After eight years of Ukraine attacking the Russians in Donbas, Russia went in to protect them and to stop Ukraine from joining NATO. The Western media praised the heroic Ukrainians and predicted easy victory. Ignore the rape of Ukraine by the West and the Biden Crime Family. Ignore the biological labs the US was operating in Ukraine. Ignore the Nazification of the Ukrainian military. Ignore the rumors that the West sabotaged the peace treaty that would have ended the war in April. Seriously, ignore everything you know or have been told about Ukraine and Russia concerning this “regional” conflict.
Consider the two possibilities of the war:
- Ukraine wins. This means the return of Donbas and possibly Crimea to Ukrainian control. The best case in this scenario is that Ukraine joins NATO.
- Russia wins. This means the two provinces comprising Donbas receive autonomy from Ukraine and joining the Russian Federation. Ukraine does not join NATO.
What no one is discussing is that neither option makes sense. Putin still controls the energy into Europe and their economies. Everyone knows this. If Russia wins or loses, Europe is still at his mercy. Literally.
Russia’s economy is doing extremely well since the war started so Putin has no incentive to quickly end it. Russia has used a few hypersonic missiles so far, but they have not used their advanced weapons. The increased world influence of the BRICS due to the war is suppressed in the Western media. The future of the petrodollar is its quicke demise (hence the reason for the Great Reset).
So what is the end game since both of the options above will collapse Western Europe? And why would the big players (Germany, France and England) agree to their own destruction? The answer is simple: there is another option that no one will discuss.
This war in Ukraine was only a proxy war pretext to World War III. The West’s goals: reduced world population, the Great Reset of world debt and currencies, and the implementation of their New World Order.
So the two options we should be considering are:
- The West wins WW III and the above West’s (World Economic Forum) goals are achieved.
- The BRICS alliance of country (80% of the world’s population) wins the war and the WEF’s dystopian New World Order is put on hold for another 50 years. I say 50 years because evil is never completely destroyed and vigilance of good people wanes as apathy increases over time due to abundance. Let’s pray it is longer than 50 years because we become a moral and righteous people under God.
It seems that war is back on the menu on a grand scale. A world war will impact the civil unrest in our country as the Deep State will use their minions (BLM, Antifa, CIA, DOJ and FBI) to ensure complete compliance with their tyranny. They do not see people as anything other than fodder.
The only question we must be concerned about is how will we act: with honor based on a firm reliance on Divine Providence or with subservient obedience to evil?
David DeGerolamo
Sounds reasonable. I came to very similar conclusions.
A good analyses as any I have heard or thought of!
I am in my mid seventies and I am trying to buy enough solar power to run my golden years! The question is what are you youngens going to do?
Being that I am old, silly and foolish, I will make a suggestion any way!
Get some land in the deep country, with good water and plan on homesteading!
The world economy, society and politics is too unstable right now to base your survival on it! Go Galt and remember, TINVOWOOT
I have done everything on your list and more.
Agreed David, excellent analysis of the endgame, figure nukes into the equation, Russia won’t lose.
Does going Galt look like Hot civil war?
Some of the messaging is confusing.
Follower, some of the messaging is confusing on purpose, little ears are listening, as to going Galt it is a term from Atlas shrugged and it is likely to run hot! Do try to read it, if you haven’t!
I figured you did, and more! Keep up the excellent work, thanks!
We got to homesteading LONG before it was hip and cool! 🙂
It was always cool hip and cool in Amish country.
Haha. Right! Lots of lessons there for sure.
You must be really really old, any advice for some one who is just old, at 74, I need all the help I can get!
“The question is what are you youngens going to do?”
I hear tell a sizable number of them have limited resources, so they have invested in the means to put together a small team and hit mid seventy year old’s places and either raid the place or take it over.
Of course, there’s nothing quite like the “home court advantage”, as long as you have the time and wherewithal to entrench (possibly with actual trenches) and fortify properly. Consider vulnerability to siege and fire as well.
