What Do You Want to Do to Organize?

Moveon.org is organizing chapters across the country. These great progressives want to present the facts and their positions with funding from George Soros. The woman’s voice in the video makes a great point: people send out too many emails that are not based in fact and cause the entire patriot movement to be discredited. I have sent emails back to everyone who sends out false information and over 95% never retract their original emails.

I do believe that the reference to “up in arms” in the video is not intended for armed revolution.


David DeGerolamo

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Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
13 years ago

I believe that it goes even deeper than anything moveon.org is doing. This is just steps to go into a new world order and they are all going to make their move. Be as prepared as you can for what happens between now and the 2012 elections. I believe Beck asked the most important question that I have heard in a long time. If you did not hear it, it is this “Where is the leader of the free world?” There isn’t one that I can think of can you? For the first time in my life there isn’t one. Doesn’t that speak volumes? Pray and Prepare.