Why Do We Wait? The World Is Upside Down And Fools Surround Us.

“The most difficult decision is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” Amelia Earhart

Why do we wait? I know we don’t need a Pickett’s charge. We also don’t need a Custer’s Last Stand. We already have the moral authority to fight this evil we face, yet we wait. Are we waiting on Almighty God to tell us to “Move out”? Something is restraining the mighty men of valor in this country and it is not cowardice.

This past year has revealed how spiritually unprepared our side seems to be. There are those that say there has been Zero repentance for what we have done and what we have allowed to happen. I tend to disagree as you can only repent for yourself not a group as a whole. Many are worried that God will not be on our side should we decide to fight because of this. I believe we already have the moral authority to fight this evil and I don’t think it’s suicide.

We are surrounded by evil and yet we do nothing.

The world is upside down and fools surround us. It is frustrating just watching everything go the hell while being surrounded by oblivious idiots.

Many Revolutions have occurred throughout human history. Why not now? Are our cushy lives more important than freedom and the future of our children?

I know: “Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

I’ve suffered about as long as I care to.

People say that we lack leadership, that’s fine, step up and be one. Lead a small group. Do the work in your area. If you believe you will fail, you will. If you believe you will achieve success you will.

Everyone needs to realize the future is all in our hands, not these evil people in our so called government. Evil must be confronted and held accountable.

I understand your fear. Fear still dominates our lives. Fear of losing your job, income, comfort, friends, home, personal freedom and yes, maybe even life itself, and it is this fear whom we have become slaves to. It is time for men to find their courage. Sacrifices must be made. I don’t sleep very well anymore and haven’t for some time. I am troubled by what we are faced with, but I am not afraid of what approaches and that mirror is getting harder to look at myself with.

Soon enough I believe we will start seeing the effects of the vaccine on the populace. What happens if 50% of the people who took the jab start to keel over?

The biggest fool is the one who denies his own sense of truth because a lie is more comfortable to believe.

Do we need to hold a gathering or meeting and publicly have those with the balls to, sign the New Declaration and move forward from there? Yes it’ll be infiltrated, yes it’ll be dangerous, but we have to start somewhere, we have to start somehow.

I have no good answers. Everything is hard and gets harder as we go. Somehow we have to come together and present a united front against this evil we are faced with. Our Founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Are we lesser men?

When it comes down to it, many Americans simply don’t have the spine or fortitude to stand up and fight. But self-government requires us to engage and take action. It’s time to cut this evil government down. It’s very possible mass genocide could be in the process of happening with their poison they are so desperate to get into everyone. It’s going to be messy, but stand up we must.

It’s time for us to jealously guard what our Founding Fathers sought to accomplish when they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. It’s time for us to do the same.


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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Wasn’t this answered for us?

3 years ago

The left’s narrative and use of indoctrination, misinformation, disinformation by schools, MSM, entertainment and politics has been powerful and co-ordinated. Our response has been weak , disorganized and predictable. The left uses the system to call us out as seditionists and domestic terrorists, while we wait for a revolutionary leader. The clock is ticking….when the next Covid variant is introduced and reacts with those vaccinated….. SHTF will be upon us , in my opinion , and we will be a reactionary force at best. This is just the scenario as I see it….with undeniably no feasible way to stop it. This reset has been planned for decades, if not centuries , and the U.S. is only one piece of the world-wide puzzle. Most importantly……this is not just a physical battle….it’s a spiritual battle that has a predicted ending.

