Yall Have Fun With That Voting: The Fix Is In – Democrats Start to Prep America for Their Mid-Term Steal

The Democrats are going to cheat again in the mid-term elections.  We know this because they are beginning to brag about winning despite having the worst record in history. 

This weekend the Associated Press reported the following:

Democrats are going to hold onto the House after November’s midterm elections. They will pick up as many as four seats in the Senate, expanding their majority and overcoming internal dissent that has helped stifle their agenda.

As the challenges confronting President Joe Biden intensify, his predictions of a rosy political future for the Democratic Party are growing bolder. The assessments, delivered in speeches, fundraisers and conversations with friends and allies, seem at odds with a country that he acknowledged this week was “really, really down,” burdened by a pandemic, surging gas prices and spiking inflation.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

And why shouldn’t they?
They are rolling.
They have a Plan and they are getting it done.
Whatever it takes.

I dont like it, but I admire there bfytw attitude.

Unlike the Worthless Republican Party

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Washington political parties: Opposite sides of the same counterfeit coin.
Washington is an obscenity. There is no socially redeeming value. I would guess that most Americans know what needs to be done …..

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  JamesH

Agree. It’s the Democrats! It’s the Republicans. No one ever says, “it’s the joos!”
“To find out who rules over you, simply learn who you cannot criticize.” [ or something like that!]

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Did you know America is one of the most prophetically mentioned nations in the bible thqat is described as the harlot riding the beast:

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

I’m thankful you read the bible. However, Revelation does not go into action until Jesus Christ returns the FIRST time for the born again believers, [1Thessalonians 4; 13 -- 18.] The epistles are written for the born again believers. He then returns WITH the saints , the born again believers later on in Revelation for those who chose not to get born again, [Romans 10 : 9,10.] This is the final judgement.
All conjecture about the book of Revelation is just that, conjecture. Read the epistles and see what God has done and wants to do for you as his spiritual child.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

They can only take it one of two ways. They can steal it like they have already done or they they can use a false flag and call in another entity to stop everything -- no elek-shun.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I actually never doubted they would hold onto power, what tyrannical regime has ever given up what they stole. An Arizona judge just ruled against the state AG and said he was too late to change current election law.

2 years ago

Duh! We all know the fix was in the last time (though not all of us admit we know). We also know that the GOP are second only to the DemComs in denying the fact that the DNC stole the election. Neither party seems to want it fixed. We’ve watched the lead-up to midterms absolutely cognizant of the fact that nobody has bothered to fix the OVERTLY rigged system!

Miss Havisham's Poodle
Miss Havisham's Poodle
2 years ago
Reply to  D3F1ANT

“We’ve watched… [while] nobody has bothered to fix the OVERTLY rigged system!”
Pretty well sums it all up. Democrats are busy-beaver activists at the precinct scale while Republicans sit, watch, and wait for someone else to straighten out the problem.
And because they’re still sitting, watching, and waiting, instead of getting active in their precinct, and the election is only 5 months away, the next election will be another fiasco of ballot harvesting, hacked electronic machines, spoiled ballots, doubly counted ballots, ballots found in car trunks, 110% voter turnout, etc. And yes, the Democrats will not only keep the House but gain there and the Senate. Then, GoPers will do nothing beyond shake their fists, quote guys who lived 250 years ago, and hope for George Washington or Jesus, or someone, anyone but themselves, to fix it.

2 years ago

I heard last week the Stacey Abrams had no problem with Kamala or Joe campaigning for her. She said she had the vote last time and knows she has them this time, hot off the press, ready to stuff.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago

A deflationary depression is occuring which makes voting a farce and useless. Bankers are the problem, and politiicans are incompetent. America is transitioning into a third world country: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/06/brandon-smith/the-engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next/

Freddy the Freeloader
Freddy the Freeloader
2 years ago

If a deflationary depression is looming, deflation takes prices lower. When will I see $1.49, per gallon, gasoline? Waiting for the deflationary effect to take hold.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago

Brandon Smith is reliable in what he puts out. This fall in prices will happen when society deteriorates further.

2 years ago

Just in case ya’ll think that the nation will be holding “elections” this fall…for your edification, several items are indicating a bloom of tactical mushrooms in the European theater of operations.First the little “dustup” in progress in Lithuania, Second, a statement by British Chief of Staff, Gen Patrick Sanders, “british forces must prepare to fight in Europe once again.” Third, NATO Gen Sec stated ” even if the cost of food and fuel are high, sacrifices must be made for the long term in support for Ukraine. Can you smell that smell… I think that is the odor of a soon to appear “false flag” between the “Russians” and the Lithuanians and Poles.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

“Yall Have Fun With That Voting: The Fix Is In – Democrats Start to Prep America for Their Mid-Term Steal”Since they got away with it the first time, I never doubted it for a moment. Now, how does that old saying go? Oh yea, “fool me once it’s your fault; fool me twice it’s mine.”

2 years ago

If America doesn’t bounce back with this midterm, then we as a nation are done! Our salvation is not in a country, it’s in God. The Human heart is failing: no one seeks after God. No fear of God. America is no different. It’s a human condition that needs a Savior. Pray hard!

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

Trust me, I pray every day that God will, through His Holy Spirit, lead as many Americans as possible to a great spiritual revival and turning back to Him. I, like you, want as many souls to be saved as possible.
However, there are times when our prayers alone will not suffice. King David, who as we know was a man of constant prayer, taught us that lesson when he finally was forced to physically face his great enemy, Goliath, with weapon in hand.
Sometimes God, Himself, does not do things directly for us. Instead, He works His will for us, through we ourselves.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

Yep. Everyone knows this. This will not keep me from voting, since I have the right and I intend to exercise ALL of my rights. However, I have no illusions that we are going to prevail this fall. We will not. At this point, it doesn’t even matter. They will steal the election, the economy will be destroyed, and the vermin that defines the evil that has become our imperial federal government will soon find themselves unable to withstand the onslaught from the mob that put them in power. At that point there is only one thing to do.


2 years ago

Nobody wants to stop them. Not even other Congogrease (busy butt uckfing Americans).
Don’t blame them because they would be hanged too.

Tommy Jefferson
Tommy Jefferson
2 years ago

I have no doubt that the fix is in. The question is, How much is enough?

richard s.
2 years ago

joe knew the fix was in last election. now, despite terrible polling numbers, the dems are again nonchalant and even doubling down on their insane policies. maybe they know the fix is in again. like the mad magazine character always said, “what? me worry?”

2 years ago

We will be at war and Biden killed before mid terms