Why We Are Sleepwalking Into Tyranny

Authored by Bryce Buchanan via American Thinker,

The world is heading quite rapidly toward tyranny.  We are in a revolutionary period that will dramatically change civilization.  Few people understand the gravity of our situation.  Here are some of the reasons why the majority of people seem oblivious to the danger.  These psychological shortcomings explain why we are sleepwalking into tyranny.

The Normalcy Bias “is a cognitive bias that occurs in times of crisis, leading us to disregard any signs or warnings that we are in danger. … Normalcy bias is a defense mechanism that lulls us into thinking life will just continue as it always has.”  It is a reassuring presumption that things will get better, or, at least things will not take a dramatic change for the worse.

But steady progress is not the way the world works.  History is a story of the rise and fall of civilizations.  Tyranny, poverty, and servitude are the normal state of mankind, and it would not be difficult at all to return to that state.  The pattern of history is that humans make some progress, and then evil men do evil things and stupid men do stupid things, and the civilization crumbles.  The normalcy bias can stop people from seeing this.

You may have confidence in constant improvement because the people you know are good, productive people who are kind to others.  You assume that most people are like that.  But you need to notice that there are also evil people who have decided that their role is to manage your life.  They are self-appointed shepherds, and they see you as their sheep.  This is the essence of tyranny.  If these evil people are also foolish, they may think that they can manage the world economy and force all the “little” people to act in a way that creates utopia…. a great leap forward. 

Centrally managed economies have been tried many times.  They always fail, often spectacularly.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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1 year ago

Read this to your family on Thanksgiving. I doubt they will listen. That’s how deluded the citizenry has become.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

As I see it, this is a life and death struggle and we are currently losing.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

It’s all too late, Satan and his fallen being army have taken full control of our government and bureaucracy and have been using it to murder as many Christians as possible. He even murders the ones who follow after him and uses them as blood sacrifices because he believes he is a god. He said I will ascend above the clouds of the most high and be like God. He has been a liar from the beginning and will be cast into the lake of fire at the end. Satan controls the entire world, and the abyss has been opened now and all of these unclean frogs and spirits have gone out into the four corners of the earth to gather their armies to do battle against Christ at his return. Satan is delusional lunatic being just like our leaders, they are all delusional and they will ALL pay the ultimate price on judgment day. Just make sure you are right with God because you don’t want to fall short on that day.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

not just government … people are being over run with evil.. the lying, oh my, and the cheating, shorting of money… the shoplifting, the homelessness, it just goes on endlessly for now…

1 year ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

Yes, and much more are they doing, child trafficking, child sacrifices, drug running, murder, etc; all done by our government, the bureaucracy and most of all the filth who do there bidding in the judiciary in there demon black robes. May the God of heaven expose these demons and remove all of them from the bench, they are a very wicked lot. This is not going to end well for everyone of them and they will be repaid the same way they have lied and hurt innocent Americans.