Tyranny is here. Covid Tyranny is here. The unvaxxed are being treated as second class citizens and in some parts of the world are being locked down due to the fact they refuse to take this poison. Austria is forcing vaccination. Think it can’t happen here? Some people wouldn’t know tyranny if it covered their faces, locked them in their homes, enacted the biggest wealth transfer in history, censored them, made them show papers, and forced a poison into their bodies.
The time for talk is over. We must do more than raise our voices. TPTB are not listening, nor do they care.
Will you fight?
Many of us were hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but here we are. Our descent into the darkness has begun. This all began with two weeks to flatten the curve. Remember that? Remember that day when we all were unsure of what was going on, and we all said, “ok we’ll give you two weeks.” We all complied. It was a huge mistake. But hindsight is 20/20. Now we have to take their poison in order to be a member of society to feed and take care of our families. A common thing that a friend and I keep saying is that it’s like we are living a dark-dystopian nightmare movie. Except this is real life, and we are just continuing to live everyday like eventually we’ll wake up and this nightmare will be over. You can’t dream your way out of tyranny.
These other countries that are taking extreme measures are the testing grounds for US. People are rising up all over the world, unfortunately they don’t have arms. The mainstream media won’t even report on the uprisings and rebellions to the vaxx mandates. They want their one world government. They want their totalitarian dictatorship. “You will own nothing and be happy.” You will do what TPTB say or be eliminated.
Will you fight?
You are not voting your way out of this mess. Virginia’s victory was short lived. Youngkin’s not even in office yet but he’s already shown his true colors. The sad thing is most people will say, “well at least we don’t have a Democrat in charge anymore.” What good is that? So you’re willing to accept tyranny as long as your team is in charge?
Snap out of it! Wake up!
Will you fight?
Slavery. Slaves. That’s where we are now. When you do not have freedom of choice. When you are being forced to inject a poison into your body in order to be able to provide for your family, you are no longer free. You are a slave.
Will you fight?
If these tyrant’s have their way, everyone in the world is going to be jabbed. Can anyone tell me why a baby needs to be vaxxed? Can anyone tell me why a 5-12 yr old needs to be vaxxed? Can anyone tell my why a teenager needs to be vaxxed. Can anyone tell me why anyone of any age needs to be vaxxed against this “virus” that has an overall survival rate of 99.7%? Do you think life would go back to “normal” if everyone just complied? Really? It takes a special kind of stupid to think that. Sadly there are many out there among us that truly believe that if everyone would just take this poison, life could go back to “normal” and everyone could be “happy” again.
These disgusting, power hungry tyrants will never stop. They will continue to seek methods to control every aspect of your life. They are tyrants. There will not be an end to this until we stand up and say enough and fight back. Stop complying. Quit going along to get along. Start doing the hard things. Quit following orders. Quit doing as TPTB say. Yes it will be hard. Freedom is not easy nor free. Until we all unite, this tyranny will continue to grow and become ever more fierce. It’s not even about the virus anymore. I hope you realize that by now. It’s all about control.
A large portion of our population are cowards. Fear has been used to great success against them to forward their agenda. They got their poison into an estimated 70% of the population. If you’re still unvaxxed you have survived the biggest psyop in the history of mankind. Congratulations!
Will you fight?
Never forget these people hate you and everything you stand for. They wish you were dead.
We no longer jealously guard what our Founding Fathers sought to accomplish when they pledged their lives, fortunes, and their sacred honor. Freedom! It was gifted to us with their blood. Now it’s our time to bleed for the freedom of our children and grandchildren.
Will you fight?
Absolutely!! I will fight with all I have!!
I saw there is a new show on the channel guide-“The New Gladiators”…apparently its about people playing video games. These are our new warriors…20somethings in their parents’ basements, crusted in pimples and wearing sweats that haven’t been washed in a week. Soy lattes and video games do not make men. Shovels, axes, hay bales and barbells do. “In the end times their men shall become like women.” No wonder tyranny is making its big play for all the chips now. God pity us.
