What Are We Fighting For?

What are we fighting for? Or What will we be fighting for?

It’s a question I am often asked, and a question I often ask myself.

Perhaps it is what is needed in order to bring about the unity we sorely desire. If we had a goal in mind. Something to fight for besides our childrens future and Liberty.

What would you like to see in the New America?

I myself lean way more to the anarchy side of things. My definition of limited government is even more extreme than that of Thomas Jefferson.

Please use the comment section to tell me some of your ideas.

Here are some of my ideas.

1. No Federal Income Taxes. Abolish the IRS. End the Fed

2. Eliminate every Govt. agency that is not mentioned in the Original Constitution.

3. Eliminate Property taxes.

4. Eliminate Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security etc..

5. If we are to have a Federal Government have them only meet once or twice a year. Give the power back to the States to govern themselves as they see fit. Perhaps have one person from every “county” go to represent the people.

6. Abolish any laws that were made that go against the Original Constitution.

7. Eliminate the Supreme Court.

8. The federal government should be weak against its own people not the tyrannical monster it has become in this day and age. Let the people be free to rule over themselves in their own areas.

9. Only hold local elections for whatever government the counties or States decide on. No more Federally elected government. The States will rule.

10. Dangerous Freedom…. Period!

I’m a little short on time today but I wanted to get this out there while I was thinking about it.

Let’s decide what we’ll be fighting for, then go out and fight for it!


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

All your suggestions are beneficial, I have thought along those lines myself, and a new amendment that no law that does not follow strict constitutional guidelines shall not be brought before the people. You just about covered it, for a constitutional Republic. I myself do not believe your ideas are anarchist, it was how this country was meant to be.

2 years ago

Kind of like the Articles of Confederation, enacted in 1781 and effective for 5 years, leading the country into bankruptcy. But it did lead to a Constitution, if left alone, that would have lasted a lot longer than it did..
Ray McBerry campaigned for gov in 2010 on a platform of Georgia First.. He had a friend in congress drop ten conservative bills for his campaign. One bill would have formed a committee in the senate to examine the constitutionality of federal mandates. Those that did not would no longer be funded by the state. Ralston (RIP) was still reigning then so none of the bills even got to committee.
The Constitution did work and would continue to do so if we could just back to it, starting with abolishing Amendments XI thru XXVII.

2 years ago

This should be number one! ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE and re-instate US Bank Notes backed by Silver, Gold or Aluminum? Eliminate debt backed notes from the Rothschild Debt Slavery Scheme. Also instutute Balance Spending Amendment…Congress shall only spend what is in its coffers, no more. Who cares…this is pointless…we’re going to be ruled by the WEF/Chinese Communist and this is just a pipe dream!

Joanna Martin
2 years ago

There are several points I’d make in response; but will only make one: you indicated the fed gov’t should “give power back to the States”.
But the power wasn’t TAKEN from the States -- or local governments, or Institutions, or business, or the People -- they all voluntarily surrendered their power to the federal gov’t and they did it for the federal funds they got. This has been going on at least since 1903 with the infamous Dick Act where the States gave up the Militia of the Several States [which was (among other things) intended by our Framers to be the way we would resist federal tyranny]; and exchanged it for the “National Guard” which is an adjunct of the federal military, and which, when called up to national service, is under the control of their CINC (the President of the United States). The States got federal appropriations for going along with this…
For many years, Edwin Vieira, Ph.D, J.D., has been showing States how to set up an alternative monetary system based on gold & silver; and also telling them that they must revitalize the Militia for their State. But no one was interested -- besides -- they wanted to keep those federal dollars rolling in.
The villain is not the federal gov’t -- the villains are all those who had their hands out for federal funds and who [like Esau] were willing to sell our sacred heritage for handouts.
Hypocrisy is one of our deeply embedded sins. How many “conservatives” rail against the federal gov’ts overspending and overreach but LOVE having the federal gov’t pay their medical bills. Yes, Americans can stuff themselves with junk food and give themselves diabetes and cancer, and bad knees, etc., etc., and the fed gov’t will pay the medical bills!
Our problems are caused by our own moral collapse. We shouldn’t commit the additional sin of bearing false witness against the fed gov’t by blame-shifting responsibility for our problems to it. The mess we are in never would have happened if Americans had had the moral fortitude to “just say no” to handouts.
I’m not saying that you, Wes, do these wicked things. I’m really thinking of those COS bots on Medicare & Social Security who whine about federal spending and say we need an Article V Convention to get Amendments which will “fix everything”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joanna Martin