I think that scenario is correct as far as it goes. However, I don’t think the Brics Alliance stops there. As you have observed, leaving the wicked remnants of the deep state hanging around to re-emerge in 50 years is unlikely to be Russia’s endgame. China works on time scales longer than 50 years, so they are unlikely to let sleeping dogs lie either.
Then there are the many countries that the CIA has ruined through regime change over the decades. At least some of those countries will harbor deep rooted resentments / hatred of the US regime. Lots of them have been imported with the illegals. Doxxed politicians may find those attack dogs are not as controllable as they believed.
There are many moving parts to be considered. I don’t think a simple defeat is on the cards for the elites -- more like total destruction. BLM and Antifa are mercenaries -- mercenaries are bought not motivated by loyalty -- so their reaction is not likely to be wholly predictable either.
Other articles I’ve read suggest that the US actively seeks Europe’s destruction. That’s something to ponder too.
The 50 year timeframe was meant for the United States. The question is not whether the US seeks Europe’s destruction but why is Europe letting itself be destroyed?
I wonder that myself.
I figure Europe is sacrificing itself to the UN/WEF New World Order the same as the US is.
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy. It is a good question! I have no idea what is wrong with my German ancestors, let alone the rest of Europe. Could it be they are unarmed?
AnTiFa…ATF…coincidence? I doubt it.
Very good……had not thought of that. Well-armed and supplied. Kinda like fast and furious.
It doesn’t matter. Keep prepping your gear and supplies. Training is important too. Build relationships and leave out those who don’t understand. Pray to God that this calamity will pass, but be ready for the worst.
If Putin is not with the WEF, we will surely have a nuclear war, just my opinion. He cannot and will not allow nato on his border, the treason committed by most of the world leaders is astonishing, Revelations for me is clearly happening, as in the days of Noah, the treasonous communists now in control of the old Republic, have always admired the CCP, and how well they kept their slaves controlled, billions of them. Whichever way it goes I will never surrender or submit, so help me God.
Tom, My logic has been the Ukraine turmoil that the US greatly exacerbated in 2014 with a color revolution was intended as a pretext to provoke Russia into a war because Putin wouldn’t play ball with the globalists, the sanctions (nato coalition) and funding of this war is intended to bring Russia to heel.
What I haven’t figured out is why Russia is allied with China. I believe the CCP has the goal of leading the NWO (they certainly have no interest in submitting to the NWO. I agree that CCP styled communism is the goal of the NWO Globalists.
Everything western is a communist front. There is no WEF vs communism. It’s all one and the same playing both sides of the fence. There are no good guys. China and Russia did not take the kill shot. India woke up too. Islam is a pawn of the communists. Everything is designed to take down the west. We are dealing with multiple enemies. Soon the earth will shake, rattle and roll. Learn how to dance and keep the beat.
(Richard Pryor) “How come you whities got such a tight ass, man?”
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now. You are probably right about the China.
Well remember Putin was kGB, and the old communist guard never stood down, just retreated into the shadows. People change, maybe Putin is who he says he is.
So why the rush and push for hot civil war, when we know the world game is a-foot? Why do we not stick a round for the show? The long game as it were? i resolve not to make any of this easy for ‘His’ enemy nor mine.
We have no input when they will start the world war. Biden has already started the civil war in this country.
And I believe we had best begin to finish it.
The rush…
Locally, perhaps the best defense is a good offense, if you know you’re being stalked and hunted should you run or turn and take the fight to the hunter through violence of action on your terms? On a global scale, maybe it’s inspirational.
When is the best strategical time to “not make any of this easy for ‘His’ enemy or mine”? I believe we all share that resolution.
The rush…
Locally, perhaps the best defense is a good offense. Strategically thinking the debate is to take the fight to the enemy through violence of action on our terms. Maybe that action is inspirational on a global scale.
When is the best time to “resolve not to make any of this easy for ‘His’ enemy nor mine”?
War has “officially” been declared on free thinkers domestically.
The best analysis I have read. We’re about 30 seconds to midnight, I think.
Finally, It is heart warming to read all the thoughtful comments to the great articles! Thanks all!
Spot on analysis