I do not believe Roy Cooper is the legal governor of North Carolina. If Mr. Robinson had to step into the role of the governor of North Carolina for any reason, North Carolina would be supporting Texas and the US Constitution (or what is left of it). Should one man decide the fate or path of the people living in the state? Davy Crockett did not believe so and he sacrificed all for people who were not even US citizens.
Today, our “governor” follows the diktats of an illegal pResident with no concern for our people. He is willing to sacrifice our laws, culture, education, economy and sovereignty for people who are not US citizens. Unlike Davy Crockett, Cooper is giving it away because his handlers tell him to sacrifice the people to whom this land belongs.
I do not know if the civil war will start in Texas but regardless of where it starts, the good people of North Carolina will stand up against the evil in Washington, D.C. and in Raleigh, NC with a firm reliance on Divine Providence.
David DeGerolamo
Kansas is the same. We have a sellout leftist governor who won’t stand up with all our neighbor states in support of Texas. The people here, who work, and farm, and build planes, will stand against the imposter and his regime also.
I’ll see your sellout Gov and raise you a Jay Inslee.
Although Indiana has declared for Texas and the Constitution I do not trust our governor Holcom any further then I could throw him. GOD Bless our coming efforts to restore the Republic! Le t “We the People” stand fast together!
We have the same in Ohio with DeWine or as we say…De Weenie!
To bad that you live n occupied territory and do nothing about it.
Do you have any good suggestions for North Carolinians? Please share.
Move to Alabama. “We dare defend our rights.”
Moving is not an option for most North Carolinaians.. What else can you advise?
Don’t worry Jane, November will fix our problem.
I do own land in Alabama but all my relatives there are democrats. May be safer here in North Carolina with my tribe.
Hopefully November will fix NC’s problem.
Funny, I have been thinking about Davy Crockett the last two days.
HAHAHA His wife; Elizabeth Crocket; is buried in Acton, TX just 30 niles SW of my home. It is the smallest State park in America (just her grave).
“the good people of North Carolina will stand up against the evil in Washington, D.C. and in Raleigh, NC with a firm reliance on Divine Providence”. REALLY !?! With yall’s blatant failure in N.C.; thanks but no thanks. Just leave this to REAL men to handle. Yall can just stay home; and sleep in the beds yall shit all over.
Oh; and thanks for bringing Nikki Haley to power. The greatest candidate the Democrats have EVER run for the Presidency.
That is South Carolina….Haley is from SC…Get your facts straight!
Charming from a “Patriot Influencer ” .
Lead on.
We also have a illegitimate governor in Az. Katie Hobbs, but I believe and know for a certain fact that in Mojave county, where I reside that we back Texas and will fight this evil.
and what they can do to make a statement or begin an impeachment process investigation as to why this liberal communist governor of ours hates his own state and will back Texas up with our guard as well, our state has been severely embarrassed by the puke face dog. Our governor has been seen with two racists on a continual basis, Eric Holder and the sodomite Obama are the two he takes his Marxist marching orders from. This Marxist governor clown has destroyed our state in the last 7 years. Last week he was in Raleigh raising money for Obiden while he should have been calling our guard to deploy to Texas. And you are correct he never won re-election the votes were rigged in his favor and the legislature wanted to view the machines and the elections board denied the request to turn over some of the machines, they defied the legislature request so they could cover up for the loser Cooper.
By the way; I am sitting here in my wheelchair at Camp Freedom; erected on the Eagle Pass fairgrounds; sharing camaraderie with almost 5k of my fellow Texas State Militia members; waiting on another 5-10k members who are working hard to join us. I am enjoying some wonderful fresh, warm tamales; being provided to us by the locals; who are frantically working hard to keep us fed; so we won’t have to dip into our rations until the last possible moment. I am handicapped and flat broke; but me and my team still made the long miserable drive down to here from Ft. Worth. What are you and your comrades up too today?
