
What is the purpose of Trump holding a rally?

Trump says opponents ‘used COVID to steal the election,’ applauds election investigations in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Trump pushed the vaccine. Trump allowed the lockdowns. Trump allowed the election to be stolen.

Trump is a method of control.

TPTB are using him to keep the true Patriots hopeful that someone is coming to save them.

Carry on watching our Country be stolen from us.


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3 years ago

They did not get the reaction they wanted on 6 June. So they are bringing him out again to stir the pot.

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Most definitely Tangle

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

People are decent, for the most part! Some…idk!
I think people are trying to still be “toooo decent” if that makes sense. So many reason’s and signs to know truth! The writing is literally on the wall. We are Woken up, but what now…

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I us to think that most where decent. Here lately I lowered that to some and I looking at lowering it to a few. I do not think wanting to be decent is the reason. Fear is the reason. They let it control them to the point they will allow anything to happen without at least standing up and calling it out.

Just for the record. I look at what is coming with God’s judgement and I can say it scares me. But it is not the time to sit quiet. This time is already written. It is what we do with the time that matters. The outcome has already been decided. God’s will will be done.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

I am with you both Tangle / FedUpFLman.

“TPTB are using him to keep the true Patriots hopeful that someone is coming to save them.”

And Wes -- you could NOT have written a more true statement. After Trump it will be Desantis. They have to string the conservative sheep along so they don’t get fed up. Much easier to remain a slave on the plantation than to get back on course.

I do have to say it is amazing how quickly this pot is boiling and yet the frogs seem content that a white knight will scoop them out and save them just in time.

Lee Beasley
3 years ago

I know i am frustrated.

thomas finley
thomas finley
3 years ago

I think your right on target, was always just a little late on everything.

3 years ago

Yes.. i no longer trust any of them!! I have my thoughts on all of (them=VISITING TEAM) and thoughts on how soft the USA=OUR HOME TEAM has become. Living in fear preparing for end of world…why, let’s make sure and let them have the Fear and hide underground as they wait for us to pop off…all comfy and safe with their loved ones…Who has some badass oil drills bc they are deep!!
I just can feel it, wherever all these scum are hiding, MUST be very safe! They are doing this so blatant.

Anyway, I Think i might head north this summer. Any beautiful areas in NC or SC you’d recommend? I’ve only done Ashville and loved it!

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Asheville is a liberal shit hole. Beautiful scenery though.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Come see us in Franklin NC, Stay away from Asheville as it is becoming Portland, Rob is right.

3 years ago

He’s either 100% controlled opposition or an easily tricked and manipulated good ball. I lean toward the first. We know the satanic freaks in power aren’t omnipotent. They have no dominion over God’s intention. I’m teaching my Sunday class today about Elijah telling Ahab he’s about to be destroyed and killed in the same place of Naboth a victim of king Ahab the idol worshipper. The same idol worship is going on by our government today. The people worship the earth and sacrifice innocent babies to the god of comfort and convenience. But if you’ll remember Obidiah had 100 prophets of God in caves. He also had 7000 left over that had not bowed the knee to Baal. Some say this Remnant of Prophets and men should not have been hiding and silent. I agree. Imagine if that 7000 had been wild eyed defenders of Truth the whole time of Ahab’s reign? I’ve purposed in my heart to be the loud proclaiming remnant . I just might have to tote a rifle to stay alive these days. I’m not waiting on an Elijah to raise up to take a stand. The enemy is going to bring the fight to us soon . They won’t tolerate the remnant long.

3 years ago

Like, Lee Beasley, stated below; I know I am frustrated. How very true. We don’t need Trump back. We need a leader that can perform like some of the historic leaders from the past such as, Chesty Puller, George Patton, Erwin Rommel, John Pershing, George Washington to name a few. In other words we as a nation or people have to have a leader that can say ENOUGH and mean it. We as citizens have to have a set of balls to support such a leader during the most dangerous moments that are most likely coming our way.
I think it is approaching the moment where the people are going to decide, Freedom or Slavery.

3 years ago

It’s hard to think otherwise than just what you’ve said…sad but I fear is true.

3 years ago

Wow, wow, wow, wow….and again I say WOW! You have given voice to a rumble in the depths of my cortex. Now I guess I can verbalize that thought.
What did we get with Trump? I have to admit; that I miss him every day. My connection with him was on a visceral level. He hit every patriotic button that I have. I saw a rebirth in patrioism and loyalty to the REAL reasons for this great country.
What did we get with Trump? I saw the debt rise. I saw the ugliness of Obama et al. I saw how fundamentally America has changed over the generations.
Totaled up…..I saw a positive for this country…..but my curmedgeonism has begun to question things like: why didn’t it “stick”, why didn’t more of the populace see the swamp for what it was, why didn’t ANY of the swamp get their comeuppance?
So this crusty old fart has decided that you are correct. NO ONE is coming to “save” us…..and I am wrestling with that age old problem….could I pull the trigger?

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

You will have to one day, like it or not

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
3 years ago

Behind it all, the filthy maggot Jew swill who yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs -- Lenin and Stalin -- who they helped murder FIFTY MILLION across Russia and Eastern Europe. But those surely do not count since they were mostly only Goyim!!!
The Jews run the Media in the West. And fondly remember Pravda, Tass, and Izvestia. They also run the “education” systems!!!

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Matis

There are an enormous number of fallen jews. But dont put down your guard sir. They are not the only enemy. Many other enemies have gathered themselves together against our liberties. Its obvious to everyone that the leadership all have European Jewish names. You wont defeat them by just a focus on the leaders.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago


3 years ago

Why? I don’t know. But I know We are still sitting around with our thumbs up our asses, doing nothing but bitching about leftists doing whatever they want. Everyday. It. Gets. Worse.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

This is the question that has been driving me crazy. Why don’t we fix what’s wrong?

