Will It Be Peace, or War?

War will be endless becasue peace isn't profitable

This writer grew up in the sixties right along with the Cold War, the Hippies, Vietnam, anti-war demonstrations, and Rock-n-Roll. I played in a Rock band and wore my hair long. Interestingly, I remained a tried and true Republican throughout – condemning the anti-war demonstrations and Peaceniks as fools and traitors. No, I didn’t inhale; I didn’t even smoke. I remained ‘conservative’ to the core despite my outward appearance and my choice of music.

Flash forward some 45 years. Maybe it’s wisdom that finally comes with age, maybe it’s some spiritual epiphany, but this writer has come to identify with, accept, and promote the message he rejected in his youth – peace and love.

One of the most influential points of reference for this revised world-view is Natural Law. It’s really quite simple. If my brother or my enemy are doing me no harm, I will leave them alone. Of course if he comes to do me or mine violence I am morally obligated to respond in kind. But, I have no moral right to impose my will on another sovereign human being; certainly not with the threat of or actual use of the force of violence. And yet, in the world in which we live threat of and use of the force of violence to compel and punish others who have done us no harm is the norm.

It is within the nature of mankind for a disproportionately small percentage of men to attempt to exert control over the greater multitudinous horde. The primary method of control is achieved through violent oppression. Violence is required as most people will not willingly submit to control by others, be it few or many.

A man once came, one of several, who advocated peace. He was crucified for his efforts. Even though a whole religion was built in his name, the modern professors of said religion certainly don’t practice what he preached. Most either advocate for the ‘preemptive’ wars carried out by their government or stand meekly by without raising any real objection.

Be it war against the unborn yet in the womb or war against those in far away lands that have done us no harm, some Americans may protest verbally, but most take no real action to stop the slaughter. To them the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer come to mind, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

We can choose to continue to support the violent mission of world conquest by our government, we can choose to stand idly by and just allow it to run its course, or we can move in a new direction. Following is a very good summation of the future we have before us if we fail to choose wisely.

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11 years ago

“the violent mission of world conquest by our government” ? I guess you are referring to Obama and the 12th imam?

11 years ago

From an old war dog, I say the next time we have a war we should gear up our POTUS, Congress and the Senate and let them duke it out with the leaders of who ever they want to fight.
After all, didn’t they take an oath to represent, protect and defend us?

11 years ago

“So my real problem, the ‘truth’ I’m struggling to get folks to understand, is that we, by our silence, are complicit in the ‘rape’, pillage, and murder done in our names on behalf of the Empire. ” Too bad this country has never done a f’ing thing of value. I’m so ashamed.

11 years ago

“Fascist Empire”? Good grief! Maybe you SHOULD inhale!

11 years ago

Bob, seriously -- my only point is that it’s not time to panic, and when you refer to this country as a Fascist Empire, people will close down and think this site is full of doomers, a site devoid of any hope for things to get better, because we’re already at rock bottom. This site is at its best, when it offers concrete suggestions on what people should be doing to prepare for when we really DO hit rock bottom. We’re not there, yet, thankfully.

11 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard
