While We Were Distracted…

BREAKING: North Carolina has officially passed the COS Resolution through the NC House with a final vote of 61-55.

This monumental victory comes after countless town halls, legislative meetings, and tireless efforts by our grassroots network in the state.

Thanks to their work—along with valuable leadership by Sen. Rick Santorum, Mark Meckler, and Michael Farris—our Resolution boasts an incredible 4 primary sponsors and 42 co-sponsors!

Next, we move to the NC Senate for consideration.

But the race to become state #20 is heating up.



North Carolina’s House sold out the people by passing the Con Con. We have to stop this legislation from passing the NC Senate. Please write your NC Senators and tell them to vote no on this measure.

For those in Western North Carolina:


Republican – District 50

Cherokee,  Clay,  Graham,  Haywood,  Jackson,  Macon,  Swain,  Transylvania

Mailing Address:

300 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 623

Raleigh, NC 27603

Office Phone:

(919) 733-5875



David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

Yes, the people of NC need to stop this terrible move. It’s not what it is purported to be, these folks want to kill our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Mark Meckler and his associates are traitors, not patriots.

old dog
old dog
1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Amen! Now is not the time to open the Constitution up. We have enough to deal with at the moment. Lets stop the illegals from coming in, lets get our voting fraud put behind us, lets get this energy situation under control & many more issues before we open the Constitution up.

1 year ago

While I agree that some amendments need to be added, such as balanced budgets and term limits for congress and senate members, until ALL our laws are being followed to the “T”, this will only give the miscreants ammo against us and, ultimately, dissolve our long-held dream of remaining that “shining light on the hill”.
This is NOT good!

Chris Mallory
Chris Mallory
1 year ago

You have to remember, our current constitution was the result of a coup. They were supposed to just tweak the much superior Articles of Confederation but we got stuck with the current big government enabling framework. Remember the Anti Federalists were right. God only knows what kind of abortion a “Convention of the States” will saddle us with. We need divorce, not changing the contract yet again.

1 year ago

A COS will be the biggest disaster this country can imagine. It WILL be hijacked by the left, packed with THEIR sycophants and used to end ALL of our rights. The purpose behind such a convention will be the final destruction of freedom and America. We don’t need to make ANY changes to the Constitution. We need to enforce it. By KILLING LEFTISTS if necessary. And it WILL be necessary.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 year ago

Republicans always betray the people that voted for them. Republicans are stealth communists who despise freedom, property rights, self defense and free speech. Their voting record confirms that they always betray freedom and property rights when their votes most count.
Both communist democrats and stealth communist republicans do especially love sending Americans to die in wars in third world non-productive countries so the Rothschild banking syndicate and Israel can profit from the wars.
Republicans are hand-in-hand with their democrat partners in extorting and stealing money and property from the people that pay the abusive city, county, school district, state and federal taxes. In their twisted logic there is no limit on how much they can tax us. In fact, they (democrats and republicans) both support that the tax payer should pay 100% of income as a tax so that we can live in UN Agenda 2030 15 Minute Cities and be electronically tracked 24/7.
Republicans have done nothing to stop the invasion at the southern border, stop the 24/7 geoengineering spraying of the skies, arrest those demons that planned and mandated the COVID-19 bioweapon death shots, failed to repeal the Obama Affordable Care Act that has destroyed medical care, failed to arrest Joe and Hunter Biden for their crimes, withdraw from the WHO, failed to have released from the DC gulag the J6 protestors, and the list goes on and on… The useless republicans cannot even repeal daylight savings time.
There is no difference between communist democrats and stealth communist republicans. Republicans pretend to be Christian conservative patriots, but they always vote to betray. Texas republican Senator John Cornyn is a good example. They are all bought pull peddling parasites.
It should be no surprise to any thinking person, that republicans will join the other communist to vote for a Convention of the States that will result in the death of America. They will say it is to balance the budget, or to protect our children, or some other nonsense that non-thinking zeros will believe.
Of course, the majority, if not all, 501c3 Christian church ministers are silent on the issue, as well as, most other issues that are designed to destroy the White American Christian productive culture. Maybe the Amish are right that a centralist 501c3 tax church is not the way to worship our creator as it is an extension of the government. Who is $ John Galt?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

LBJ knew what he was doing when he pushed for 501c3 status for the churches. With body bags aplenty on TV from Vietnam, he had to be sure that the pulpits would not be anti war. Look how the denominations followed the gubmint directives, closed down due to Covid and recommended the jab to its people.

1 year ago

This has been going on for a few years now in the background, led by Democrats. They want to change the constitution so it addresses equity.
Guarantee it’ll include a loss of rights specifically for whites and say good bye to the 1st, 2nd and 4th.

1 year ago

Rick Santorum. Worm of worms. I met that turd at my children’s elementary school in Fl. A more unimpressive individual I have never met and that turd was campaigning for president! I nailed that turd about his family stealing land from the Veterans retirement home for his families profit. If he could have run he would have. Also, not a very influential crowd at the little kid school, all 20 of us there!!