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Sometimes you can’t fix a thing until it breaks. Completely.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
3 years ago

For us, one of the questions is ‘Will the ongoing awakening of the average person to the horror around them have time sufficient to come to full flower, or will that process be overtaken by other events?’
We miss DJT for what he seemed to represent, but there are doubts aplenty… your post only gives those doubts something to feed upon.
For now, there is buckshot to gather; the deer won’t harvest themselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

the deer (redacted) won’t harvest themselves.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hans
3 years ago

Didn’t vote for Trump. Either time. Don’t vote in Fed elections since W screwed us over. That said, I was cautiously optimistic as I saw him actually act on many of his campaign promises, then became disenchanted when he didn’t ‘lock her up’, drain the swamp, and cow-towed to the Zionists. Q was a hope that I soon dismissed. Then came X22 Report. Contention that Trump and the Patriots are pulling the greatest sting operation in history. Not just taking down a few of the criminals, but draining the swamp by taking down their entire system. Plan is to let we the people, all of us, see just how bad the Deep State can make it before Trump, the Patriots, and the military bring the storm. August into fall of this year is the designated time-frame for the storm per X22. This seems plausible. Emphasis on ‘seems’.
Taking everything into account, I, like many of you, no longer trust anyone in authority. Not. One. Damn. One. Of. Them. That includes Donald John Trump. However, I am willing to continue to engage in hopium through the fall of this year. After that, should the X22 theory prove false, I will join with my brothers who here contend ‘no one is coming to save us’.

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Unless you deleted your voter registration, you cannot be sure you “didn’t vote in Fed elections”. With the enormous amount of fraud, corruption, and treason in the election systems of this country, well…

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

i am told the message was to elect conservatives. (In a system we(many) no longer trust. To which the claim is “They are exposing and fixing the system.” Perhaps? Yet this is a world system?
And, it seems like false hope and false prophecies to me.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Is good to see that many are disembarking the Trump train! was beginning to wonder if that was even possible at this juncture.
The American ‘Pride’ theme and promises of victory victory victory should have been a warning to those who have their feet on the ground and their hearts in the right place!
Until there is True repentance and a True humbling, a turning back to Yah there will be no restoration, at least that is how i see it.
As long as the “law of the land” is in direct opposition to the creators law? what should we expect?
Become as set-apart Individuals holding and standing in the Truth!

Kevin Shane
Kevin Shane
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
God meant his people true believers not the unsaved. I do believe we are witnessing the great falling away. This scripture was to the Jewish nation, but the nation of Israel rejected Christ, John 1:11

3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Both “parties” are simply paid lobbyist groups, are both fraudulent to the marrow, and have no authority whatsoever.

“Re-presentatives” are not Fiduciaries.

Prior to the 1850’s, there were essentially no “political parties” as we would recognize them. There were loose affiliations of Fiduciaries that shared information and agreed on some (but certainly not all) issues.

In the 1850’s, foreign agents, fleeing the failed Communist revolutions in Europe infiltrated (mostly through Wisconsin, interestingly enough) our Country, and immediately began constructing the framework for a Communist takeover here.

They played the long game, and now, 180 years on, they appear to be in a rather strong position.

Toss the Political Parties.

Start -enforcing- the actual, factual, black-letter Anti-Communist Laws that were, and still are in effect.

Yes, Virginia, there are Anti-Communist Laws. And any flavor of Socialism is simply a different flavoring of Communist Soda.

Communism is antiethical to our Republican form of government, which is guaranteed to each and every one of the 50 states in this Union.

Deport the Communists. Seize their ill-gotten gains. And stop being “tolerant” of those that are on record as wishing to destroy our Republican form of government!

Self-governance worked, and still works. Trouble is, it’s a lot of hard work, sweat, and no fat paycheck/pension.

But look at what happens when we sit back, grow lazy, and “let the experts do it!”

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican


a follower
a follower
3 years ago

“Trump pushed the vaccine. Trump allowed the lockdowns. Trump allowed the election to be stolen.”
yes. He Has claimed to be the father of the vaccine and seems to want his due credit for it.

3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Everyone associated with the vaccine may end up in trouble. We’ll see how bad it really is as time passes. Trump was likely suckered into developing and supporting it, like most everyone else was. And if it turns out to be not that bad, he’ll still be a hero and Biden will still be trying to take credit for it.
Trump didn’t “allow” the election to be stolen. He didn’t have the power (short of declaring martial law and starting a war) to stop the fraud. He did what he could … spoke out against absentee ballots, etc.. Hell, we can’t even get audits in most places, let alone stopped the original fraud.
Trump didn’t “allow” the lockdowns. That is all state and local authorities. Know your federalism. Trump was being more faithful to the Constitution than you are.

3 years ago
Reply to  ruralcounsel

You’re speaking too much truth to those graduating at the bottom of their class.
Why does a Jack Nicholson line about truth come to mind?

3 years ago
Reply to  ruralcounsel

I agree!

