WOW! 18 States Side With ATF Frame/Receiver Rule

North Carolina

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2 years ago

More non-elected officials taking over the legislation and creating their own laws without a vote.
If the left were really worried about rising violence they’d look at Brazil. Brazil loosened gun ownership rules, as more people owned guns, crime went down.
If the right actually had a spine and weren’t controlled opposition, they’d have stopped this nonsense long ago.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Hahhaha, no, I believe its that meme I keep seeing. They want to take our guns away because they’re planning to do something we would shoot them for!

2 years ago

The new Mason-Dixon line is being drawn.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Yessir, it is, several articles I read recently pointing to the same notion (though not so eloquently).

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Atf was started in July, 1, 1972, formerly part of the department of Treasury. They have always been a bunch of jack-booted goons with low IQ. They do just as their masters tell them, it does not surprise me that 18 states are in supporting the ATF. A call to muster is what is required, maybe then we can get the ball rolling.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

by what Constitutional edict does the BATF&E exist? NONE!

2 years ago

all 19 should be impeached for dereliction of office in failure to actually side with the 2A, in respect to any infringement IS INFRINGMENT!

2 years ago

where the heck is the North Carolina Legislature to rebuke our A.G. signing on to this sham of a suit. stein works for Obama and holder as well as our Commie governor. Iam leaving this state the first chance I get in the new year.