A gun seizure case before the Supreme Court could open the flood-gates to warrantless searches…
President Joe Biden launched his first attack on the Second Amendment this week, making clear his intent to radically curtail Americans’ legal rights to own firearms. The White House boasted that Biden was nominating a “fierce” advocate of gun control, David Chipman, to be chief of the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agency. Chipman, a former ATF agent, is so dedicated to banning assault weapons that he brazenly lied last year about the 1993 federal assault at Waco, claiming that the Branch Davidians shot down two National Guard helicopters that were assaulting their home. Chipman, a Phillips Exeter Academy graduate who carries a concealed weapon himself, was an ATF case agent at the 1994 trial of the Branch Davidian survivors so he had no excuse for tossing out this anti-gun fairy tale.
Perhaps the biggest peril that Biden unveiled is his push for a national “red flag” law that would entitle the police to preemptively confiscate the guns of anyone who is accused of being a threat to himself or others. Red flag laws have been notorious for trampling due process and spurring unjustified police raids that have resulted in killing innocent gun owners. It is naïve to expect fair play on gun owners’ rights when the politicians driving such policy are openly seeking pretexts to disarm as many Americans as possible. Biden’s push for a red flag law could become far more perilous to constitutional rights if the Supreme Court upholds a potentially landmark gun seizure case that could gut the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against warrantless searches. The Court heard arguments in this case last month and a decision is expected by June.
In 2015, after an elderly couple had a heated argument, Edward Caniglia placed an unloaded revolver on the table and taunted his wife: “Why don’t you just shoot me and get me out of my misery?” His wife, Kim, was spooked and left to stay overnight in a hotel. When he didn’t answer a phone call the next morning, she called the police and asked them to check on him.
Police arrived and browbeat Edward Caniglia into getting get a psychiatric examination at a hospital. He agreed to do so only after police promised not to seize his handguns. The shrinks certified him as sane (at least by prevailing Rhode Island standards) and he returned home to learn the police had confiscated his guns. Both he and his wife requested the guns be returned. Police refused to do so until Caniglia, who had no history of violence or abusing firearms, filed a lawsuit. Caniglia also sued the city of Cranston and police officers for violating his constitutional rights.
At first glance, his case rested upon solid precedent. The Supreme Court ruled in 1980, “It is a basic principle of Fourth Amendment law that searches and seizures inside a home without a warrant are presumptively unreasonable.” In 1948, the Supreme Court declared that the sanctity of private homes is “too precious to entrust to the discretion of those whose job is the detection of crime and the arrest of criminals.” But the police and their supporters relied on a vast expansion of a 1973 Supreme Court decision that justified a warrantless “inventory search” of a rent-a-car to seek a police officer’s revolver in the trunk as part of the “community caretaking” exemption to the Fourth Amendment. A federal judge and a federal appeals court, ruling in favor of Rhode Island police, effectively concluded that a private home was “close enough for government work” to a rent-a-car to justify warrantless searches.
Pass whatever “Laws” you like. I no longer care. I will not comply with anything. Good Luck with Enforcement!
Pass whatever “Laws” you like. I no longer care. I will not comply with anything. Good Luck with Enforcement!
Same here.
“Not complying” is the same as complying. Either way the enemy gets what they want and eventually we lose.
I did not say I would not fight it. I just say I do not recognize their edicts as laws.
That comment was not directed at you, it was directed at everyone. When something happens that BLM / Antifa are not happy with, they can gather thousands of people to protest. We just sit around and shake our fists and our keyboards.
You are right. When the other side will resort to violence and you will not, the war is lost.
I take no offence to your post. I just want to make it clear where I stand. It is important for men to stand up and be clear who they are and stand for what they believe in.
There are some who are preparing. Not sure if they will actually stand. That will be seem soon.
I will not comply to any law that violates the Constitution -- this will end the Supreme court period
That’s the problem with making decisions based on case law/precedence rather than on the strict interpretation of the original document and it’s intent. The Constitution.
I won’t comply either. According to the Constitution, they do not have the authority.
Exactly. I’m through ‘hoping’ politicians will act honorably. I’m through sending money to gun organizations to pay attorneys to litigate bad law before corrupt courts. I’m through ‘trusting’ the justice system will rule in accordance with the Constitution. If the goal of law enforcement officers is to be able to go home ‘safe’ at the end of their shift, they need to wake up to the fact that ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms”, and our right to be ‘secure from un-reasonable searches and seizures’ IS the supreme law of the land. It is not rocket science and they had better get on the right side because the armed American constitutes the largest armed force in the world. I stand with you Wes.
Most gun owners will not go out to fight. For anything. Period.