3 years ago


Tom McAllister
Tom McAllister
3 years ago

My observations are that many folks still have a belief or hope that it will all turn around for the better. Facing the clear realities are too much for most people’s brains to process. It is definitely a result of fulfilling our sensual pleasures for decades. I’ve challenged some to stop the normal forward motion and focus on spiritual, psychological and physical preparations for what seems to be standing at our literal doorstep; if the world rights itself, the disease threat goes away, the predicted die-off doesn’t happen, and jobs and the economy return us to good ole American prosperity, what have you actually lost? I then ask what will be lost if everything that is projected becomes our reality. If you’ve received the inoculation, how sick will you get and how long will you live? Who do you think is going to help you or your babies/children when millions become disable or died in a short period of time? What will be the most immediate dangers- disease, starvation, opportunistic violence- and how will you and your family deal with them? My challenges go unmet. I’m always left with the same conclusion: we are in trouble of the epic kind.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom McAllister

Astute observations.
It is symptomatic of many things, but primarily normalcy bias and how the brain’s decision tree works:
“Q” was a perfectly formulated psyop. It provided a perfectly balanced inoculation of hope, “insider knowledge,” and verifiable information. It’s purpose was to keep Americans below the “actionable” threshold, since most people are conditioned to “let the professionals/experts do it.”
Combine this with the “comfortable nest” that most have been habituated to value, and the “actionable threshold” that has been incrementally ratcheted up, and things that would have triggered an outright kinetic event even ten years ago are met with apathy, passivity, and shrugging acceptance.
This is still in evidence, as there are a large subset of people that, incomprehensibly, are still “waiting for Trump to be reinstated.”
We don’t want Trump. He showed who he was (a Judas Goat), and therefore is unacceptable. That ship has sailed, been scuttled, and now rests on the seabed.
The notion that “we” need a President of a foreign City State (Municipal United States, “U.S. INC.”) or of a British Territorial Insular Commonwealth (“United States of America,” “U.S.A. INC.”) is specious. When you excise an anal polyp, you don’t immediately go out shopping for a replacement anal polyp.
Both corporations can go away, since they are both bankrupt, in breach of their contracts (The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America respectively), and have committed such vast crimes that their principals, agents, and employees should be sent to farm potatoes in Antarctica for the rest of their lives).
America is still here. We The People can still mow our own lawns, and govern ourselves. We did it for 11 years before we subcontracted out, and got lazier each year thereafter.

Tom McAllister
Tom McAllister
3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican

Yes. Q. Trump. I sadly concur with G. Edward Griffin’s assessment of Trump as controlled opposition. I tend to believe that nearly every elected official, if not all, and everyone who has a large TV/Radio/Internet platform is likely the same. My skepticism is so pronounced that I pick up on little things like Dan Bongino telling his listeners about the serious, big news “coming when we return to the SHOW, on the DAN Bongino SHOW.” I was a firefighter/paramedic for more than 20 years, and one of the funniest things I encountered was my senior paramedic partner and I riding an elevator to a newsworthy event, where he stated, “It’s pretty crazy that when the newspapers say the ‘authorities said or did this or that’ they’re talking about us! We’re the authorities!” We laughed for weeks at that realization. I agree, most are conditioned to let ‘the experts’ take care of things. As far as resistance to this deadly tyranny, I’m inclined to believe, if not convinced, that any real resistance will come out of the ashes of the former USA. It seems clear large scale resistance before then is no longer possible.

3 years ago

I wrote an opinion on the above article…..no swearing , no threats …..just how I see it….just curious if I’m being cancelled because someone doesn’t agree with my opinion ??

3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thanks…just saw other comments being posted faster than mine .

3 years ago
Reply to  John

The WordPress plugin must have been written by someone with Biden’s capabilities. It has no rhyme or reason as to what comments are approved, made pending or trashed.

robert orians
robert orians
3 years ago

This from the always amusing John Wilder today . Seems even John is getting serious . His first and only use of the “F” bomb .

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  robert orians

Great read but people are still standing around with their d*cks in their hands waiting for something.

A strongly worded blog isn’t going to change their minds.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

I do not know where to start. Do we go and fire all the local city councils? Do we stand on our porch and tell neighbors what exactly is going on? Do we buy more water? Nothing in the last 50 years has prepared us for what is coming. And….yes, the BEST is yet to come. But we sure have a huge pile of dung to get through first. The bad kids on the playground are NOT going to leave nicely. I have a feeling a nationwide cyber attack will most likely occur after the elections are produced for all to see. I think we all need to get to know our neighbors. God Bless the USA.

