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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
25 days ago

This is what it looks like when your society has been force fed propaganda for 80-years. There isn’t a single person in this country that hasn’t been told stories about our greatest ally. They’re brainwashed.
Like when the alcoholic abusive spouse convinces his wife that she can’t leave, she couldn’t live w/o him… so she sticks through all the abuse, the prison in her mind keeping her in that physically violent and abusive situation.
Gee, that sounds awful familiar…?

24 days ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

I have been saying, for years, that Israel needs to voluntarily wean itself from American aid.
First, as a tip of the hat to people who cite this aid as a cause for anger -- not necessarily without merit.
But second… NO nation can call itself an independent nation and still be so captive to foreign support.
And I know a lot of Jews in Israel who agree with me, particularly on point 2.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
24 days ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Israel was created by far to the left, socialist and Marxists. Most people don’t realize this. They look at the old movie “Exodus” and see just some people struggling to create a nation of their own. But if you looked at the reality of who they were--all leftist retards, militant leftists. Go to many of the Kibbutz there in Israel--and the are nothing but commie-kamps where many Jewish families send their children to spend a summer or a year for indoctronation.
When you think of Ben Nutty-Yahoo as a conservative…. this guy is about as conservative as Bill Clinton. That’s about a conservative as you’ll get in Israel…. which BTW is the homosexual/trans/lesbian haven for the middle east.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
25 days ago

i have known for sometime if Yahusha was walking this earth right now all factions and divisions would once again crucify Him! Welcome to reality, the lies have done what was intended and many continue spewing but not many are Truly repenting nor seeking!
So the red Love the country but the Blue do not? Yes very interesting. (sarcasm!)
Why indeed!

Last edited 25 days ago by a follower, working on it.
25 days ago

Oddly enough being Crucified WAS Jesus’s Mission.

You know that scripture “I come not to bring peace but a sword. Families against each other and so on”.

Salad bar christans fail to read the hard parts of the whole Bible.

Since the shoe doesn’t fit don’t take offense.

But go on showing the rest of us your fancy names for Jesus and God.

Proves your knowledge. Pity Martin Luther wasted his life making the Bible for us mere common men.

Why do you post here? You seldom agree with the host or the posters here.

When you do, you must one up us with a “but” statement that shows you really disagree.

Is there not a higher Christian pacifist blog you could share your gems of wisdom?

Deeds not words. Jesus Did Things and paid full price.

a follower
a follower
24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

Just can’t help yourself can you?

24 days ago
Reply to  a follower

The truth stands.

Why are you here?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
25 days ago

Short answer to why, The sons of Israel without messiah are mostly worshipping systems of men. Especially Karl Marx

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
25 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

As to why the American goy worship Israel,, I can’t even imagine. I’m told everyone worships something.

25 days ago

For my entire adult life. Jews vote 80 to 85% Socialist. Given the increase anti semitism by the Socialists, they would have voted differently.
This level of stupid is a mystery. As Sheep they laterally vote for the Wolf.voted

Last edited 25 days ago by Crawfisher
24 days ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

On Tuesday after voting I was talking with a couple of conservatives holding signs outside the polling place. My kippa was clearly visible, and he asked the same question as you.
I get that question all the time.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago

Me too!

tom finley
tom finley
24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Something that will keep a man in everlasting ignorance, contempt prior to investigation, people fallow the path of least resistance Rabbi Will.

25 days ago

The ENTIRE problem stems from their control of the global banking sector (and EVERYTHING that comes with it).

24 days ago

“Judeo-Christian.” I’ve heard this phrase all of my life, yet only for 30 years have I questioned its meaning.
What did the “Judeo” part do for the founding of this Nation?
Why is the “Christian” part secondary?
I’ve noted that all of our presidents (and our president-elect and even DeSantis) have journeyed to Israel, donned the small hats and made some form of obeisance/gestures of respect at the Wailing Wall.
I’m too old to believe in coincidences.
I’ve read that “All wars are banker’s wars” and I see that the world’s banks are wholly owned by ((())). Rothschild, the City of London, Goldman Sachs, Yellen of our Federal Reserve--it is endless.
Heads. On. Swivels.

Last edited 24 days ago by TakeAHardLook
Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Christiality has nothing Judeo in it at all. NONE .a more accurate term of our founding would be a Greko- Roman system of legal principles. That said. Many of our founders wrote alot about biblical principles found in the laws of God. These were more there personal opinions.

24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Thank you Rabbi.

I wish Follower working on it understood that fact.

I only care if you are a good neighbor or not.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

Cut him a little slack. He’s a decent guy if you talk to him on the phone. He’s not near a decent synagogue so he’s relying on those internet clickbait teachers who are uneducated and un ordained themselves.

