The food and pharmaceutical industry loses. The people win. Our children will become healthier, smarter and live longer.
David DeGerolamo
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The food and pharmaceutical industry loses. The people win. Our children will become healthier, smarter and live longer.
David DeGerolamo
Want it to be true! Believe it when I see it.
I wonder what would happen if we could become a positive nation again?
Actions of the elected have that ball in their court.
The “care bear stare” only worked in the cartoons. Pom-pombs and communism don’t go together.
Way more food will be kosher for me if RFK jr can pull it off getting all the poison out of the food supply. You guys would probably not believe me if I described the leangths I have to go to to have a biblically kosher diet. Not rabbinic kosher btw.
We all want that David. Reagan coined it best when he said “Trust but Verify”. We definitely don’t want MAGA to mean: “Making America Gullible Again”.
Praying this happens and that God has mercy on our country. Can you imagine a country that is healthier, wealthier, safer, and more united? Reducing our debt. Common sense rules and regulations. Freedom. While I don’t think it’s going to be all fun and games for a while, I pray for a revival both spiritually and economically
Only a guy like The Trumpeter could wipe the corrupted rats from HHS.
Bobby Jr. will be a bulldog tearing Big Pharma’s asses up!
And if the coat tails carry many into the House and Senate, he can get the laws rewritten to prevent easy return if the swamp rats.
So very much to do and many will drag their heels……
And we must accept that the DemonicRats will start their counter-revolution the very day that The Trumpeter is determined to be # 47….
Make BigPharma liable again.
I hate to bring this up, but unless we repeal all laws protecting pharmaceutical companies under the auspices of Emergency Use Authorizations and general qualified immunity, nothing will change. There’s too much money in it and Congress is bought and paid for.
But do you understand that each and every person that works at or for any one of those agencies will now vote blue?
This election IS existential for a lot of people in a lot of ways.
RFK pulled up to one of our local gyms here in NorCal over the summer in a minivan. Obviously a rental car. Payed his $20.00 day rate and trained legs. It’s a gym I’ve trained at and follow on Instagram. The owner is a Nationally known ex power lifter and posts a LOT about health a nutrition so the two hit it off really well. Great pics. Not one single security person. RFK is the real deal. I would have never voted for him for President unless Trump wasn’t running. But this is the perfect guy to stop the poison they are feeding us.
Wrong. Those industries will just shutter their doors for six months or so; and starve us out. At least all the ones that don’t die from lack of medications. They hold all the power. “The people” handed it all over to them long ago………….
Another reason to “grow your own”.
Google Curtis Stone, who made a good living bartering for the use of people’s front and back gardens in exchange for vegetables. You would be amazed how much food can be grown in 1/4 acre. We just need to localise food growing and by using fruit & veg ‘in season’.
Taking on big food and big pharma is a monumental task. I heard years ago that pharma has their own black ops hit teams-which is what happened to all those naturopaths over the years. We will have to fight tooth and nail to get this country back for sure.
What you heard is true!
FedGov & Monsanto, etc. will be looking for blood!
I have just one fair question to ask of RFK Jr.: sir, when you are placed in charge of the HHS and its sub-agencies, will you personally order the immediate recall of the bio-weapons masquerading as Covid-19 vaccines?
Left out the EPA and DEA. Don’t forget all those chemtrails contaminating the soil, water, and air. And all those illicit drugs coming in across the border. Oh yeah and let’s not forget Customs. Remember all those Chinese food imports exempt from USDA and FDA inspections (Melamine anybody?).
Wow, I guess they really are trying to kill us all. This problem is much, much bigger that it seems.
Just keep this guy away from our guns please.
Most excellent. We pray so.