Men in these overseas E.U. oppressed countries are spinless cowards, gave gov. their guns long ago. We have the guns, but lots of spineless men. Will the women fight for their kids, parents and siblings? seems that may be the norm. So many loser men still living w/ parents into their 20’s, my generation never did that, the parents give them everything they need (losers also) while the adult kids have zero responsibilities and most do not hold jobs or learn a trade. A sorry mess. Young women never learn to cook from their loser moms, and live on fast food take outs even after marriage.
well said.
You better believe I’ll fight. I’ll lead, guide, partake and leave them no doubts as to what We The People are doing. When history is written it will show what being razed to the ground looks like, what happens to corrupt, evil people, and how The Word of God always triumphs over the wicked. What they’re doing is evil and wrong; they must be stopped. Turning the other cheek is good for us, but we are not to allow evil to hurt others as a rule of law, and live in darkness pretending to be in light. Fight we must. From the local corrupt sheriff and judges, all the way up the chain. Public.
We must not comply to this psy-ops plan now being pushed full throttle by the globalists in Geneva Switz., their W.E.F. headquarters run by Claus Schwab, now declare a new covid strain as of last few days. Globalist leaders telling each leader in every country to push full throttle, controlling the citizens. We must not comply, and businesses need to stay open.
We need a call to arms, it has been a long slow march of tyranny. Now the pace has quickened and the mass genocide is happening. The head of the snake is DC. 10,000 armed patriots in DC can take the tyrants out of power, no trials death to the tyrants every last one.
Indeed, the globlailsts are depopulating world wide and fearmongering and terrorizing world national leaders who in turn terrorize their citizens, jobs and businesses lost, forcing illegal medical porcedures which violates the Nuremburg code and UN human rights treaties declared in the 1940’s and still apply. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=98221
FIGHT…. Against who… where… to what end? Punching in the dark accomplishes nothing, except a few minutes of cardio. Without leadership, without a plan, without a list of objectives, … fighting can only consist of non compliance, and protection of YOUR OWN family and property… This type of resistance is short lived against an organized tyranny.
However, history shows that the big dog has little success against an infestation
of blood sucking fleas. If only the fleas could mount a coordinated effort, using decentralized motivation.
Seems to me that the “long hairs” of the 60’s utilized this concept while distributing small plastic bags…. it was all among friends. I’m pretty sure they had cellular communications way before there were towers.
Sometimes you have to go back to move forward.
Cut off the head of the snake DC, after that most of the snakes will slither off if not take them out with public executions on the spot.
Good sir, if we decide to take this route we need to remove the heads off ALL snakes and not let them slither off.
Absolutely rob every last one.
David smote Goliath using an implement that had the power, with his skill, to send a projectile right into the center of Goliath’s head, killing him. We have Goliath coming at us. I imagine if David had had a modern implement available to him, he would have used it. Or, men today could learn to use a rod and sling with rocks. What’s the difference? Decorate those foreheads of Goliath, somebody please. Sigh.
Almighty father send your holy spirit to guide and protect us, send your army of angels before us that we may defeat this great evil. They are coming for your children, help us in our resolve to defeat our enemy. I ask this in your name my Lord and savior JESUS CHRIST.
Also we must pray the men in this country will grow a backbone and act like real men back when I was young, Young people, children have a zero future of poverty and dispair is we don’t act. Othefr countries are too far gone, they have no willpower and no guns, they enjoy being livestock and slaves.
That option went away when women decided that they were going to wear the pants.
Goliath needs to boast more.
No fear lives here.
Hope to see you all on the flip side, whichever way that lands.
They have put us through Hell! How can it get much worse… well, no need to answer that one. I kinda know, I think.
God bless you all.
We’ve been thru hell?
Try living in Germany or Japan in 1945.
Gas and grocery prices go up and you’re living in hell, OMG, how terrible.