3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Noelle

This is a problem that afflicts many right now. Good men and women, caught in the realization that not only are things very wrong in this House of 50 Nations making up the country known as The United States of America, but indeed that some parts are on fire.
The first and most basic is to realize that what you thought of as “your” government is nothing of the sort. It consists of cuckoo bird usurpers who have been murdering lying, stealing, and defrauding you, your parents, your grandparents, and great grandparents since 1861.
The last actual American President was James Buchanan. Every single “president” after him was illegitimate, or rather, was merely the “President” of a foreign incorporated entity.
The “Civil War” was in fact, just that: a mercenary conflict between the two “Civil” service organizations (known as the Northern and Southern Confederate States). These “States of States” were business entities, not the actual physical states. Americans were never involved in this craven and criminal “conflict” that took place on our soil, and which caused the deaths of over half a million of our sons (still to this day the most costly loss of life for Americans, more than any other conflict -combined-).

After this conflict, our Lawful government was considered “in abeyance, pending reconstruction” since the actual Federal Republic Congress adjourned “sine dia” (“without a day”).

The Carpetbaggers (Brits functioning as Tories/”Territorials” mostly, who were one of the three subcontractor/branches) set up military “Districts” in all the states. Whenever you see the word “District” it is a foreign enclave, utterly separate from our American jurisprudence. The Municipal government joined in on this fraud starting in 1906 with the bankruptcy and dissolution of “The United States of America, Incorporated.” This fraud scheme continued, boot up a new corporation, run up the credit cards (which unwitting Americans were on the hook for), declare bankruptcy, and have “us” foot the bill. Identity theft and Credit Card fraud, but on a massive basis.
Since actual Americans (those born here, or those that adopt an actual state after going through the naturalization process and spending seven years as a “U.S. Citizen/citizen of the United States, both of which are foreign statuses, which carry no rights or guarantees) are owed their contractual guarantees through both The Constitution of the United States (Municipal) and The Constitution of the United States of America (Territorial), the usurpers simply sought to re-classify everyone as a non-American, either a “U.S. Citizen” or a “citizen of the United States.”
You can do a quick verification of the rights and guarantees that accrue to you by consulting the Bill of Rights in any of the three Constitutions: if an amendment references a “People,” then it applies to Americans with no divided loyalties. Any mention of “U.S. Citizen,” that is where your “privileges” begin. A “People” is not a “U.S. Citizen,” since one is American, one is a British subject. A “citizen of the United States” is considered a “possession” of the Municipal (Roman) United States. In other words, a slave.
So, instead of trying to “fix the problem” while essentially living in another nation, as a foreign subject, the solution is to come home. Correct your status, declare yourself as an American (you were born here, right?).
The 50 states are back in session, and tens of thousands of people are returning home every day. Strip away the presumption of foreign obligations/citizenship, and all your Constitutional guarantees are there, waiting for you.
This is secession, but on a singular basis. It is available immediately, and you don’t have to wait for others to get onboard. It is peaceful, with no violence needed or wanted.
Information can be found at theamericanstatesassembly.net
Read, study, ask questions. It may not be for you, but it is an option, it is Lawful, and it is doing something to hold your employees accountable.
End the crime, end the fraud, and end the genocide.

Last edited 3 years ago by Armorican
3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican

There are ONLY 2 FORMS of LAW in this UNIVERSE, NATURAL, which is REALITY and as Religious individuals call it,”God’s” Law and the second is MAN’S (Corporate, Maritime, Military, Admiralty/Martial, Statutory etc.) LAW, which is FICTIONAL and in TRUTH only has JURISDCITION over CORPORATIONS and MUST GET CONSENT from a Living HUMAN before it can LEGALLY deal with him or her.
The constitutional republic of the united states of America and its sovereign “state” Citizens are the de jure government and lawful authority, while the legislative democracy of the federal United States is presently a de facto government having extended its power by coup d’etat and deception.”