3 years ago

I go one step further-TRUMP was and is a TROJAN HORSE whose job it was to cause EXACTLY what is happening today,in America.
In 2015 I, as an Irish REBEL, first stated on a site called “Personal Liberty” he would be one of America’s WORST Presidents.
How did I know.I am 81 and when I was young we were taught, by our Irish Parents and Grandparents. to JUDGE a person by his or her ACTIONS, NOT by their WORDS.It is one of the ways, how we finally beat the DEVILl out of the British 🙂
TRUMP’S WORST ACTIONS were his association with Zionist Criminals, and GANGSTERS, both within ISRAEL, which he supported more than America, and in the CORPORATION known as UNITED STATES (Inc.), Trump never used the word REPUBLIC .He always only referred to the UNITED STATES, a CORPORATION which is controlled by the House of Rothschild and a couple of other Zionist Banking THUGS.
His second most prevalent and revealing ACTIONS were his constant use of FREEMASON HAND Symbolism.We Irish are VERY FAMILIAR with FREEMASONS and their Symbols
YOU get what you “pay” for.
I could go on but methinks you get my point.

3 years ago

You make some valid points. I guess time will tell us how this all plays out. I want to know when is hump day so we can get on with getting on. At this point everyone should be aware that folks are going to die. This shit storm will touch each and everyone of us in some way shape or form. The sooner we stop denying this the sooner we can heal the gaping wounds that are coming our way.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago

@freespirit, +100
The masses refuse to see who controls them, they will not study the US Corp or the Federal Reserve Banking system, instead they allow their handlers to brainwash and direct them away from the real source of the crime. The media and schools have been hard at work for over 100 yrs misguiding it’s tax cattle, who choose to live in denial of facts. No critical thinking skills allowed here.
They will not wake up, arguing to their own death how free they are. And waiting for the next false shepherd to lead them around by the nose, again. Any man who loves his flock does not poison their bodies or their minds.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Any man who loves his flock ALWAYS enjoys lamb on Friday night and mutton the rest of the week…and ‘a little extra enjoyment’ from being alone and bored from time to time….
That’s how parasites exist, whether they claim to be (((Gawww’ds Chosen People))) or otherwise….
Only difference is that (((The Chosenites))) have via their evil talmud and zohar worked how to be successful parasites on everyone else in the world down to an art and a science over the last 2,500 years or so…
First part was how to hoodwink convince everyone else that they were/are “Gawwd’s Chosen People”…the second part was fooling everyone that they are ‘perpetual victims’ and that their contrived ‘Holy-Hoax’ was/is real.
Maurice Samuel told non-jews what he and his tribe were all about in his book, “You Gentiles” which is still available here:
Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles
Or if you prefer to read an actual physical copy:
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.
We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God.
But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes. The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us.”
And he was not the only (((Chosenite))) to say to our faces who they really are and what their goals and desires truly are, here’s what Harold Rosental (a senior aid to fellow tribe member Jacob Javits) before his assassination in Istanbul, Turkey by the mossad for the crime of telling the truth to the goyim (aka everyone else who isn’t jewish).
“In a highly confidential interview with a Jewish administrative assistant to one of this nation’s ranking senators, he said, “It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country.”
The Jew, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, made this statement after admitting Jewish dominance in all significant national programs. He said,

“We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every command.” (This submission has been made possible by the gradual adoption of Talmudic concepts as being Christian, thus producing a Jewish society. It is what Rabbi Martin Siegel call, “the Judaization of Christianity.”)

When asked how a nation could be captured without their knowing it, Mr. Rosenthal attributed this victory to absolute control of the media. He boasted of Jewish control of all the Media. Any newspaper which refused to absolute control of the media. He boasted of Jewish control of all the Media. Any newspaper which refused to acquiesce to controlled news was brought to its knees by withdrawing advertising. Failing in this, the Jews stop the supply of news print and ink. “It’s a very simple matter,” he stated.
When asked about men in high political office, Mr. Rosenthal said that no one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval.
Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932 when [Franklin] Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.”
The Hidden Tyranny -- The Rosenthal Document
So, fellow American’s, who are YOU going to believe?…your own lying eyes…or those of jewish Rothschild owned drumphschtick and their front organizations ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, J-Street, ect.
Choose wisely and well as those listed above continue to parasitze ‘Mureica..with your silent blessings and falsely given ‘legitmacy’..until you are no longer needed and even more openly branded as ‘white people are the world’s enemy’ by them in order to gulag you or worse.
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

3 years ago

Free Spirit,

Good on you.

You may or may not know, but the actual American Government is assisting your country and countrymen in setting up your own International Trade Bank and subsidiary, wholly-owned Commercial Bank (the proper structure to ensure no shenanigans). The first and most important step in escaping the tentacles of “International Finance.”

Ireland shines as one of the -only- Countries to tell the Crown to “stuff it!”(and succeed) prior to America. This has not been forgotten, nor have the suffering, bravery, and sacrifice of our Irish brothers and sisters for the last few hundred years.

I say slainte, and raise of pint of the dark and bitter to ye.

You have much to be proud of.

3 years ago

As long as I am able to cast a vote in an election, I will vote. It may or may not count because of demorat cheating, but I still have hope. Too many Americans have died to ensure that right for us, to just throw a vote away. I don’t care how “hopeless’ the naysayer’s say it is. And if it comes down to Trump against anyone else, I will vote Trump. I am certainly not looking for him or anyone else to ‘save me’ He failed America in many ways as you stated, but he also made us great again in many ways. At this point I don’t see any other possible candidate better than Trump. That includes DeSantis.

Last edited 3 years ago by ThreeOhEight
3 years ago
Reply to  ThreeOhEight

You voted once. And only once.

When you donated your proxy through “registration.”

Why do you think they have dozens of people out canvassing for “registrations?” It is because that is your tacit, on-the-record *****Consent**** for them to do as they wish.

When you donate your proxy (whenever you see the word “register” it means “to donate property to the King”), you are both stipulating that you are one of -them- (foreigner, subject to all their Codes and Rules of Law, eg. feudal obligations), and also saying “whatever you deem best is acceptable to me.”