As I’ve said many times before, your friends, family and neighbors will put these criminals right back into office when it’s over, they don’t know anything but voting the party line, no matter how many criminals it is composed of, THEY WILL PUT THEM RIGHT BACK IN OFFICE, UNLESS THEY’RE DEAD!!!
I listen to my friends defending their favorite corrupt politicians, as if they’re the good guys in DC, holding out against the evil Democrats. This gov’t is a Uniparty, designed to play both sides against each other in a neverending hampster wheel of elections and winners, BOTH SIDES controlled by the same Uniparty!
And the gullible masses refuse to wake up to this game, still believing some day they will win their way to freedom.
Good luck with that…. I served, unless the guys with the guns and bombs are on your side, the snake is deadly. It will squeeze until your heart stops, then will bite off your head. If ain’t like the movies… John Wayne is dead.
Is that right I served joined in 1968, well who do you serve now, fear? You are already defeated before it even starts. We can and will win, with or without you.
Great points, Tom.
Keep the plan simple, that way less fuuk ups.
FIGHT…. Against who… where… to what end?
Start by targeting msm LIARS. Target their families their kids moms grandma aunty any family member from them. KILL THEM. Hows about targeting the pigs? Politicitians need to be shot at too. The target list is endless IF people would FINALLY stand up and fight these scum. I like the media targets myself. These maggots need to be DEAD. Stand up now and take this country back from msm. There is many of them in every city. No problem to find one to hit.
That would definitely stop the propaganda, brainwashing. A very important element. Maybe the first element…they’re trying to stop us talking, communicating -- reverse the procedure…
Try to alert others in the community, yet many are afraid if the crackdown comes. Husbands have told wives I know of, to shut up. This is self censoring. Do not mention prepping or your personal info. or assets. Just alert them that these shots are a bio weapon and those in power want us dead to save the planet from destruction and overpopulation. Many are cowards and afraid others willknow how they feel, so keep quiet not caring about their kids or g’kids futures.
What I’ve been seeing for 2 decades now; is that people are more concerned about their next vacation or new vehicle than they are with getting in trouble with the authorities. Yes, they have no spine, they live in denial and will get vaxxed before the stir up trouble for themselves, several friends and a family member have taken that route.
So when you find some recruits for that new gang of yours, let me know.
Former grunt, Recon and tanker. I attended Counter Guerrilla Warfare School at Ft. Bragg in 1975, learned how to train indigenous troops to fight, (I’ve worked with 1st, 5th, 7th, 10th, and 19th SFG), I have aome experience in that field, not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but things are bleak here today. Chest beating and calling people cowards is something we all do, but the reality is, we haven’t much to work with.
Until we have dead people everywhere and realize we’re being herded up, the masses could care less about a fight, and it’s not in them when they can just comply their way out, for now.
A traitor with a microphone is still a traitor
Must start inlocal communities, must not comply w/ this psy-ops and ignore these bastards on state levels giving orders to mayors, etc.
This all started decades ago , and people like me were warning you . The response we got was “It can’t happen here . This is Amerika”.
Arrogance and apathy brought us here.
Now , there is no choice but to fight , as you didn’t act when victory would have been easy and without bloodshed.
McCarthy was right all this time and yet we still sit on our hands.
About taking the jab, As Josey Wales said “I Reckon Not”
reckon so…
packin’ every day, tyranny will not overtake me. I resist everywhere I can. If I am refused access because of my non-vaxxed status by a business, they don’t deserve my funds. Most folks here are not waring masks anymore, and aren’t following the orders of signs on doors of local businesses. WE ARE TAKING BACK OUR RIGHTS. The tyrants can stuff it. I am using my real name because I refuse to hide from trouble. Lets get this war going, I’m getting too old to run, I was told about twenty years ago by a late friend that we would be fighting the next civil war, when most Vietnam veterans become 75, Well He was prophetically correct, I am 75 in three weeks, LETS GET IT GOING. l want to see the victory when our nation rises up and wins against tyranny, and I am part of that ARMY.
