Who Is the Enemy?

Wes posted an image concerning monsters in a post.

Based on the comments, let me suggest that we first have to identify the monsters (enemy). Let’s suppose that our enemy is the federal government, then who else considers the government of the US to be their enemy? The list is quite long:

  1. Islam considers the US (and its people) to be the Great Satan.
  2. Russian speaking people in the Dunbos were attacked by Ukraine such that after years of bombing, Russia finally intervened in their behalf. The proxy war in Ukraine is still a war between Russia and the West.
  3. China wants Taiwan and has had sanctions and tariffs imposed on them by the US. Biden calls President Xi a dictator during his visit to San Francisco.

Some say Israel is the enemy but I want you to consider the Sanskrit adage:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

I do not believe it. The founding fathers had wise policies concerning interaction with other countries. Thomas Jefferson summed it up perfectly:

Power corrupts independently of the level of power. We see that in action in our local, state and federal government diktats.

I do not subscribe to the policy of making alliances with other groups or countries based on a common enemy. Should we consider making alliances based on who is our friend? Should we consider making no alliances and being friend (neutral) to all? Those questions should be answered first and then we must decide who the enemy is to our people.

The answer for me as to whom the enemy is obvious: the federal government. No entity has a more direct influence over our lives in every manner and the result is slavery, despair and death. Imagine if the federal government was put back in its box as defined by the Constitution. Imagine if we stopped US hegemony around the world and rebuilt America. Imagine if the people in the United States were not divided by the federal government, big business and the media.

I hope that you consider the above questions but the bottom line is that our enemy has been defined by the federal government and they are mobilizing against the good people who believed in the American Dream. Do you consider the following groups to be friends or enemies:

  1. Antifa
  2. Black Lives Matter
  3. Any three letter federal agency
  4. Any form of media
  5. Hollywood
  6. Gender Identify syncophants
  7. Vaccine supporters
  8. Ukraine supporters
  9. Israel supporters
  10. Climate change supporters

Some of the above may not be the enemy. Can determine who is the “enemy” if we stop being diverted by all of the factions dividing us?

What can I do? I use can use critical thinking skills to determine a course of action with a firm reliance on Divine Providence. I must determine who is trustworthy and build relationships to build a community. I must not let myself become distracted by those events, news or issues that I have no control over. I must remember the purpose of government: protect our borders and secure our property. Everything else is a power grab for someone else’s motives.

Without consequences, the “law” becomes a tool to control us. We see how voter fraud without consequences has led our nation to the brink of WWIII with nuclear options on the table. I do not see how much worse it can become as a dystopian future appear to be certain.

It is probable that many of our “enemies” outside the country are manufactured by our government, our government’s actions, religious ideology and misunderstandings. I believe taking back our nation and becoming honorable, moral and righteous will make most of those enemies disappear. One fact is unassailable: evil controls the US federal government and that makes them my enemy. It is an enemy that I cannot defeat by myself but I can withhold my consent. If enough of us withhold our consent, it is the first step. I have a “feeling” that the government is now realizing the importance of the people who built this country, have faith in God and who are becoming very “aware”.

David DeGerolamo

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

As things are at this moment i look at the individual. i disagree with almost perhaps every group that has a ‘flock mind-set. Collectivism should be on everyone’s radar, it shows itself in many ways.
we should help others in need, defend others as needed, treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated.
His commands should be our guide, we should strive to know them ,understand them, and defend them.
In the ten examples above i would say four i would consider the enemy. Now hopefully some individuals within these groups could be saved or salvaged from the brain washing they most certainly have received.
Are there enemies within all ten, of course there are.
And no i also do not go along with the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Uniting for a common cause, you would always need to keep your guard up.

1 year ago

IMHO 8 of 10 are enemies.
Most supporters of Israel and or Ukraine are misguided. However individuals supporters such as Lindsey Graham are absolutely an enemy

I dare say most FBI employees are decent hard working individuals who turn a blind eye to their corrupt leadership. Therefore they support the enemy machinery, hope to get promoted within it, and when ordered, will violate our rights in support of the corruption. Yet they don’t perceive themselves as corrupt.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

Israel, i do not believe most get what Israel even is, they see only that target in the middle east, what man has physically shown it to be. Many innocent individuals are in Israel, perhaps in Ukraine also useful idiots and otherwise.
Seems ‘extremists’ exist in each and every group.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I agree it is the federal government and all it’s agency’s, state and local. The ten groups you mentioned are mostly federally subsidized and enemy’s as well. The 10th amendment means nothing to them as does any of the founding documents.

