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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
5 days ago

The 800 pound elephant in the conference room: Homos generally speaking are the most unreliable and the least competent of the subsets of hirees/employees. They do not take direction well, rarely are willing to be held accountable for their actions but deflect and excuse instead of taking accountability, exhibit little if any sense of teamwork, lots of missed work/callouts/personal days, generally lack integrity and honesty and are the leading cause of morale issues in the workplace. This based on years of hiring/training/developing people as a team leader and manager. There have been one or two exceptions but exceptions are rare indeed.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
5 days ago

Another worthless as “teets on a Bore”- POS appointment was Jennifer Granholm. She was a horrible Governor and did nothing other than stop energy development and exploration. She was consistent….she sucked as Governor of Michigan and she Sucked as Secretary of Energy! What a combo…Granholm and Kamal-Toe both sucking!

5 days ago

Back Door Pete! That’s a good one!

5 days ago

ROFL! James Woods Has Just 1 Word for What Pete Buttigieg’s Next Job Will Be and All We Can Say Is HOOBOY

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
5 days ago
Reply to  Andrew

Good on ’em! NC has been robbed blind by the communists-vote theft is clearly out of control. The great imperialism of the depraved thieves of the left.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 days ago

He was a Caligula’s Horse.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
5 days ago

May Pete and his butt ramming buddy play the butt ramming game until they bleed out.
They will not be missed.

2 days ago

Does anyone actually believe they spent nearly a billion dollars per charging station? No way. They spent maybe a million dollars per station. With ALL the rest of the money laundered in various ways back into countless corrupt pockets.