What Happens To Europe When Russia Wins?

UPDATE: Added the 2017 Deagel projection

The above video raises some excellent points and we should start preparing for the consequences if these points become reality. The United States may become isolated from the rest of the world and if that happens, no country will come to our aid when we are attacked.

Deagel’s updated prediction of 69 million American left in 2025 looks to be a very prescient figure under these circumstances.

As for our selected leaders who destroyed our nation, they have lost control. When the people cannot afford gas, cannot feed their babies, are dying from the government’s vaccine and have lost hope, even these traitors have to admit to themselves that the bridge is out and the train’s brakes are gone.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

I remember that Deagal Document !
I actually have the ORIGINAL post of it on a drive.
And I just stumbled across it, then.

I kept it because it seemed so….wierd,…. at the Time.

Ain’t that a pisser. Wow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Would you be able to forward the ‘original’ to me, I would like to read the opening paragraphs and see how they compare to this other post below,

2 years ago

Hi David -- your image for the Deagel.com forecast is from 2013. I found a similar image of the Deagel forecast from 2017, but cannot find one more recent.

The Deagel 2017 forecast estimates the US population at 100 million rather than 69 million. Scroll down the following page:

Just a more recent confirmation of the anticipated depopulation … doesn’t alter your analysis or assessment that the Taggart bridge is down.

David DeGerolamo
David DeGerolamo
2 years ago
Reply to  Hans
2 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Kinda weird, the first paragraph under the charts says that for each country on the charts ‘the population ‘will INCREASE’ from a higher number to a lower number!………that is a LOT of TYPO’s for a ‘government’ report!

Polish Sword
Polish Sword
2 years ago

I don’t think they would admit anything because their plans are coming along nicely just as expected . Massive depopulation is the plan . They are sending billions of high tech weaponry over to Ukraine and sooner or later Vlad will say enough . My blood line will survive but how many have a fallout shelter and 700 doses of K1? It all takes me back to the recurring nightmare I have had for years where I was leading a small group of survivors around my county tearing the blacktop off of roads to plant gardens in the uncontaminated earth . I hope it was just a bad dream .

2 years ago
Reply to  Polish Sword

Could happen!


2 years ago

I have very little confidence the leaders realize what they have done and are doing -- it all seems quite insane to me. I frankly understand very little about internaional politics; but it all, at this point, seems quite insane!

2 years ago

Any idea how Deagle arrives at this prediction?

A friend of mine who is a very eminent scholar and theologian believes from his studies that the US will be neutralized economically and be entirely marginalized prior to the fulfilling of end-time prophecy. This idea harmonizes with Deagle’s figures, I’d say. GDP from $47T down to $921B. Holy cow.

Again, how do they arrive at these conclusions, I wonder.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago
Reply to  Paddy

It’s called remote viewing.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

As I understand the baby formula issue, all signs have pointed to the most critical shortage being that of a special formula used for failure to thrive babies.
I just want to sigh right there. Nuremburg, I hear you but when I yell, scream and jump up and down, nothing happens and no one cares.
Brazenly killing off disabled or special or whatever the word for them are, doesn’t exactly work for me and not many people even know about that part.
Purposeful disinformation… heard that one lately? It’s real.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
2 years ago

That’s funny that you say no one will help America. I was thinking the same thing the other day.

2 years ago

I firmly believe that no one will come help America. Most of the planet either hates us or thinks we should at least be knocked down a few notches in the pecking order

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunluver1911

I often hear folks pray “God bless America”, to which I respond, Why would He? Abortion, homosexuality, every form of debauchery. We rival the Weimar Republic. I have no problem accepting the Deagel forecast as I believe in karma. I have four grandsons. Two are country boys (can survive), one is nine years old and can clear a house and aim small, miss small (his daddy is a Marine so he’s handy with an AR). The fourth is a city boy, so we’ll have to look after him. None of us took the shot. All that to say my line will likely survive whatever they throw at us. Course, only the Allfather is guarantor of that end result.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Totally agree: God has pronounced judgements on this country and the E.U. and middle east for apostasy and things posted by Malachi. The door is nailed shut on this nation ongoing. We will either have civil war and anarchy or enslavement and genocide. Few patriots left, most elderly now. 90% of adults self absorbed, nihilists and live in the now, not concerned about their kids or g’kids. I know some personally that are like that (not friends either) . They trust gov., mainstream news and got the clot shots because they lack left brain function and common sense.