24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

A tree is known by its fruit.

I read his posts for well over a year. I am not hasty in my observations.

If he’s asked for scripture supporting his comments he flees or call you a troll.

The truth stands.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

Like I said uneducated. Well and annoying lol

24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Dumping his comments and fleeing when questioned is annoying indeed.


a follower
a follower
24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

You know better than that also. What did I say so offensive? If mashiak were here today in the physical, what would a majority do? Is this not telling, aconcern?

24 days ago
Reply to  a follower

Why can’t you drop the So Spiritual ME nonsense and just say Jesus?

Can’t show off your “extensive God knowledge ” or what?

a follower
a follower
24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

Where did I say different?

24 days ago
Reply to  a follower

About what?

You do this style of no context question way too often and act like it’s Harrassment to be asked until you actually answer the question.

The truth stands.

Why are you here?

a follower
a follower
24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

If you look up above at the conversation starter (hint) rabbi will, what did say different?

24 days ago
Reply to  a follower

Not interested in hints.

My granddaughter isn’t allowed to play silly games in a discussion.

Why should I let a grown man play silly games here?

You have NEVER had trouble typing out long how religious and smart I am posts.

You have done cut and paste often enough.

Man up and answer like a man.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

You wish to attack, accuse, agitate, that is your mission, You mock His Name, and i am the problem?
What church do you serve? i stand amazed at the support you gain, after the way you repeatedly act. Our last conversation ended well, i answered you after your childish pursuit! Yet you begin attacking once again, immediately?
Any one that can see the Truth will, yet many are blinded by your name calling and hatred. i have seen this before and am not surprised, just disgusted!
Is that how you serve His church and others?
You have been told why i will not engage in your scriptural war.
Do you notice how “Rabbi Will” did not return?
i always try to return to see if i have said something i should answer for? Why would you play Wills game? What are we told of calling someone else Rabbi?
i am done here, search for His discernment!
i am moving foreword now i suggest you do the same.

Last edited 24 days ago by a follower, working on it.
24 days ago

Lol So Powerful a keyboard.

Last time you told David “The troll is signing off”

Mere hours you were back.

How can we miss you if you never go away?

I never mock my Lord’s name.

I DO mock pseudo religious puffed ups.

As Jesus so offended the Jewish religious leadership puffed ups.

Rabbi was correct, ignorant and annoying.

23 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade


But I do wonder why he’s here.

He hates it when you drop the pacifist link.

Says you bear false witness against him.

You are far more forgiving than I.

But I respect your principles and will try not to attack him.

a follower
a follower
23 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Not sure if I should respond but I do appreciate the third person intervention. Answer if you wish. Why would I hate being falsely accused of something I am not?

23 days ago
Reply to  a follower

Reading over the whole thread are you complaining only about myself or the couple of other posters including a Rabbi that was not supportive of your posts?

What have I accused you of? Is it factually wrong or an opinion of your posts that you disagree with.

If I’m factually wrong please show me and I will apologize.

a follower
a follower
23 days ago
Reply to  Michael

If David would wish to be a third party as moderator as suggested biblically, could be a learning experience for all? Otherwise we could move past this and ask each other for clarification before escalating in future. After Another thought David has never assigned a pacifist label to me. Some one else did this and a couple others jumped on board.

24 days ago
Reply to  Michael

A curmudgeon, at best. At worst………

24 days ago

OK, token conservative Jew here…
The problem is that the vast majority of Jews are secular to only passing-faithful. Their real faith is liberalism, even Marxism (let’s be fair: Socialism IN THEORY is a good system, but fails the acid test against real-world human nature). There’s always been a strong utopian streak among us.
I could post a number of essays that others have written on that, but I’ll limit it to three things:
Plopping Jews -- video with Evan Sayet discussing why Judaism is different from other religions.
On the ‘Tikkun Olam’ Fetish | Frontpage Mag:
It is the “modernized” and contemporary “reinterpretation” of “Jewish ethics” as defined and inculcated by much of the Reform and Conservative movements. It is also the ”theology” of Jewish radical leftist groups operating at the fringes of the Jewish community, including the “Renewal/ALEPH” movement, the “Eco-Judaism” groups, the “Tikkun community” of people and groups that are satellites to the magazine by that same name published by tikkun-activist Michael Lerner, and what remains of the “Reconstructionists.“ Lerner, it should be added, discovers “repair of the world” even in LSD consumption.
Judaism under attack: the Orwellian hijack of tikkun olam
As Neumann [author of “To Heal the World”] has it, American Jews have been led to believe that “the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God”.
As he asks: “Isn’t it just a little bit incredible for the teachings of the ancient faith of Judaism to happen to comprise without exception the agenda of the liberal wing of today’s Democratic Party?”
Incredible indeed – because it isn’t true. Remorselessly, Neumann charts the way in which progressive American rabbis have grossly misinterpreted or distorted the ancient faith of Judaism, both its religious texts and rabbinic sources, in order to claim falsely that maxims which are in fact hostile to Jewish precepts represent Jewish moral and ethical teaching.
Ultimately, the vast majority of Jews are JINOs by any actual test of their beliefs against our religion. It’s “feel good” Judaism, just like many others in other faiths have also spun off “feel good” <whatever>.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago

Great post.