One of the most important things you can do is to take back your consent, and you can only do that by “un-registering” your proxy. Some states make it very simple, others, less so, but the upshot is, a simple letter to the “Elections Commission” in your State will suffice.

As long as more than 50% of Americans are on-record as consenting, the FOGs (Foreign Occupying Governments) will continue to presume they have a “mandate” to do as they wish.

Take back consent. Or, put another way, if voting was in any way a threat, they would make it impossible. Not have volunteers soliciting registrations.

3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican

Out there…

Jeffery in Alabama
3 years ago
Reply to  ThreeOhEight

Well said ThreeOhEight.

Glock Grandma
Glock Grandma
3 years ago

1000% agree; controlled opposition. Most are invested & deceived into false hope.

3 years ago

I think most of you are barking mad. Trump tried, but the opposition was too strong. Most of what I see y’all complaining about that he didn’t do was because he couldn’t. POTUS just isn’t that powerful a position when TPTB are arrayed against it.
Oh, and the reason for the rally was to support Ohio candidates, and secondarily for T to try and stay somewhat relevant and in front of the cameras. Fairweather supporters like yourselves need the reminding. The pot needs stirring. We just don’t need it to boil over like those idiots on January 6th did. They accomplished nothing except good propaganda fodder for our enemies. We need to hold our fire.
If y’all are waiting for a perfect Liberation Messiah, you’re in for a long wait. Qwitchyerbitchin about Trump and his shortfalls, and get ready to do the heavy lifting yourselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  ruralcounsel

Trump was demonstrably a Judas Goat.

Arguing otherwise in the face of a preponderance of evidence is simply absurd.

Wielding executive power, he was perfectly capable of taking actions to, as it was put, “Cross the Rubicon” and actually put up a fight.

He did not.

He is on-record (whether him or his handlers) as supporting the use of a known bio-weapon (“mRNA injections) to cause mass murder. A bio-weapon that he was instrumental in helping facilitate.

Observe the facts. Act accordingly. Anything even remotely like emotions that interpose themselves between those two actions effectively shorts out your OODA loop, and allows your adversaries to get inside said loop and eat your lunch.

I’d prefer to eat the lunch i brung, thank you very much.

3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican

Tinfoil hat nonsense.
Nobody knew at the time that the mRNA “vaccines” would be a problem. But nobody wanted to wait to run the trials because “world-wide pandemic! Ohnoes!”
Green side out, brown side out, run in circles, scream and shout.
We still don’t know how bad they will turn out to be. The facts aren’t in, speaking of facts. Seems to me like they’ve captured your OODA loop and slaved it to whatever they want, so you’ll jump when they say “jump.”

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  ruralcounsel

Yes they did. MNRA vaccines were tried before and ended up killing people. They were recalled lickety split last time but they were more careful a decade or so ago.
As far as Trump goes. I don’t care if he was a good guy or not He had his chance to get the country on the Right track By Any Means Necessary . He reverted to type, the deal maker and the conniver and he failed . He can slink away in ignominy as far as I care.

3 years ago


This is the heart of everything that has been wrong for the past 160 years. Things have not suddenly gotten bad in the last 5 years. Or the last 20. Or even the last 80.

No, things went off the rails when the British Crown had their grand plan to grow Egyptian cotton and undercut the Southern states collapse due to crop failures.

So, they used their lapdogs in the Territorial subcontracting branch here in America to stir up a good ole fashioned mercenary war. They had the Northern Confederate States (of States) push bellicosity and economic burdens upon the unwitting (and innocent) southern population. The other subcontracting branch, the Roman Municipal, took the reins of the “seceding Southern Confederate States (of States),” and stirred up the notion of a “secession.”
Meanwhile, the actual Americans and their actual physical states had nothing to do with any of this.

Unfortunately, the drive to conflict (not war, since there was no legitimate governing body to declare it at this point) engulfed and ravaged us. We were conscripted to kill and die for our “Civil” contractors and their ravening meat grinder (over 600k KIA, more than all other wars or conflicts Americans participated in -combined-), and when the roar of the cannon and the screams of the maimed and bereft faded, these same two subcontractors stole governance of our country, stole our identity, stole our credit and good name.

We, the American people, were never told that we needed to re-boot our Federal Republic branch of government (the third branch government service contractor, DBA the “States of America.”)

We were never told that the Tories and the Romans had devised to keep the “conflict” going (which it did, since no peace treaty ending it was, or could, ever signed between the belligerents).

We were never told that these two supposed “belligerents” signed an agreement called “The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in the United States” in 1937 (look it up).

We were never told that the “dual citizenships” (British Territorial “U.S. Citizen” and Roman Municipal “citizen of the United States”) allowed both sides to presume we were a combatant fighting for “the other side” and treat us like captured soldiers.

They never told us that while “private slavery” was ended, “public slavery” was enshrined (the 14th amendment created a whole new “class,” that of “citizen of the United States,” which is -only- the “District of Columbia”).

They never told us that the “state of war” gave them the power to suspend our Constitutional guarantees, or to allow them to create “military districts” and “military district courts” on our Land and soil.

They of course never told us in the 30’s that they were stealing our babies on paper, literally trafficking them from their cradles and their birthright Nationalities as Americans, and falsifying the record to show that they were “foundlings” and “wards of the State,” and “U.S. Citizens” (which is -not- the same as Americans).

They never told us that since we never objected to being “re-defined” as Employees and Chattels that our Constitutional guarantees were out of reach, null and void (British Subjects and Roman Slaves are “Territorials and Possessions” of the “U.S.”).