I was 100% with you until you dropped the Article V Constitutional Convention (ConCon). There is zero insurance that an Art V would go according to biblical law or restoration of freedom.
If it’s gonna come down to a fight let’s just fight.


2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Mrs. Martin is opposed to an article V convention. See her blog at
for much more information.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

If it doesn’t work out, team cracking skulls can still come into play, but once they do it’s kind of hard to go back, if you catch my drift.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joanna Martin

I don’t know what a COS bot is. But on the subject of Medicare and SS I have a few thoughts. Technically, they are both welfare programs though they differ from every other form of welfare as begun under Johnson and expanded from there. Unlike the other programs, neither is an entitlement per se. Both the recipient and his employer were forced to pay into the system much like a forced savings account supplimented by the employer. In theory it was workable so long as employment continued to grow. In practice it was a ponzi scheme not unlike the Fed Res. The influx of money was never secured as retirement accounts and banks were wont to do prior to the great train robbery. The unfunded welfare programs were supplimented by SS and Medicare. So, realistically, there never was anything backing our investment. Yet, the recipients of both are the evil ones while those receiving habdouts are deserving. And, yes, I’m one of the evil priviledged recipients of SS and Medicare. That said, I would forego the system were we able to establish a satisfactory system of governance. I don’t consider myself a welfare recipient. I’m only cashing in on my investment.

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

You’re getting welfare.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago

I like your outline Wes, but have one big question. How do we defend our country. State and County Militia’s? Do you seriously think the Militias could defend the Country from the likes of China and other nefarious countries that want to destroy the USA?
I am all for no Federal, just thinking of how to handle the loikes of China, Russia, Islam etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by Randolph Scott
Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Not much grass down here on the border states right now if you get me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

The “behind every blade of grass” speaks to a civic mindset and duty that has been lost. Admittedly it has been lost within my lifetime and I think back to WW2 veterans I knew growing up and how they thought and spoke, which is vastly different than today.
I am a firm believer in 4th turning theory and see that we’re on the precipice of a crisis climax, but what I don’t see is a hero archetype generation to rise up like the GI generation of my grandparents did, instead I see such decay and rot of our own institutions that a burning and rebirth is required.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Noway2

Ya I know and what I’m stating is we are being invaded right now.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Let’s say you get a repub. President, cabinet, senate and house. Re-institute constitution, bill of rights. What do you do with the “80 million” that voted for joe’s side? Or half that, 40 million that are vehemently opposed to this ideology? And how do you legislate morality? I am upset at the (dis)respect to marriage act. A civil union would allow all rights and privileges. Marriage by individuals that do not follow the faith, a direct attack. .Gov has forced this on me (us). Fortunately the Churches are in an uproar, dominating tv and social media. Protests, Vigils and Pray circles in public places. Revival sweeping, peace on earth and good will toward maaaa…. The land needs a unified standard of morals for a unified standard of laws to function. We have ten laws give to us, maybe we should honor and uphold them over all other laws first.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

i believe this is what Pistol Pete is talking about also. It seems many do not understand nor follow the ten nor the Golden Rule which seems to encompasses them all.
we have been given the greatest Leader possible yet the people continue to deny Him! we must seek Him each on a personal level. Study what He, and the prophets and disciples were trying to get across to us.
i wish all people would slow down a bit and Truly seek the meanings and Spiritual side of His Commands and teachings.
we have a people ‘Spiritual’ problem. Many just do not get it. Not many assemblies (“churches”) get it either.
And no i do not get everything either, yet i am listening and learning.
This world, the chaos, and confusion has the sole purpose to distract and lead us away from His Truth. we are being made to feel like we are under the gun all the time. Slow down, we are not storming the bastille yet, perhaps it is not ours to storm? we have time to connect to Him, perhaps this should be our Primary objective? Instead of tearing each other to shreds?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

To the neg. mark.
How about a discussion instead of the popularity contest?

