Opinion only. Either Putin is in bed with the Israelis and they’re clearing out Ukraine so as to be able to relocate Israel there (this makes sense if one accepts the Khazarian theory as it would return the Ashkenazi Jews/Khazarians to their homeland) or Putin (Russia) is the real deal and will ultimately save the West from itself as predicted by Edgar Cayce in the mid-1900s.
In the case of the later, I cannot see how we can go much farther with Western navies running drills in the Black Sea and direct attacks on Russian territory provided for by Western powers before the Russians respond by taking out Western military bases in the West.
Col McGregor has suggested that Putin’s reticence to finish this operation has given the West the idea that he’s weak and that they can keep pushing with no fear of blowback. Blowback, if/when it occurs, will be epic.
According to LTC Murray (see sitrep on this site) it begins the end of this month and runs through October. One of his LTC friends says not until next year. I’ve been expecting it for over ten years, now, and heard many cry wolf and give dates certain over those years … and still … I wait. No one knows. At least no innocent parties know. I have decided to live my life and cease worrying about things over which I have no control. I’m prepped, as well as can be. At some point the wolf will come. Let him. We can’t kill him until he shows up.
When will Russia finally say enough is enough? And who or what, in the West, will become a target? Interesting times.
The Reply, will be much more so, hahaha.
Opinion only. Either Putin is in bed with the Israelis and they’re clearing out Ukraine so as to be able to relocate Israel there (this makes sense if one accepts the Khazarian theory as it would return the Ashkenazi Jews/Khazarians to their homeland) or Putin (Russia) is the real deal and will ultimately save the West from itself as predicted by Edgar Cayce in the mid-1900s.
In the case of the later, I cannot see how we can go much farther with Western navies running drills in the Black Sea and direct attacks on Russian territory provided for by Western powers before the Russians respond by taking out Western military bases in the West.
Col McGregor has suggested that Putin’s reticence to finish this operation has given the West the idea that he’s weak and that they can keep pushing with no fear of blowback. Blowback, if/when it occurs, will be epic.
A timeframe for the inevitable would be verrrry helpful…
According to LTC Murray (see sitrep on this site) it begins the end of this month and runs through October. One of his LTC friends says not until next year. I’ve been expecting it for over ten years, now, and heard many cry wolf and give dates certain over those years … and still … I wait. No one knows. At least no innocent parties know. I have decided to live my life and cease worrying about things over which I have no control. I’m prepped, as well as can be. At some point the wolf will come. Let him. We can’t kill him until he shows up.
Good advice Malachi, I will smoke um when they show up.
All I can say, this is not good whatsoever for our demented run nation.