They gave us just enough privileges to keep us thinking that we still had access to the Constitutions. It was the longer game version of the “Q” psyop/hoax: stay just ahead of the “actionable curve” and turn up the heat gradually each generation, until the populace became inured to being cattle, to being docile British Subjects (you can see this for yourselves, with each passing year we inch closer to being just. Like. Britain.)

You are right to trust only the Home Team. But unfortunately, the Visiting Team has been cleverly (and successfully) putting their Jerseys on us, and doing so at such a young age that we didn’t even know to object. Our moms and dads had no idea they were giving their babies away, but they were doing it nonetheless.

Their babies that then get sent away to be used as modern day Hessians, as cheap mercs to push the policies of The Crown. To return missing limbs, with shattered minds, to be shoved aside (if they were lucky) by the even more horrific “VA,” to be slowly tortured and poisoned by the same if they weren’t lucky. To be ignored and discarded by the ungrateful and apathetic populace they thought they were fighting to protect.

And now, here we are. Enough people woke up, and discovered their incomprehensibly vast fraud, theft, and murder-for-profit scheme, and what do they do? They do what any mass murdering, sniveling, POS would do: they start killing the witnesses (and their creditors, as it turns out). And they are in the middle of doing it right now.

So that’s where things stand. Will you? Or will this be another instance where evil wins, and the good go like lambs to the slaughter?

It’s a lot to take in, and there’s a tendency to lock up from all the horrible revelations.

Get off the X.

For starters, you can Declare your birthright status as an American, and tell the Tories to shove it up their pie-holes. This is simple, and amounts to secession (seceding from the presumption that you are a Crown subject).

The 1779 Naturalization Act made this possible, since at that time, there were many different Nationalities living and working here. You have a choice. The sick joke is, everything that has been done to you is presumed to be “voluntary.” So, volunteer to be an American.

There’s more to do, and you can grab a shovel and start helping to dig us out of this mess at theamericanstatesassembly.net

It may not be for you. Self-governance is a massive undertaking and responsibility. But it is an option, and it is effective.

Time grows short, but there is still some left. So re-join the Home Team, and start putting up some numbers against the “Visitors.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Armorican
3 years ago

That has to be the public face. If you go around saying all you want to do is slit throats, you’ve lost the PR battle. Smarten up.
The real message is prepare and train. Because TINVOWOOT. Logistics win wars. Tactics win battles.
Those “political prisoners” were idiots, who jumped into the ambush against orders. That was the true ‘bufflao jump.’ Would I like to see them released? Sure. But don’t make heros out of idiots.

3 years ago

I am tirred of hearing retarded “patriots” who engage in mental masturbation while pounding on their keyboards. If you listened to them in December, you would have thought that a giant insurrection would have swept the nation by the end of January. Socialists would be in gulags now and would be no threat to Democracy. Big talk, no action. No credibility.
Trump is not perfect. Regardless of what he says, he is a politician. The patriot retards who attack him are much like those old farts who attend a 3-gun shooting event and offer critical comments about how each competitor came up short, as if they, themselves, would have done much better, but they couldn’t be bothered to compete themselves with such amateurs.
Perhaps a year and a half ago, someone on this blog wrote a story whose headline was something like “Why I’m Not Voting for Donald Trump.” How’d that work out for ya?
Trump is your best shot, retards. The world ain’t perfect. Nobody (else) is coming to save you. So suck it up, buttercups.

3 years ago

Despite that I did not like Trump’s TV show, as a presidential candidate I saw a person who spoke the American patriot language. It was a galvanizing rhetoric as seen by the thousands upon thousands that migrated toward it. On the other hand, there were early misgivings about his choice of Pence for his VP. I think Trump was the best choice amidst the multiple choices available. Only two others were reasonable candidates who, despite their intentions, would never have survived the onslaught from the left. I believe Trump’s campaign provided the man behind the curtain an opportunity to circumvent the problems that would have triggered a civil war had Hitlery been elected. By making Trump the fall guy and using him to create the “brown shirt” opposition in preparation for the debacle of the past year and a half, the left managed quite successfully to obtain the upper hand.

It is unfortunate that Trump was surrounded by so many traitors among who were family members. But that is to be expected even within our own circle of activity. The bible is specific in that our own will turn on us as seen in WWII Germany. I had told folks early on that, at best, Trump would only forestall the inevitable. The inevitable is now here right on schedule as per Agenda 21. Truthfully, what did Trump actually accomplish? No meaningful jobs ever came home. The wall? There is no wall to speak of. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem? Think about that one. The beast will rule from Jerusalem. The biggest accomplishment of his tenure was to make it possible for the left to identify the tens of thousands of patriots to be labeled domestic patriots. They are now aware of their opposition.

There will never be a future legitimate election. There hasn’t been for decades. The man behind the curtain insures that we are permitted to vote only for those he sees fit to be on the ballot. Of course, the last election proved even that doesn’t matter. There was a big deal made over the “Q” issue. The left claimed it was a conspiracy theory. Naturally, all good patriots gravitated to it. My final analysis determined that the whole “Q” conspiracy was in fact a psyop designed to calm our anxious frustration. It worked and everything went according to plan without a civil war. Everyone was waiting for the savior.

I’ve been reading another site that gives me the same feeling. While it is highly intellectual and well respected, I get the feeling that we are being groomed to accept our fate while knowing what to expect in the process. Let’s face some facts: everything is designed to make it extremely difficult to organize unless you are on the opposing side, in which case you are well funded and given a free pass. What the opposing forces do not realize is that their usefulness is temporary and will go the way of all “brown shirts” and Bolsheviks. Demonstrations of a peaceful nature have never accomplished anything. And openly carrying armament without the intention of using it is worthless as in the case of the Bundy situation. Any uprising without clear objectives and determination is doomed to failure. And any discussion of the matter is closely monitored. There are only three successful groups operating within our country apart from government ops. Muslims who are willing to blow themselves up to make their point. BLM/Antifa which is composed of mindless idiots that are strictly opportunists who have the backing of too many well-funded organizations. Border slugs who will become the marauding zombies within every community.