3 years ago

I would have to disagree. There are myriad Lawforms.
Also, you might want to read up on what “ALL CAPS” implies. Start by reading “The Justinian Deception.” It can be found for free here:
Anything in “ALL CAPS” (in the form of Latin, but missing the required hyphen to make it grammatically correct) is called “Dog Latin” and is a fraudulent, debased, non-English language. Anything appearing as “ALL CAPS” does not exist on the page from the standpoint of proper American English. Which is still the only language we speak here in America.
Anyway. To return to Lawforms.
“Natural” Law is the law of death. The “law of the jungle.” The definition of “Natural” in Bouvier’s Law Dictionary is “untouched by the hand of Man,” and “inert.” Therefore, do not ever claim to be a “Natural Person” (which is defined as a corpse in probate law), or a “Natural Man” (which is a logical fallacy).
There are myriad Lawforms, and the ones that we are familiar with all derive from religion of one sort or another.
Then there’s “Common Law,” which simply relies on precedent (preceding judgements that become enshrined as “canonical” in the sense of that particular Lawform).
There’s our military Common Law, English Common Law, Special Admiralty Common Law, Maritime Common Law, Sharia Common Law, Mosaic Common Law, etc. So simply saying “Common Law” is not specific enough.
Then there’s private “law” which accrues to those with an outstanding employment obligation (an example would be U.S. Citizens, who by definition are functioning as Employees of the British Territorial “United States of America,” and must abide by their Employee Code, called “United States Code”), or Federal Civil Service workers (really slaves, since they are “U.S. Posessions”) and their dependents, who must abide by Municipal Code as well as U.S. Code. If you ride for the brand, you obey the trail boss, until you can return to your previous status.
Then there’s “Rules,” which are even more exclusive, and apply only to those sub-contractors promulgating the “Rules.”
We, as Americans (of singular allegiance) stand under The American Public Law, which consists of:
The Ten Commandments
The Organic Laws of The United States:
-The Unanimous Declaration of Independence (1776)
The three subcontractor contracts, consisting of
-The Constitution for the united States of America (Federal Republic subcontractor 1787, currently defunct)
-The Constitution of the United States of America (British Territorial subcontractor 1789, currently bankrupt)
-The Constitution of the United States (Roman Municipal subcontractor, 1790, currently defunct without a contract)
-The Northwest Ordnance
-The Articles of Confederation (original international instrumentality DBA “States of America,” rolled into the 1787 Constitution, still functional but requiring re-authorization by a Continental Congress of The State Assemblies)
-The Federal Record (-Not- the Federal Register, which is all private code)
The above are in order of precedence and authority. Everything else does not apply to Americans of singular allegiance, which is explicitly made clear in both The Supremacy Clauses of all three Constitutions, and the 11th Amendment to all three Constitutions (Americans are not obligated or subject to foreign laws).
Another couple of points to consider, we are Men and Women. Not “Colors of Man” (“Hue Mans”), since that is a re-presentation, or “idol” of who we actually are. Men and Women.
Sex is a matter of biology. Gender is a matter of grammar. Grammar is, by definition, make-believe. Sex is tangible, immutable, and provably extant.

Regarding “a” -Republic,- no, The United States consists of 50 separate nations, each with a -Republican- form of government guaranteed to it. We are absolutely -not- “a” Republic. There was a Federal Republic -subcontractor- authorized to excercise delegated authorities in International Land jurisdiction “in our names” that was rendered non-functional in 1861, and which has not been “re-constituted” by the required Continental Congress of actual State Assembly delegations. We are “one country” consisting of “50 Nations.” Words matter.
Also, we don’t concern ourselves with “Legate’ality,” unless we are standing under Roman Municipal Code. We deal in terms of “Lawfulness.”