They dont have it in them. This the Bidenites are confident of, because it is provably true.
But if you come to their homes? Then you have taken away their choice, and they will fight like cornered animals. I am just as certain that the Bidenites are absolutely incapable of understanding *that* fact. For this they will suffer greatly. So be it…
But then why not head this off at the pass? You know, hang together rather than separately? If they start quietly hitting people’s houses and taking their guns, they control the narrative. The media will spin it and say they were bad people with guns.
I don’t understand why we sit on our thumbs and wait for crap to really go badly before fixing the problem? Passively sitting around saying we just won’t comply has NOT worked. Eventually enough laws will be passed that they will confiscate or do a mandatory buyback. Is this a problem we just pass on to your kids?
I understand your frustration… believe me. I don’t know why our side can’t organize and stand together. It’s been a persistent problem in the Patriot movement. I know you’ve read what I have written about it on numerous occasions. I think people are going to have to feel the pain before they’ll stand and fight. Right now people are fat, happy, and lazy. They are entertained and fed. It’s hard for people to give up the comforts of life. Hopefully we don’t wait until it’s too late.
I’m with you on this Wes. “Laws” no longer have any meaning. Due to the totally selective nature of enforcement. The only laws that have any meaning to me are in the bible. Those will be enforced equally.
Wes, you are right again. Good men do not actively participate in the republican form of government. Most would rather go fishing then form organized groups to go see their elected representatives and demand accountability.
They are fat and lazy, and could never be counted on to take part in the vote counting process. On, but they did fly Trump election flags. Their cop-out answers for not participating is that elections are frauds so why participate, or I will not comply with unconstitutional laws.
The reason elections are frauds is because good men are not involved in counting the votes. But they still go fishing even when the fish are not biting. Oh, yes, I forgot, they have to go watch baseball spring training.
If they have to feel the pain then I will be long dead before anything is done. Our overlords in DC know to do things incrementally so the pain will be felt over generations. Your (collective your) kids will wake up one day and everything they have will be gone because we failed to act and kicked the can down the road.
I completely agree with you. And I’ve asked myself this question alot. Because I am ready, but I also refuse to be the only one to act, just to be called a domestic terrorist. I think that, since nothing happened due to a stolen election, they believe we will never do anything. They believe we are all talk. And I am starting to think they are correct. Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die to get there.
“Most gun owners will not go out to fight. For anything. Period. They don’t have it in them”.
LT -- I will have to disagree. Many won’t, but many will…when pushed far enough. Just because we haven’t seen it yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It WILL take courage and sacrifice though.
Right on LT !
I agree Wes, right on 🙂
Any advice or good links to a decent water collector, found so many mixed opinions! I am in FL( on budget) and was hoping to just use some 50 gal drums to store it.
Cheap as possible unfortunately, I am scraping by with my prep. Feel totally unprepared, and with a wife who doesn’t fully understand also. I hope she is right! God help us all🙏🇱🇷💪
They are going to come for your guns. But what they really are coming for is you. I’ve heard all the story about well I lost my Ar -15 or someone stole it. That bull will go over like a lead balloon. Listen up if you are not 150 years old or older. You was born into Slavery,you have lived your life as a Slave and there is a 99.5% chance that you will die a Slave. We have got to Quit thinking like SLAVES. Anyone who is telling you to obey THIS Satanic government is your ENEMY. Anyone who tell you to wait until later to begin this fight,is your ENEMY. Anyone who tells you to move to the Woods and raise chickens is not only your ENEMY,but STUPID also. This ends one of two ways,first we win. Second we lose. Either way the Streets of America are going to Run Red with Blood. I’m for kicking Ass,Right Now.
Gun Confiscation under any court-ordered circumstance is still Non-Constitutional.
The Numbers don’t Lie -- Too Many Guns, not enough .gov thugpigs.
Once widespread “Gun Raids” begin, the chances of ‘Raids gone Bad’ increase to unsustainable levels, as More People decide to Fight. Individuals who suspect they may be the Next Target of a Raid might set Ambushes, or go feral (.gov) hog-hunting.
You would be surprised at how many people go fishing on weekly basis and not realize they have a leaky boat. I’ve known more than one person who has lost ” fishing ” equipment when their boat sank before they cold get to shore.
If you think it’s time to lose them, it’s really time to use them!
“When government takes away citizens right to bear arms, it becomes citizens duty to take away governments right to govern.”
-George Washington
not true. https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/spurious-quotations/
Washington may not have said it, but the statement is the truth nonetheless. Just sayin’.
Considering the Criminals infesting the SCOTUS turned a blind eye to the blatant THEFT of the White House last fall don’t expect them to do a damn thing to protect our either our 2A OR our 4A rights….