This means that patriots operate at a distinct disadvantage. And I can tell you beyond certainty that no matter what course of action is taken and whatever good intentions are behind it, it is a no win situation. I can lay out all the reasons why; but I won’t. Survival is temporary at best. We are in a defensive mode of operation in which many of us will die fighting. I for one have no problem with that. As long as people are working and paying the bills and living comfortably, it will not be possible to enlighten them. The only thing that will galvanize resistance is irreparable hardship. And then you have to be aware of imposters. I made a statement forty-seven years ago, “When America turns its back on Israel it will become history.”   

Jack Lawson
3 years ago

Beware of Knights in Shinning Armor riding to the rescue on White Horses!
I questioned Trump’s from the beginning after his long meeting and vetting with Kissinger in 2016 prior to Trump’s nomination.
I have yet to make my mind up on Trump… many I know ‘in the know’ don’t have the faith in him that most conservatives have.
I am friends with his former Director of Personal Security and the man who Trump and the banks agreed upon in the early 90’s to oversee his bankruptcy. This man has the credentials and knows Trump better than his own Mother knows him.
I have heard some real stories from this man who knows just about everyone in The Swamp. Regardless of Trump’s motivation, I still cling to Trump as representing my values. Who he screws or how much he makes are unimportant issues to me. There is no one else to fight for American core values that has as thick of skin as Trump has to weather the attacks.
The degree he believes in America is also unimportant to me. Whether he’s driven by his ginormous ego… or driven by belief is also unimportant.
The fact that he appears to stand between the Globalist Commies and their Hordes… and us and will use his power to protect us IS important.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Jack Lawson

“The fact that he appears to stand between the Globalist Commies and their Hordes… and us and will use his power to protect us IS important.”
So if Trump is part of the delusion, your ok with that?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

The term ‘political theatre’ escapes most folks.
And most have no idea what a hook remover is either.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack Lawson

You are using way, way too much logic for many in this crowd.

These people wait for a political savior to arrive and unfurl his standard on a hill. Nothing less than conservative philosophical purity will satisfy them. That kind of thinking was what killed Michael Collins.

Yet, these keyboard commandos have done nothing but sling political diatribe, stretting their “…hour upon the stage…signifying nothing.” While in their minds they are carrying the Stars and Stripes over the barricades and yelling encouragement to those behind them, the reality is that they simply sit at a computer while their weapons gather even more dust.

Trump is not an unblemished political demi-god. He is a narcissist, and he never tires of hearing himself talk. It is his political views, however, that are superior to those of so many others. He is at the apex of frontrunners who actually have a chance to change anything.

Trump falls in pretty much the same category of a “good plan.” A wise man once said, “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

The singular thing that is escaping you (and many others) is that he had one, golden opportunity to demonstrate his mettle.

One fleeting opportunity to act within his full authority, to validate and justify his supporters trust in him.

He sat on his hands and did nothing.

Why, on God’s green earth, would anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together give him another chance?

“This time I will uphold my contractual obligations?!”


Biden is not, in fact, currently “President” of anything, since the Municipal “U.S. Inc” had it’s bankruptcy (liquidation, actually) finalize on November 5th, 2020. So, Biden was “President” for two days, and the Corporation he was head of went away on November 5th. He has no contract, and in point of fact, no Municipal entity (contractor or subcontractor, i.e. “Agencies”) do either. That means that outside of DC, they function in a purely private capacity, with full liability, and no authority related to our Delegated authority.

They know this well, as they have all been put on notice. Functioning as pirates is generally not advisable.

As far as the need for a “President” of the bankrupt British “United States of America, Inc.?” Why? They have been called on the carpet for utterly failing in their one job since 1861, to protect the People, the States, and our money.

In the meanwhile, the delegated authorities returned to us, by operation of Law.

If your lawn care contractor was caught stealing, embezzling, and causing general mayhem, would you allow that same contractor to appoint their “successor to contract?!”

No. You would mow your lawn and water your flowers yourself until you could find a trustworthy contractor to delegate to.

That’s where things stand.

Last edited 3 years ago by Armorican
a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Survivor man?
You most certainly did not grasp the fact that Jack Lawson is a Trump follower ( to the end) it would seem.

3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

a follower,
I most certainly did. You apparently did not appreciate my sarcasm when I said, “Jack, You are using way, way too much logic for many in this crowd.”
Many of the keyboard commandos posting comments here are the disgruntled equivalents of Millenials who live in their mother’s basement. They have their ARs and battle rattle ready to go, but gathering dust, and nothing but perfection in a politician will ever satisfy them.
Of course, they are simply legends in their own minds. They are superior to us simple folks because they see themselves as the savior of our democracy (technically, a constitutional republic). Of course, they have no plans to actually leave the confines of their safe space to do anything about their dissatisfaction. (“I got muh family and muh job to think about.”)
After the November election, if every conservative who was screaming on the internet “We’re not gonna take it anymore!” had actually done something, the crowd on January 6 would have filled the entire District of Columbia. These “patriots” talked the talk, but never had any intention of walking the walk.
It isn’t just the Left that likes to virtue signal. A boatload of conservative virtue signalers are doing just that here. It makes them feel better, and they think that it raises their credibility index position with others.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Did not recognize your sarcasm.