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, people need to stop saying the phrase “Constitutional Rights.” There. Is. No. Such. Thing. The Bill of rights found in all three Constitutions are -negative Law.- They are the equivalent of The Ten Commandments, “thou shalt nots” for our subcontractors to live by (and if ignored, to be punished under). As someone standing under the Ten Commandments, you wouldn’t go around claiming your “Second Commandment Right to not have any other Gods before Yeshua,” would you?! So stop claiming your “Second Amendment Rights.” Or “rights” under any of The Bill of Rights. They are guarantees, as the Principals to the contracts. If anything, stand on The Common Defense Clause found in The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.
Hopefully this was helpful

Last edited 3 years ago by Armorican
Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Armorican

Thank you for the explanation. Very well stated.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Noelle

This is what needs to happen. Back when men were men and weren’t afraid to step up and protect their rights.

Short version:

Full version:

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
Dee 79
Dee 79
3 years ago

Now is the time for all good men (patriots) to come to the aid of their country.

Tom McAllister
Tom McAllister
3 years ago
Reply to  Dee 79

Oh how I agree. The number one problem is that it appears upwards of 60% of the men in this country have likely defanged themselves by accepting the inoculation. The speculations on the timeline and outcomes of this are still to be seen. I’ve conceded that any and everything is on the table of possibilities, and a possibility is the ability to control the demise of the inoculated to the day. The second problem is an absence of legitimate organization and leadership. I’m sad to say that the most suitable leaders for even a peaceful resistance would be military men- we’ve had 20 contiguous years of combat deployments- but they aren’t stepping up. I live in area that is literally filled with current and former career military, and I have little hope they will respond. Not until they personally feel some loss, specifically financial. If you interfere with their benefits, pensions, or secondary career paths, you might get some protest. I’m admittedly a little jaded by my experiences. I commented above on this same post that I believe resistance will arise out of the ashes of the firestorm that is fast approaching.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom McAllister

The remaining 40% of a 332,775,543 population divided by 2 to get the men = 66,555,109 divided in half again to eliminate age issues still gives 33,277,554 potential patriots!

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

That math may be a little optimistic. I would say we would have 40% of the 3% that would fight.

33,277,554 * 0.4 * 0.03 = 399,330.648 so say around 400k people willing to fight after the covid shot die off.

3 years ago

That something is simply that no decent, sane person wants to start or walk into that kind of future. It’s bad but it ain’t quite there yet. As for anyone who has seen that horror show, No fucking way in hell do they want loved ones even close let alone being part of it and having to roll that particular set of dice. Simple fact is It’s unavoidable at this point so enjoy whats left for as long as it lasts and get you and yours ready, the bill is on its way.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  Colombo

Right… Imagine for a moment the families that are left behind.Feel comforted if you cannot imagine what they will inevitably go through, if they make it.

