Who Will Stand Up for the Children?

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1 month ago

The Thames needs to flow deep red.

Roth Harbard
1 month ago

Are there any English men left? When will the Saxon begin to hate enough to address this?

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 month ago

To answer the question posed by the headline, apparently not. At least in jolly old England. A truly sickening state of affairs to see how docile, cucked and demoralized the rightful population of the place that once colonized the world has become. I despair that the US -- despite lots of talk and posturing -- is in much the same state. I get that no one wants to end up a burnt offering at the hands of of criminal govt, but it is remarkable there are virtually no capable lone wolves who have cropped up and taken action.

So far, in recent memory we have Luigi -- and his chosen target, while somewhat understandable in context -- might have been better chosen for the broader impact it could’ve had. Prior to his emergence, when was the last time you remember a case of truly attention getting vigilantism taking place against a high value target here? Yeah, there was the shot taken at Trump, but since that appears to have been a deep state setup, it isn’t the same. I’m talking a bonafide, organic case of a guy who just says screw it one day, makes a legit plan, and carries it out successfully. That almost never happens.

1 month ago

An official inquiry would cast a light on the willful complicity of huge numbers of English politicians and law enforcement. People who NEED to be hung….alongside the thousands of Paki’s and other criminal invaders.

1 month ago

What’s the British equivalent of “PizzaGate”? “Bangers & MashGate?”
How many of the MPs have taken children? How many have tasted the adrenochrome?
They ought to be nuked to bedrock, the lot of them.
And Bob’s your uncle!

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 month ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Somehow, I think it’d be “faggots and peas”-gate based upon my admittedly limited knowledge of the traditional English diet. But don’t quote me on that.

1 month ago

Almost the same issue here as 159 Dems voted against the Laken Riley bill in Congress. The Dems support illegals raping and killing US citizens.
All we can do is Pray and Prepare (arm & ammo up)
You listening FBI / CIA / DoD / local LEO?

1 month ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

Step number one is to STOP giving any credence to the demo-communists and their damned vote. It doesn’t mean anything. The only power it has is what normal people give it. Stop giving it any power. Ignore them or tell them to shut up and if they don’t, then shut them up, physically if necessary.
The electoral and political process isn’t sacred. It didn’t come down as a commandment on stone tablets either.
There is no peaceful solution to this problem. Others who have evil goals used that peaceful process against the normal people. The peaceful process only works with a moral and just people, not the evil ones.