIU-SEANC affiliation and the danger that unions present to the peace, tranquility and orderly business of the State of North Carolina. (Thu, 24 Mar, 7PM, Kerr Scott Bldg). It is extremely important that Voting Delegates persevere to the end of the agenda so they can vote on this and other resolutions. Voting Delegates, make sure your voice is heard.

Last year this resolution could not get in for a vote at the county convention nor did it get in at the state convention. Please insist your voice be heard.


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