24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

I want to add something else. From Daniel Greenfield -- sorry, don’t have the exact URL -- waves of immigrants into the US in the 19th and early 20th centuries went to the cities, where even then the teachers were Left to far Left, and saw it as their role to make “Good Americans” which, from “purest coincidence”, also meant making more DEMOCRATS.
Thus we not only had generations of Jewish migrants steeping in the Left’s teachings, we had many other flavors as well. Isn’t it true that, despite being very Catholic, Irish immigrants voted “D” for generations? Italians too, at least they used to -- I don’t know now.
Italian Americans -- Wikipedia
In the 1930s, Italian Americans voted heavily Democratic.
Because “Tikkun Olam” was twisted to drive Jews Leftward, it’s stuck as it’s become part of the lexicon of religion.
Tikkun Olam Being Misused and Hijacked by the Political Left | Aryeh Spero | The Blogs
Note -- the late Rabbi Spero was a conservative.
Even now, Jews in particular are mostly urban, where living in tight communities fosters great things -- community support and mutual help, for example… but also bad things, like groupthink.

tom finley
tom finley
24 days ago

From Jonathan Cahns book The Dragons Prophecy page 20, the destroyer’s target. And so the Jews have not only been vilified and persecuted but slaughtered, annihilated--from the casting of Hebrew children into the Nile to the leading of Jewish men, women, and children into the gas chambers of Auschwitz. It is not natural. It is satanic.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago
Reply to  tom finley

Use caution with Jonathan

tom finley
tom finley
24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

He is a Messianic Rabbi, I use caution always Rabbi Will, thank you for your reply.

tom finley
tom finley
24 days ago

Unlocking The Dragon’s Prophecy -- Israel and End Times -- YouTube Without Israel, how would Jesus walk through the gates of Jerusalem.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
24 days ago

2% thats all we are. 10% something else? Hindu? Muslims? 24% none. So if we’re a problem. Isnt there a problem 12 times the size of us? And 5 times the size of us. So why is it (((us)))? Just asking.

24 days ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Always good to see you on this site. Was afraid you had gotten angry and left. For my part, and at the risk of drawing criticism, I believe it is wrong to wholesale condemn any particular group. There are both good and bad within every social construct. The key is to weed out the bad.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
24 days ago

When Evangelical America realizes that it is “by faith you are saved” and not by the fiction of extra credit given for supporting a group of lying, murderous, blasphemous, satanic imposters, then perhaps as a nation we can turn away from many sins.

24 days ago

Judeo Christian my ass…. America is a Christian nation period… How many Jews signed the Declaration of Independence???? Zero…

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
24 days ago

One must remember that Old Testament is a history book about a father and his stupid disobedient children.

24 days ago

If I might chime in with a further thought.
I think there’s a perception that “all Jews” think about alike. Nope. Not even close (one subject, two Jews, you’ll get three opinions in four minutes). But there is a particularly annoying schism between Israeli Jews and American Jews.
Most Jews that I know in Israel were for Trump. There were billboards and signs and all supporting Trump “over there”. Massive support. Now one can argue that some of this was because they know he’ll be better for Israel than Kountess Kackula, and that’s a fair point. But I also think that they recognize a man with guts to actually DO THINGS.
And incidentally, Ashkenazi Jews in Israel (and I’m Ashkenazi) are an absolute minority; the majority being, combined, Sephardic (south europe) and Mizrahi (Arab countries). There was also an in-migration of Jews from India a few years ago, and even some of the Kaifeng Jews (China) have moved there.
Most American Jews have been here, at least ancestrally, since the 19th century. They’ve come up and never known real hardship -- certainly not like the centuries of dhimmitude experienced by Jews in Muslim countries. Thus their threat recognition has atrophied.
My friends and relatives over in Israel may also be Jews, and while I’d likely fit in fairly well with the mainstream there -- most American Jews would not. That’s why the primary flow of American Jews making Aliyah (moving to Israel) tend to be religious at least, and Orthodox at most.