Witch Doctor?

The above comic strip brings home an evil part of our new reality: the medical community was and still is complicit in the plandemic, medical misinformation and deadly gene therapies under the false label of vaccines.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Concise and to the point. I can’t and won’t speak for anyone else but, my wife and I have both felt the stabbing reality of the cartoon. The medical community has in some cases stepped off into the abyss. It is becoming more and more difficult to trust the medical profession. There are good doctors and nurse’s out there but, they are difficult to sort out & most of the time they have their hands tied in some way or another. The pharmacist is another major player in hobbling the doctors and patient care. They have begun to usurp the doctors ability to write scripts for patient care. The old system was not perfect but, it gave better medical care than we now have with government run health care. All we have now is CCU’s, clipboard carrying units, to determine what may be wrong with you. If you want to see where all this is going, look no further than the englands medical system.

TPTB keep dividing us at all levels. Soon there will be no one you can trust about anything. Wake up and talk to your fellow man and woman. TRASH wokeism & the free lunch concept.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kooper1
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Kooper1

i consider it part of the beast, in many respects. They are going to far. And yet i also know there are good people out there.
Some of the commercials for “health care.” are revealing.
Indiana commercial states: “Our Nurses have the Power to heal.”
How many ” Ascension” Hospitals and networks do we now have, how and to what are they connected?
And yes i feel bad for taking Blood pressure pills etc.
“Drug sorceries ” (From the Bible) has taken on a whole new meaning.
Every where we look it seems much of mankind thinks that they are now gods. we see them worshiping strange gods, we see them acting it out and saying it in many different ways.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Syntax….it means something!
Especially… if you Threaten the Lives of the Overlords and The Pretorian Guard.

It’s Gene Therapy.
Say it.
Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy

As for Medical Trust…yeah, mines GONE. 100% Gone.
They’ll never stick or prescribe me anything without me digging into it first.

The Medical Community didn’t speak up when they should have.
They worriwd more about there Pay Checks.

2 years ago

All of us did not submit and go along to get along. Some of us took a major hit in income, some of us ostracized by those that became mouthpieces for the regime. Nonetheless, the weak ones that carried water for the regime have sullied the entire profession, likely beyond repair.
If you need medical help there are still a few of us around that did not submit, and will not submit. Look for DPC practices. It is not a guarantee but you will stand a higher chance of finding an honest and open doc.
The medical system (sickcare) is, as a whole, irrevocably broken. It was taken over long ago by corporate and .gov entities. It will not return to what we perceived it to be, barring the same sort of revolution required return our former republic to it’s original state.

2 years ago
Reply to  dirtroadlivin

Thank you, sir … the DPC practice model is exactly what I was discussing recently with a friend, but we didn’t know the proper name for it.

We were talking about how we recently changed doctors within our “industrial medicine” practices to get away from dogmatic “covidiots”. Unfortunately, while we like the skills and attitudes of our new primary care physicians, they’re still hobbled by the policies of the corporate practice “umbrella”.

An online search for DPC practices returned a “finder” app that listed 10 within 25 miles of my ZIP code. I now have options to explore in preparation for the next “enrollment cycle” (I’m 72 with supplemental insurance).

2 years ago
Reply to  Hans

You are most welcome. Taking the gov and insurance payers out of the mix is the only way we can approach delivering care in an uncontaminated way these days. I would not be surprised to see it legislated out of existence in the future, as DPC practices do not “feed the beast” in the same way that the captured practices do. Until then though, we will carry on. Good luck in your search.

Last edited 2 years ago by dirtroadlivin
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The medical care system is nothing more than modern day gas chambers, if the medical care personnel do not go along with the program, they are ostracized and removed. I have 0 percent trust in the kill program, and that is exactly what it is in my opinion. They are as liable as big pharma and the rest of the ghouls for the deaths of countless millions so far and more to come. As we wait dutifully, to be arrested and jailed, we consider the next line in the sand for them to cross.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

I no longer trust my GP.

2 years ago

Frankly, over 75% of my experiencewith the medical profession has been negative, I have not trusted them since the early 1970s! Alternative health is the way to go -- inspite of the snarky comment in the cartoon. I have been on a vitamin, herbal protocal since very very early in the “COVID” plandemic! I HAVE NO EVEN HAD A COLD IN OVER TWO YEARS!

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Agree with you Splash. Too many times I’ve had meds pushed on me and when I let the Doc know that I knew of the side effects and of alternative as good as or better solutions they backed down. During the height of the plandemic, I went to have my annual physical. I asked my PA about the ‘protocols’ of the hospital connected to the clinic and which serves our area. Her answer? Don’t go to the hospital.
Trauma doctors are, IMHO, little ‘g’ gods for the work they do. Internists are just legal drug pushers. I’ll take their diagnosis, check it with other sources, and then develop my own treatment. My wife an I have both seen 68 winters and we’re still drug free. It can be done. Doctors don’t like it, though.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

God bless Malachi, I am 71yrs old and drug free, my wife is also drug free.