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Im taking my down votes with honor. Not one word I stated was wrong or invalid. What do we do with the millions against us? Why have we let yet another institution be corrupted? The land is in need of unifying morality, laws and culture. Now I made fun of the sleeping congregation that I admit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

All laws, in general, legislate morality. They always have. We, as a people, were handed God’s law. If we were a moral and religious people, that would be enough. God’s law is written on the hearts of most of us. But ~40% give zero shits about the law. They belong to their father, and want to do his bidding. He was a murderer from the beginning, and there is no truth in him. John 8:44

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  MntnMole

It’s legal to mandate experimental medical treatments, Same with abortion and now marriage, Legalizing immorality. you are dead on, most do not carry conviction in their hearts. In this day it is a fight to stay the course. Truly as living in Gomorrah, dark, grotesque and sticky. Everyone laughed at joe falling up the stairs but that stumble represents all of us trying to reach our Fathers house. That’s me, but I keep getting back up and take another step.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

I remember the story of the man who wrote the 5000 Year Leap addressing a conference. He said to fix this country, take the Constitution and rip it up. Then form a new government with the exact same Constitution with one addition added to the end: THIS TIME WE MEAN IT.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The problem with any sort of law, including a constitution, whicgh is supposed to be highest law, is that it only matters and applies if all parties agree o abide by it. In that, you have the problem today.in as much as at least one party doesn’t care anymore and the other only cares in terms of lip service.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noway2

And yet we continue to believe the Republic has not been usurped.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Put marriage back in the church as was the case in the early 19th century, issue church certificates instead of a marriage “licenses” take it completely away from the state. Immediately solves the whole sodomite dilemma and divorce issues.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

The immutable laws of toleration is upon you. You own it… Western Man.

Anyhow, just saying…

comment image

P.S. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” See above.

2 years ago

Frankly, I just want a constitutional republic again with the constitution followed. Small decentralized government that doesn’t leech off the people and fears us.

Tragedy of the Commons

Why do you think all these towns and cities have fluoride in their
water. The gov pays them to implement this poison.
The gov is not your friend. They are your worst enemy.
When you get down to it, there isn’t much one needs them for.
What ever they can do poorly, you can do better. And States Rights
over the fed gov is imperative. We are not peasants; we are the

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
2 years ago

Death penalty for any elected or appointed official (including judges) that infringe in any way on our rights and freedoms. Elected Federal .gov as per the original Constitution with a 2 term limit and no direct election of Senators. Per diem pay and no extras (you want staff/security, you pay for them). No standing armies in time of peace, compulsory militia service like Switzerland run by each State. Outlaw a central bank of any kind. Land Patents instead of the current ” deeds” for real estate. Same for vehicles instead of the fake “title” used now, it’s yours when paid for.

Cornflake Jackson
Cornflake Jackson
2 years ago

You do realize that if you return to the original constitution that only White European Christian Males would be able to vote and own property and be citizens, right? I mean, I’m okay with that but you might not be so…

2 years ago


Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.


People are taught that the Southern States were responsible for the three fifths voting reduction listed above in the original Constitution. This was actually a provision that the Northern States mandated to dilute the voter power of the South.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Even some women understand the determent caused by the Rockefellers and women’s right to vote.
They effectively removed man has the head of the household.

2 years ago

Waaaaaay beyond my pay grade.
I am enjoying the posts so far.
And can’t say I disagree with any so far.

But if ya need something destroyed….
I’m told I have a knack.
It’s a Gift I guess.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Ol’guy

“Need something destroyed? Sin!