When will NC restore the Confederate flag?
I agree with you, along with other statues they removed.
Yes, return all statues.
I think this whole thing is Kabuki theater, a media sh!t show. Why didn’t Gov. Abbott grow some testicles 3 years ago when it would have made a difference? Abbott is a member of the WEF and he is a Globalist. There is a video floating around by a guy from Texas driving down the road in Eagle Pass showing the “alleged conflict between the Feds and the Texas BP and NG. It shows all of these thousands of illegals lined up at the barbed wire on the south side of the river and under the bridge. The guy drives half a mile down the road and there are open gates in the wall with nobody coming thru and no law enforcement officers guarding the gates and no people coming thru the gates. The whole thing is just a show. I think it has the potential of being a setup much like J6 so the Feds can identify patriots and then go to their homes later and arrest them on false chargers.
You are correct. I’m at the fairgrounds; a little over three miles north of the “park”; but here is the latest. There are 120ish TNG on site (all unarmed); NO NG from any other state on site; most of the Feds left yesterday; and the rest of us are sitting here twittling our thumbs.
Nobody deleted you. Your comment was in pending since this is the first time you posted a comment.
You are requesting deletion AGAIN; as you speak. I am sitting down here with absolutely NOTHING else to do at the moment. I really hate to spend my time on your insecurities.
I have posted here MANY times. My three previous posts earlier; were approved instantly. If nobody here is interested in real time updates; I won’t bother. Other platforms have been quite receptive and appreciative. But then again; those platforms are run by real Patriots.
I checked your name on these comments and you have not posted before under BigJymn. There are six comments that were approved tonight. I deleted one that one a duplicate comment. I apologize for doing chores on the farm tonight before checking comments for approval by the WordPress plugin.
“Real Patriots” a clue word in my not so humble opinion.
Posting “real time” on many platforms” is another clue word, perhaps.
We are sure getting a lot of new names this last few weeks.
David DeGerolamo is blocking my comments. They DO NOT violate policy in any way.
I approved your pending comment so now your new comments are going through. I will let you delete your new comments unless you want me to address them.
Thanks; I tried; but had no option to delete. I have enjoyed your site up until now; but will probably not be returning. My number one rule in life has been; I only go where I’m treated well; and I am clearly not welcome here. Was just trying to bring some of my followers to your site. Won’t be making that mistake again.
Drama much?
LOL, A “Real Patriot Influencer” TRYING to Bring HIS Followers to this site..
One that will leave if not treated well.
A few clue words and phrases here. Manipulation and bribery of MORE Eyes on the site.
Give you a hint BigJymn NC Renegades doesn’t sell anything, no ads no need for your followers to come or go at YOUR Behest.
Davie if I am out of line let me know.
The comments from BigJymn were strange. I too have noticed new names here.
If he really was in Texas, I wonder why he did not give more information. If I was there (and yes I thought about driving there by myself) and nothing was going on, I would have been interviewing people and posting the videos.
Yep,clearly BigJymn in his “Wheelchair ” is using a cellphone. Pity no selfies interviews or video from an “PATRIOT Influencer “, ODD THAT as Influencers are video people.
Comments about “most of the Fed’s left yesterday ” have an odd smell to me.
His other posts are attacking folks as why you’re not here and he’s so broke but here, as well as attacking folks about NC and such.
Curious indeed
I lived in Texas for over one year, courtesy of Uncle Sam. The Texans I met would give you the shirt off of their backs. They were (and still are) true patriots. Get ready. The next Lexington Green will be in the Lone Star State. Plan accordingly.
Opposition To Tyranny Is Never Safe -- by T.L. Davis
Thank you, Mr. Finley. America is indeed coming apart. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
The fact that history repeats itself is undeniable. States’ Rights | American Battlefield Trust (battlefields.org) The issuance of a ban on gas exportation is history being repeated. I pray for my fellow Copperheads tonight.
The Northern Copperhead.