It smells like an Obama regime again. But this time, whoever is in charge has actually fundamentally changed the nation. We are bankrupt several times over, our military is a woke joke, EVERYONE in Washington, D.C. supports the fraudulent administration and white, Christians are all domestic terrorists.
A wise man told me a few years back that if we (white, male Christians) are labeled as racists, we may as well be racist. I find it hard to accept that as a Christian. I have to ask why the powers that be want us dead. The people that founded this nation, built it up into a world superpower by unlocking human potential and who work to pay taxes to fund their “representatives” in the government should be celebrated instead of vilified.
I believe that God is in control. He will punish those who transgress against Him and His Word. I believe He will use the good people of this land to fight evil and make our nation moral and humble again. What does evil want for our future? I do not see that they care about our future because their goal is for us to be dead.
David DeGerolamo
When people declare it’s all about greed, power and more money. When people ask : don’t the elites have enough money? How much more do they need to be satisfied? I have to shake my head in disbelief that people are still thinking along those lines. People have not looked behind the curtain. The elitists plan for global genocide IS their goal and destroying western civilization is only the ways and means to that end. It matters not to them how much power and money they have as long as we lose our individuality and freedoms and suffer in the process as we die. They are playing a game amongst themselves to see who has the most power, yes, but what really gratifies them is watching us fight each other, suffer and die—but don’t be quick about it because meanwhile they thrive on the pain and agony. Satan is the chess master and we are the pawns.
And Satan is their master.
The “Powers that be” are not human. People need to wake up. They pit human agaist human and get us to fight amongst ourselves. They get us fighting and sit back and watch. They are not human. Who is “they”?
Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”
1 John 3:12 “Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.”
Jesus called them out. John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
Wake up before it’s too late. The best defense an enemy can have is not to reveal himself to you.
I think we all realize that obummer is pulling air-puppet joey’s strings. Joey’s just the whipping post with all his delusional pronouncements.
It’s a leftist communist regime. Both Obama and Biden were and are nothin but puppets for the power elite who prefer to remain in the shadows.
Yes. “Brandon” is an entertaining shorthand for the puppetry of our bumbling fool in chief, but somehow people forget that before Orange Man Bad we suffered 8 years of fake n gay Manchurian Bathhouse Barry who was no more of a citizen statesman elected to power any more than Brandon is today.
The main difference is that through Barry’s great purge and psyop -- and the subsequent perpetual coup on Trump, and the reckless but successful theft of 2020, we have arrived at that point in communist reign in which the purpose of humiliation and subversion coalesce.
Brandon is an outright mockery, a humiliation of Heritage Americans that also serves to distract from the treasury looting, border invasion, institutional convergence, demilitarization, and global economic reset underway.
All of which requires total war on White Christian men of the FUSA as the remnant is the only remaining threat against casting off the entrenched power, even if that is near impossible to happen in advance of the coming cascade event.
That long game of subversion and retconning of Christianity into xtian-lite progressivism and globo-evangelicalism has succeeded in completely deracinating, disenfranchising, and distracting that remnant from the fact that there is no such thing as racism and no such christian morality to abdicate ones own duty to that which is proximate, familiar, and preferential of ones tribe and nation constructed to serve the unique interests of that tribe in favor of “we are all Gods Children” etc.
In the end we are an empty civnat appeal to an “Economy” and “Idea” and “Proposition” the barrier to entry being that of simple want and/or finding oneself upon our shores. And so “we”, in failing to protect who gets to define the “we” and that all else is downstream of those distinct peoples, are occupied by evil forces and useful idiots who have taken it all from us.
“Racism” is a tool of evil. It does not exist; it is neither Biblical nor a moral primacy held by any other people in any historical sense whatsoever. Fear of being called racist by serving our people according to God’s hierarchy, is just cowardice cloaked in that fiat moral status.
And cowardice is the ultimate Achillies of all virtues because without courage no virtues can withstand on the onslaught of perversion and inversion. The Current Year is evidence of that cowardice, just as the “debates” of how to remedy the capture and occupation evidence the elasticity of that inverted morality of racism-avoidance-at-all-cost.
Well, all cost is the destruction of our people. We are all getting the bill. Who shall pay?
Excellent comment.
When will we act? When will We the People act? Let us define clearly what it means “to act.” What did each of us do this week to refuse the forced AI invasion of our lives? What did we do to make sure our children were properly taught in school? What did we do to strengthen our community and family? How many of us took the time to open our Bible? Just what did we do to resist the planned train wreck of our nation? When will start acting?
We know the nation must fall in order to rise again. But that does not mean we do nothing until that happens. What’s your plan this coming week to refuse the demands of ESG and all the other blather they throw at us? Everyday, these rich folk try to scare us with ridiculous threatening news. What do we do with this news? How many of us wrote a simple Letter to the Editor about the fear mongering journalists get paid to do? How many took the time to write the school superintendent about school policies? How many of us just sat on our ass and did nothing about anything?
Thanks to Dave and Wes, we can come here and blow steam on this blog. I can’t even imagine how much hard work is involved keeping NC Renegades active.
Now let’s do something. If you got a gripe bring it here so we can all call or write to whomever is trashing the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Stop obeying stupid rich folk bent on destroying everything we believe in and work for. There is little time left to awaken others to not be afraid.
I go to our local Freedom Seekers, and Tea Party meetings. It all has to start at the grassroots. We have made progress within our local community, and some within the state. I send letters to Congress, to the media, and anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, I believe many others do as well; but this has been planned for so long. Our pharmaceutical companies, our educational system, the decline of morals, taking GOD out of schools etc. was all implemented to bring us to this point. What do you do to fight back Jane? I know there are many of us, like you who try, but are silenced. We are at a point where the pot has to boil over. Protect your own family, be with like minded people, prep, read and be informed, but most of all trust and lean on our only hope in JESUS CHRIST
I am doing the same as you but refuse to join any group. I have written many senators. I write on a few blogs. I make numerous phone calls to numerous political people. I stand with you as an independent autonomous American.
I refuse apps, AI intrusion, and corporations who force me to divulge info to customer service reps in different countries. I refuse to be a pawn, a slacker for the John Kerry crowd, and the power behind the throne. I am a law abiding citizen, 75 year old American.
Alvin Tofflers 1990 book PowerShift discusses the future will be influenced by three factors Force / Wealth / Knowledge.
Thirty years later we see what American military force, Billionaire voices, and technology gas done to global society.
‘evils’ mission (the world, worldliness) is to turn us away from Mashiak.
He tells us: “Be set apart for I am set apart.”
Video Player — MonkeyWerx operation trojan horse, get ready and pay attention.
aw geez, figure 300 people per flight. C-17’s moving lots to Hawaii? One of our islands has are ready been overrun by MS13.
Yea, it is worse than we know.
Obama was chosen by the CIA to be our president. His grandmother (the White one) worked for USAID, which is a CIA front organization. Someone in the intelligence business is calling the shots. When Obama’s family lived in Indonesia, his mother married a Colonel of the Indonesian military. Probably an intelligence officer. The CIA has to go. Don’t see it happening.
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