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Ol’guy

brother !!it’s a gift !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

And following on from item number 2, abolish the BLM and USFS and return all federal lands to the states. Negotiations can be held on the status of the National Parks but the rest goes back to the states except for the constitutionally mandated forts and post offices, etc.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

The question- what are we fighting for -- with the inoculations, supply line issues, food supply, monetary systems, energy issues, unprecedented surveillance happening in unison world wide. Planetary genocide.it’s not about constitutions or flags. It’s not about red vs blue or black vs white. It’s about freedom vs slavery, life vs death. They mean to exterminate Homo sapiens. Klaus Schwab, uval harari, bill gate, soros, tedros, and a host of oligarchs whose names we may never know. We ARE at war. look at the body count, dropping like flies. we are losing big time, massacred. They are making movies and documentaries about it. Our children are being hyper sexualized, kidnapped, tortured, raped, carved up for organs and drained of blood or aborted outright. The elect must start coming together, Those that are strong in conviction faith and solid doctrine. We need revivals to reinvigorate and fortify our people. Joshua, David, Sampson there are a lot of you out there, this is your season, your hour, rise up brothers. We are the front line against Fifth generation warfare, free the hearts and minds. There are some good people that visit this site you can tell by the comments. Stand now cause once you are connected to the I.O.B it’s all over, -- they will long to die but death will flee from them.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

I.O.B. ? internet of bodies?

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago


2 years ago

YEP , 100 %

2 years ago

MS Martin from Martin County gave us the how we got there and was adamant about not using a con-con to get out of where we allowed ourselves to go. But there are few suggestions on what to do to get out of our plunge to a banana republic.
Grab your gun and go to the door and look like a deer in the headlights is not an option; however stand up, hook up, and go to the door may have to be. the option we have to take. The folks who do that know exactly what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what they will do when they hit the ground. We aren’t quite there yet.
There is a local grassroots group knowing all to well that working at the federal, or even state level, is a fools errand. They are focused on local government, intensely. Subsets of the group are in the face of the election board and the school board, and working to replace a sole commissioner with a board. They have an active suit in Superior Court to get an order from the court for the school board to interact (redress ) the citizen activist’s petitions. Another case is a multi-complaint against the commissioner for violation of expenditures related to sales tax laws.
This a windmill that is just now being tilted at at the local level. And there have been successes. See Mama Bears v. Forsyth County School Board. But it’s the same game. The 3% are not taking part and without them this effort will fail like all the others. We will only succeed in numbers.

2 years ago

No “Federal” government … period.
National governments for each newly sovereign state.

Or will there be a pogrom and genocide (ideo-cide?) to kill the 150+ million current Americans who will never agree with your government nor tolerate your individual rights?
Separation is the only thing that would prevent a slaughter greater than any Hitler, Stalin, and Mao put together would have contemplated.
You can have your dream, but only after YOU become your own nightmare.

2 years ago

The Superior Court of Philadelphia is the real Supreme Court. The Supreme Court in DC is a complete fraud.

2 years ago

I can go with every single point except the Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security wipe out. Most citizens ( some don’t participate) have come to rely on these systems completely towards the end of their lives or earlier in devastating situations.
We must have a complete accounting of the Social Security system’s money. You do realize there are no longer any “real Americans” overseeing the boards, right? Been gone since George Bush.
And the money was all finished up being looted back then too.

That must be returned with the interest it accrued while invested @_____ .
Cut checks to the citizens of the United States of America prior to just slashing andburning these programs.


[…] I quickly published this article the other day I was very interested to see what kind of comments it would […]

Resist Tyranny
Resist Tyranny
2 years ago

Anarchy is not a lack of rules but a lack of rulers. All civilized societies have rules. Usually, Ten of them.

Resist Tyranny
Resist Tyranny
2 years ago

My father taught me a great truth in grade school (like 1959) when the Feds wanted to give our Christian school free audio-visual equipment. “Refuse it. Take the governments nickel, you get the government’s noose.” Simple enough. I understood that.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Resist Tyranny

The ‘Love’ of money can be most blinding.