Who Is the Military Defending?

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States:

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

The original intent of the separation of power into three branches of government has collapsed. Congress is mired in special interests, power and greed to such an extent as to be rendered impotent. The Executive branch is declaring wars in violation of the Constitution under different names but executive orders and czars are running the government. The judicial branch may be the most treasonous of the three, staying in the shadows with no oversight while justifying illegal actions.

We were warned by our forefathers of the consequences of certain paths that we have now taken. The media and the military have become branches of government with no oversight and no thought to our founding principles. Are you in the fight for the duration?

David DeGerolamo

From YouTube and CREW:

This report and short video, released in partnership with Brave New Foundation, reveal the extent of the Pentagon’s revolving door phenomenon, in which retired high-ranking generals and admirals cash in on their years of military experience by taking lucrative jobs with the defense industry.

CREW found 70 percent of the 108 three-and-four star generals and admirals who retired between 2009 and 2011 took jobs with defense contractors or consultants.  In at least a few cases, these retirees have continued to advise the Department of Defense — all while on the payroll of the defense industry.

Key Findings:

  • Retired generals can make more than their yearly military pay by serving on corporate boards
  • Contractors have increased spending on lobbying for 40 percent in the last five years
  • The U.S. government paid the top five defense contractors $113 billion in 2011
  • As of early 2012, 68 percent of lobbyists for the top five defense contractors had prior public sector experience
  • Pentagon rules prohibiting the revolving door are riddled with loopholes

Download the full report here.


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