is organizing chapters across the country. These great progressives want to present the facts and their positions with funding from George Soros. The woman’s voice in the video makes a great point: people send out too many emails that are not based in fact and cause the entire patriot movement to be discredited. I have sent emails back to everyone who sends out false information and over 95% never retract their original emails.
I do believe that the reference to “up in arms” in the video is not intended for armed revolution.
David DeGerolamo
I believe that it goes even deeper than anything is doing. This is just steps to go into a new world order and they are all going to make their move. Be as prepared as you can for what happens between now and the 2012 elections. I believe Beck asked the most important question that I have heard in a long time. If you did not hear it, it is this “Where is the leader of the free world?” There isn’t one that I can think of can you? For the first time in my life there isn’t one. Doesn’t that speak volumes? Pray and Prepare.