2 years ago

What can i say ? you have nailed it dead money my friend. dead on.
The only thing i think you have left out, Chia and Canada will align with Russia. China has done so already……for the next installation of this video, look to and read Revelation chapter 18. Apply that chapter to the US.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

America is the cesspool they wanted, satanic worship is their design, they have been bringing the children into their coven with little resistance. Turn to any channel on the tv and the sodomite lifestyle is pushed in your face, believing in the one true God is a crime. Psa18:34 He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom: Schools teaching many genders, lgbt and not basic subjects, many never learn longhand or basic math that private schools teach in my area. TV is mostly useless except for nature shows and travel, local news and weather warnings.

Citzen Joe
Citzen Joe
2 years ago

I understand that there is a 50/50 chance of a coup in Ukraine. Some of the top Ukrainian generals want Zelensky gone. Perhaps that’s why the US and the UK have sent special forces troops to protect Zelensky.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  Citzen Joe

We don’t need to meddle in any country overseas it is none of our business. We need to cut ties w/ NATO also. Fair trading with other countries only no other involvements.

David Martin
2 years ago

I often read or hear of the Deagle document, I have never read it, nor do I intend to. I think it may be a self-proclaiming prophecy. was this Deagle a real person, business, or scientist? I don’t really know, nor do I really care. I think GOD and the prophecies of the Bible are relevant and real prophesies. They certainly are coming to pass much more clearly than this Deagle/ beagle. Just who was this great wonderful person predicting the death of millions?
Yes we are in the end times, and the prophetic of the Bible is currently being fulfilled and my personal preparations reflect what is happening. I would sincerely recommend that folks maybe read Luke 21, Mathew24, and many other end-times biblical prophetic messages and get a much better understanding of what is really happening.
God is still in control, He will not fail, and if you think Deagle to be equal, then there is a place you really don’t want to go prepared for you. If you believe what God’s word says then yes there is a place prepared for you, and you can actually have it ahead of time by receiving Jesus Christ into your life and letting Him start leading you in a righteous forgiven way of life.
Yes, the bible does say that in the end times that those of the world will Kill believers and followers of Christ just because of our namesake. So I do believe this is even happening now in different parts of the world. And may very well happen here in the U.S.A. I do believe that here those who would attempt accomplishing this die-off will have a huge amount of attrition. I know lots of Christians who exercise the right to keep and bear arms. So the attrition rate of the people who would go around perpetrating this die-off will also be included in it. Thus the greater number of the Deagle report.
David Martin

2 years ago

The rise of Germany, why?

JoCo Marine
JoCo Marine
2 years ago

I pray everyone watches this video. Imagine Exodus 11:1-12:36 taking place in this land. Who will be saved by the Blood? Kinda punches you right in the stomach when you watch this video and compare this to the Deagle report.


[…] that one is right on the money, but don’t say that you weren’t warned. As recently reported in this story over at NC Renegade, the website Deagel has long forecast America’s ‘depopulation‘, recently pegging it to be at […]


[…] that one is right on the money, but don’t say that you weren’t warned. As recently reported in this story over at NC Renegade, the website Deagel has long forecast America’s ‘depopulation‘, recently pegging it to be at […]


[…] se informó recientemente en NC Renegade, el sitio web Deagel ha pronosticado desde hace mucho tiempo la “despoblación” de Estados […]