1 year ago

The Federal Government is a representation and reflection of the population of this nation and the spiritual condition of the citizens. At this late stage eliminating the government changes nothing concerning the depravity of the people in this nation. Who and what would you rebuild with? A small remnant of moral people within the vast population is not sufficient to bring back America if such a thing were even possible in these very last days. Again realize our government is a representation of the people that put it power in our modern times and keeps it in power. So in essence our REAL enemy are the depraved and godless citizen/illegals that surround us… the corrupt governments, institutions etc etc are just a byproduct of the people. We are like the corrupt rebellious Israelites exiled to Babylon… they and we were/are rebellious, evil and corrupt beyond hope as a whole. As much as I loathe and hate the Federal Government and look on them as the greatest enemy of the entire planet I have to realize that we are all individually responsible for this behemoth going back generations. If we were a moral and responsible people we would quickly join together to extinguish all forms of evil in this country and then rebuild but it will NEVER happen apparently as we are lovers of pleasure and materialism etc etc and our own lives are more important… how many in this country are even awake enough or moral to even see the need to destroy this evil from within? Youtube videos made by patriots and gun enthusiasts etc dressed in camouflage out in the woods with their ARs shooting videos is not going to reclaim this country or bring about the ability to do it. Our only power is in Jesus and we are the Laodicean Church… enough said?

1 year ago
Reply to  A.C.W.

A lot of people say the same thing about Jews. Just like us, the average Jewish person has no more control over the actions of their government than we do of our government. The US government is only a reflection of half of it’s people. The evil half. The good people in flyover country are not a reflection of our current government. The depravity in the blue cities is a reflection of the depravity of the federal government. Outlying areas not so much.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith
1 year ago

Very good points, David. It’s always good to identify objectives, see enemiesc clearly, and fimd allies to avoid wasted efforts. I add to the question regarding who the enemy is as follows -- GK Chesterton was once asked to submit an editorial in response to the question “What’s wrong with the world?” His response was two words “I am.”

1 year ago

Radical Islam and it’s supporters need to also be on that list of enemies.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

Probable in the top three.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

I like the idea of ‘reliance on Divine Providence‘. We should remember that Divine Providence was used in our founding documents rather than ‘God’. We should also remember that ‘Freedom of Religion’ thing in the First Amendment. Now, if we can all agree on those two points, does it really matter if one worships ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, the Germanic Pantheon’, or ‘Buddha’? Would not ‘Divine Providence cover them all? All of us have strong beliefs in that regard, but as John B. Wells once said, “We think we know, but we don’t”. None of us can prove our belief.
Jefferson was a deist. He believed in a Creator, but also Natural Law. He modified his Bible to exclude the miracles of Jesus. Read Sworn on the Altar of God by Edwin S. Gaustad for a religious biography on Jefferson. Being a native Virginian, Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jefferson were my primary heroes growing up, and they continue to be. Lee for his character and Jefferson for his intellect and curiosity.
The list of ten above correctly identifies my enemies. There are no others aside from criminals or foreigners invading my lands (and perhaps many if not most politicians). American patriots, regardless of how they identify Divine Providence, are certainly not enemies, but allies.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
1 year ago

God told us our enemy: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” -- Ephesians 6:12 (in other words, anything the Spirit of Satan controls.)

1 year ago

I see the WEF-World Economic Forum and The US Government were left off the list. I see the others listed as threats to the people as everyone you listed is used and promoted by the PTB resulting in Americans being used as Fodder for coming conflicts/war…and I dont want my son and daughter to be sacrificed for a Globalist Luciferian Agenda! Ironic the majority pushing for war never served, never seen a bunky lose a leg or been tortured…take Obama. In his 3rd term Obama is pushing war and all he ever did is blow old rich white men.