3 years ago

Well written article. Too bad those who need to read it the most won’t.
“But if I show up with the wrong rifle, or wrong optics or no optics, or wrong color rifle and wrong kit, I might not be allowed to take part in the Patriot Games!
Heaven forbid I go to the wrong trainer or show up with a paunch!”
Yeah, it is sarcasm, but it really isn’t so far off the mark for some people. People are joiners. They want to be accepted. They are sheep. Sheep fear rejection. They will spend thousands of dollars and go into debt just to be accepted, even if they cannot afford it.
The biggest thing holding everyone back is fear. So many fears.
If you are a believer, just remember one of the most used commands in the Bible is, “Fear not!” You’ll find that if you boldly go forth, you really have nothing to fear, as enemies will fear your boldness. Your peers will respect you, and the timid will find their courage. But, first you will be mocked, lied about, and ridiculed. Expect it not only from the enemy, but from the cowards on your “side” who think you should be doing it “differently” -- this especially true from so-called, “connedservatives”.
Be persistent. If you are right, do not let anyone make you ashamed to be so. Eventually, others will come around to your way of thinking. I learned this from my Mom. She was a pioneer in the Homeschool movement when everyone else was scared of the establishment. They were afraid to break the law -- only, there was no law to break. The “law” was “because we said so and we’re teachers and know what’s best.” Then, those who did decide to commit, got scared when the schools told them they had to register themselves as homeschoolers and had to allow their kids to be tested. Mom told those “authorities” to pound sand. She did not register and did not allow them to test us. They left us alone. The timid got messed with and intimidated. The biggest fear others would postulate was us kids would not be “socialized” and would not be able to go to college, or find a job in the workforce. Well, I got accepted to West Point with a home school diploma. Nobody had ever done that in modern times. Funny thing is that I was one of the most popular guys in the local high school, and I didn’t even go there. Even made it into their yearbook! Then, home schooling was subversive and rebellion against the system. Now? You’re home schooled? Cool, man. Why is that? Because a small minority did not fear and did not quit.
Fear getting on a “list”? Brothers (and sisters), you are already on a “list”. If you are not on a “list”, then you should be ashamed of yourself.
You also have to figure out the difference between being fearless and foolish. But, once you conquer the fear part, the foolish takes care of itself, as you’ll find wisdom with fearlessness.
Unfortunately, one thing I learned through a lot of heartache and disappointment, is that no matter how much blood, sweat, and tears you shed to save the world around you, most people in that world do not want saved. The best example I can give is if you kept tabs on how many around you wore those stupid masks, and then lined up to take an experimental drug treatment. That, is what we are up against.

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago
Reply to  Latigo

well spoken.

3 years ago
Reply to  Latigo

THAT doesn’t matter.
What does matter is, WE MUST fight for our CHILDREN ,Wives, (Mothers of our Children) AND ourselves. The rest can do the same, for themselves or perish.
We stand together or perish alone

3 years ago

Realistic expectation for a “patriots” innocent family:..
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It0-iZvzL-M&w=560&h=315%5D

3 years ago

What the families of real “patriots” have in store…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It0-iZvzL-M&w=560&h=315%5D

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

I wonder this every day. The longer we wait, the worse it will be. I love my country and it’s killing me seeing it destroyed. I want my family to grow up safe, not being yanked out of a car and beaten because of the color of their skin or religion. How long do we wait??

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Who among you are waiting? What are you waiting for?
These articles and the resulting comments, (knee jerk and others, well thought out,) seem to stir up emotions. Different emotions in different ‘Individuals.’
i am not waiting. Have not been waiting. At least In what i see as important.
Some seem to have the impression that you can fix this by what? Starting the fire fight? Some of you act and respond as if that is your only course and until this begins you can effectively do nothing?
Your life has been what, worthless? Your death must therefore have some greater significance?
What, you are having no impact upon others on a daily basis?
Many seem to need to get a grip upon the reality of the situation, and the situations we are in and facing.
What time is it?
Hopefully many are all ready “standing up.” And in the correct ways!
i am daily walking through this valley, not thinking that i am suffering, not falling prey to this victim mentality. This constant threat of fear that this world is pushing also needs to be stood up to!
Take heart and Praise Yahuah!
we were warned of all these things!

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

I’ve suffered about as long as I care to.”
Have you? Have you Truly suffered?
Not picking on you, but has this Nation Truly suffered? Yet?

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Hoping that some of you are also paying attn. to the Nature.

3 years ago

“What is Everyone Waiting for?”
That’s really very Simple -- as long as the Lights are On, Food is Wrapped in Plastic at the Grocery Store, and Gas is Available, it is Arguable that ‘staying on the Porch’ and watching the Shitshow roll by is the Way to Go.
I even rather Doubt that the (zionist, occupation) ‘government’ is going to “Trigger” (pun intended) a full-on (un)Civil War by attempting to Ban and Confiscate Guns… (((they))) know very well what happens then.