3 years ago

Trump abandoned his supporters on Jan 6.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
3 years ago

We must recognize that most people in America are incapable of seeing the reality in front of them. A nation of the precipice of collapse. No vote, podcast, or letter to the editor is going to fix this. The vast majority of “People” are never going to wake up andf those that do are not going to do anything anyway.
No one is coming to save you/us. The 3%’s are going to have to do this without anyone’s permission or support, and the dumb and cowardly will just have to live under the freedom they provide. Thru the looking glass and out the other side. It’s the only way.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Eric Blair

Agreed. If you like to read, check out Dogsoldiers by James Tarr. Incredible fiction book that reads like what is coming and pretty much follows along with your post. Be warned it is an EXTREMELY addicting and well written book.



A Friend
A Friend
3 years ago

Exactly, Wes.
Thank you for not drinking the qanon Kool-Aid. Trump is a JUDAS GOAT, plain and simple and always was. Look at his background. Look at his close associations with the mafia, with the Clintons, and with Jeffrey Epstein. Need I say more?

Locke Haney
Locke Haney
3 years ago

Trump did not allow the lock down or anything else that was done. That is all on the democratic blue state governors and mayors

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Locke Haney

Anyone still clinging to the Repubs and blaming the Dems is in denial of the Uniparty, which is what we really have.
Your ignorance of how the system works keeps you on the perpetual treadmill of fake politics in this country, and as such, makes you your own worst enemy.
Time to wake up or die by political suicide.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Locke Haney

And after months of saying “Lock her up” Trump did not go on to say…
‘They’re good people,’ Trump says of the Clintons in …https://www.latimes.com › entertainment › showtracker

Nov 14, 2016 — In his first extensive interview since the election, President-elect Donald Trump appeared on CBS’ ’60 Minutes.’
Trump says he’s not interested in pursuing case against …https://www.politico.com › story › 2016/11 › trump-cli…

Nov 22, 2016 — President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal …
Trump on prosecuting Clinton: ‘I don’t want to hurt’ her | TheHillhttps://thehill.com › blogs › blog-briefing-room › 3058…

Nov 13, 2016 — Speaking to “60 Minutes” Sunday night in his first major interview since being elected, Donald Trump dodged questions about Hillary Clinton.
Come on people wake up!

Gary Wheeler
3 years ago

It’s the greatest show on earth! None I say none of it is for our benefit. Never trust the Government ever. Once the money finally hits bottom then maybe the American public will see the total corruption MAYBE

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Wheeler

It’s political theatre, a giant soap opera for the dumb voting public, from Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech to the witch hunt for the Donald. All scripted for your viewing pleasure, and to keep the masses at each other’s throats while the key actors pillage what left of our treasury, and fill the pockets of their supporting actors behind the curtains
Now DJT walks away the hero, for trying………and his fans still adore him, enough to try it all over again You watch, at the last minute he’ll step aside and appoint an heir to his great legacy of draining the swamp.

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Yea, we’re pretty much on our own and the longer we wait the worse it’s going to be.


[…] its towards sunset, I’m doing some catchup, and run across this. And can’t say boo. I said it a few times, that I didn’t like Trump, but his actions […]

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago

Amazing how stupid political groupies can be, they just turn a blind eye to incompetence, over and over and…………….
Sadly, due to the low IQ of the voter base, they can’t and won’t understand they’re intentionally being screwed over by their handlers. This is the result of almost 2 centuries of Bolshevik takeover. There is no way out of this dilemma but for a few to fight for the majority of voting dumbmasses who refuse to be educated.

Cynthia McKinney
3 years ago

YEP: “Trump pushed the vaccine. Trump allowed the lockdowns. Trump allowed the election to be stolen.”

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago

Welcome to the show amigo.
Hope you’re doing well.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Well, congrats; you and Steve Barry named the judas goat 4 yrs ago, I was still unsure. But then again, you and I nailed the covid scam from day 1 as a fedgov psyop. Media still running around trying to blame the chinks for what Gates/Fauci did.
It’s just so disappointing to see how stupid the masses are, but we both know, it’s human nature and history bears it out.
All is well on my end, keeping a small circle.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Hey brother, glad you’re still kickin. Good to read your words, as always.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

Time is now to choose which side you are on and which god you will serve. The graveyards of history are filled with merciful men. Let those of us who are ready to take back America not be counted among them. Fight hard, send them to hell.

3 years ago

I’ve been saying this for months and Trump supporters have hated me for it. During his last year in office, Trump showed no leadership. Zero. He ceded the stage to Fauchi and let the states go straight to Hell. Then (surprise!). They blamed it all on him. Now the poison he paid billions for is being forced on us.
He was utterly unprepared for the fraud that he could have stopped after the election -- more bad staff choices like Barr.
You won’t find my family or I at a Trump rally.

3 years ago
Reply to  MrPink

TA DAAA! And there it is. Been preaching that for the last 3 years of his term. One of my brothers in Fl. is harping how great DeSantis is. I told him that was Trump’s replacement in the story because every story needs a good guy and a villain. The house is rotten all the way down, including the foundation. Name one crooked politician that went to jail during Trumps term. I could read and finish War and Peace before someone can answer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Skipperdaddy

Whatever happened to that huge fund Trump was begging everyone to contribute to in the fight against the “stolen” election? I heard patriots and conservatives were contributing like crazy and was in the millions. How many pickets got stuffed with THOSE funds??

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Grandmarunner

Trump and the Uniparty have put billions into the pockets of their cronies, while the masses cheer for more.
You really can’t fix stupid.

3 years ago

I just read through all the comments and there are some thought provoking ones. What comes to my mind for those who speak out against DJT, does anyone remember his quoting a poem about a serpent who bit the ‘tender’ woman who took in the serpent?
Blaming the Jews for what’s wrong in this country won’t sit well with God. There are good people and bad/evil people. Our fight is first a spiritual one where the devil is having his way with those who seek to blame their woes on God’s chosen people. He knows there are those in his ‘family’ that resort to idol worship still to this day. Sacrifice their own children by murder and are now seeking to continue to murder his children by suicide. Do not do this, no matter what! I beg of you.
Satan is doing a bang up job taking God’s people and helping them to turn their backs on Him. WAKE UP remnant! Our power lies in Christ and what he sacrificed his life for in order to give to us. We have the power, not them! He took the keys of hell. Once we give ourselves over to believing in Christ we have made a choice to let him lead us. GOD IS STILL IN CHARGE until we let the devil in and begin our disbelieving.
God has our backs--ALWAYS. He will not forsake you. He will not lie. Return to his commandments, keep the Sabbath holy and that means resting on Saturdays, not Sunday the day of Sun worshiping. No I’m not a 7th Day, Mormon, nor Jew, etc. I read the word and the word states to keep the Sabbath holy, the 4th commandment. It has nothing to do with what religion you choose. Rest on the 7th day, Saturday. Let your fields rest every 7 years. Return to his word. Study up people.
God works with amazing speed and if the remnant will begin to believe/realize this the faster we return to what all the commenters are seeking--FREEDOM WITH GOD AS HEAD. When are you all going to begin to ‘believe’ God? You cannot pick and choose from his word to us. He means what he says and says what he means! He loves us, he is patient and we have a reprieve to make our stand finally once and for all--we believe, we trust, we walk in his way.
He is perfection, we are not. He made the body, we did not. Begin to eat and feed that ‘machine’ what God intended for it for he knows what keeps it healthy, not you. Would you put crappy oil or fuel in your car engine? Serious doubts. Farmers return to farming your fields using what God intended--minerals, not man-made synthetic fertilizers. They are buying up the farmland and we need to do what we can to help out our local farmers/ranchers remain in business. It shouldn’t cost the people an arm and leg to eat organic. To eat God’s intended food for us. Something is amiss here with ‘organic’, non-GMO and the pricing they fix to the products/food we buy. That goes for the local farmers. If you use minerals in your soil it creates a healthy, strong enviornment for those plants/herbs to grow,that the insects will not ‘light’ upon those healthy plants that exude health. Insects tend to devour the sickly plants/herbs. If you feed your bodies healthy God-intended food your body will be strong to fend off the invaders.
We need to hold the local politicians’ feet to our (God’s) fire. We have the power to put in place those who will abide by God’s laws and do what is right and good for the people, not those who are behind the shadows manipulating their puppets. Get rid of the puppets. One by one. Seek God’s face and ask how we should begin. But, begin we must.
That is all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oma

Which god?
Poseidon/Sidon/Set-An/Amen (Satan?)
Isis/Semiramis/Astarte/Ashtoreth (Columbia?)
Moloch? Ba’al?

As the Second Commandment confirms, there are many gods.

Unless that god is named, it is a simple matter of letting people’s assumptions tangle and truss them up.
I am certain that there are those people that are “the chosen of god.” But press them as to “which” god they are referring to, and I guarantee they will clam up.

Lying by omission and implication is meat and drink to the father of all lies.
And be aware that the “undergod” is just another name for him the next time you recite “the flag salute.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Armorican
a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican

People, if they want to see it can, or can eventually as they are led and the Truth begins to be revealed.
What Oma said is very true.
Yes, The Creators, Name could have been injected and then we could also fight and argue about that also. i read what was posted and knew very well what was intended, knew very well we were not reading about poseidon, zeus or the father of lies chaos and confusion etc. we recognize each other. we may not agree on every point yet we are different parts of the same body.
The Father knows our mind, our hands, our hearts, and we know Him and His Son Yahusha Mashiak!
He also knows what we need before we ask! What does this world including this Nation need?

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
3 years ago

Remember high school football? Remember the returning state champs at playoff finals? They reek of arrogance, drunk on their power hungry victories. They made mistakes. Tough teams capitalize on EVERY mistake the Big returning Baddies make. This is a simple analogy. The politics of this country has been corrupted, fatally, by powerful lobbyists, media, and mega corporations. These people have sold their souls for power and money. It’s really simple to understand. But, they WILL make mistakes and grievous errors in their quest to divide and destroy us. They have been patient in their plans for decades. We must stay alert. Watching on the local level, each of us, in our own towns and smaller cities. THEY will strike first. What you have been witnessing the past few years has been a dress rehearsal for the REAL. You’ll know when it snakes it’s way into your area. THAT is when YOU become the wolf. Gather the PACK, and wait for your chance to strike. You are coordinating on the local, right? Stop pounding your keyboards and start doing what needs done to prepare for what’s coming. Or not. YOU control your destiny. NOT some hot air bag in the “American news”. Deprogram from that shit and start gettin busy. Time an all…

3 years ago

Most have heard of the saying, ‘Walk a mile in someone’s shoes’? President Trump was one man against most of the corrupt individuals in DC. I honestly don’t know how he was able to accomplish all that he did. He needed to rely on others for support on many things, and being human, we all can misjudge and fall short at times. As Jesus said when the mob was wanting to stone the woman found in adultery… John 8:7 -- ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’

3 years ago
Reply to  Janice

Exactly what did he accomplish? We’re worse off now than when he took over in January 2017.
Oh, never mind. I forgot about the Israeli spies and black rappers he pardoned. The world is truly a better place.

brian pritchett
brian pritchett
3 years ago

Amazing more British mouth people hating American making comments about the regular people as if beneath them History repeating itself


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