SSgt David Martin.
My LBE is ready and duffle is packed. I have 5 basic loads.
I am 70 ready willing and able ex vet joined in 68, let us keep the plan simple death to the tyrants every last one.
Husband Viet nam 9th inf. div. ’71. retired now pushing 80. We had the best yrs overall, prosperity, jobs and travel w/o the hassles today. No future for the young. America is trashed and unlikely to turn around.
Just 4 kids and a wife that might be angry, but i pray, truly pray one day they will understand exactly how bad this became.
I’ve never had the pleasure of serving, yet this country is a piece of my heart, which now feels like a lost love. That emptiness… i can’t explain to wife.
These little girls…only 2 4 and 6. What will they get to enjoy, being little white Christians?
I just can’t seem to picture anything pretty for them. UNLESS….
Will you fight? Damned straight I will.
Think globally, but act locally. There are plenty of potential and deserving targets within a twenty mile radius of most patriot’s homes.
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
I approve of the sentiment in the quote, as well as in the article overall.
However, in regard to the quote itself, it is rather useless because Jefferson never said it. Although it does capture some of the thought Jefferson expressed in the Declaration, he never specifically said this. Per Monticello and the Library of Congress, it cannot be sourced.
We all need to remember that some 79% of the quotes found on the internet are either outright false, or are wrong in some way.
When making an argument on something as important as this, it should be important to us to use correct and accurate information. Anything else is just ammunition for the other side.
all i want to say is, all i seen is a bunch of talk, now answer when and where. lets get this party started….
YES. Lets start TODAY.
I answered “no” to Chop-Chop’s “now answer when and where.” Only a damned fool would do that on the internet. Let’s get real folks.
Ummm… you make sure THEY bleed for freedom. Not you.
Women make good snipers, not good for combat overall.
You are quite correct. In WWII, Russia had some of the best.
Some of them were caught and died horribly. In fact, they excreted feces and urine when they were hanged.
Everyone does when they die.
Don’t get caught. (See below).
The best position to fight from is on your knees before God. If you pick up a gun and just attack the first person who talks like a globalist, then you have not fixed the problem. This is a spiritual war and it must be fought with spiritual weapons. The reason it is becoming physical is because our nation forgot God and decided that mans opinions are more important than Gods protection.
if the spiritual battle had been fought decades ago, then the current physical battle could have been avoided.
The only part you got right is that this is a spiritual war.
They don’t teach spiritual warfare at the maga-churches. Kinda hard to believe the Word without reading it.
Never heard of a MAGA church before.
I don’t think anyone here advocates picking up a gun and attacking the first person who talks like a globalist, but anyone who is attacking our lives is a different story. It’s called self defense, and at times throughout history self defense has had to adjust itself to the conditions around it. Self defense against hornets is one kind of thing. Self defense against someone trying to kill me/us is another. In responding to your note, I see that humanity has become less adaptable in its thinking, and the people perish for lack of knowledge -- soul knowledge and knowledge of practical application. As you alluded to, yes, many have forgotten God, and that is no small thing. Many also don’t know how to defend themselves in many circumstances…I suppose I’m also included in that lack of knowledge at times. No finger pointing at you. Just observation. Take good care.
[…] Source: You Can’t Dream Your Way Out Of Tyranny! Freedom Was Gifted To Us. Will You Bleed For Freedom Now?… […]
I am fighting with the Lords words by putting on the full armor of God bringing down the strongholds of the enemy who cannot stand against the truth of God’s word. The way to stop the ugly demonic idgits is to use Jesus name to bring them into submission for we fight in spiritual warfare in the supernatural that evil is trying to bring to the natural world. Michael is the general angel warrior who leads this battle who has never been defeated leading the host of heaven to victory time and again. God is always all powerful for his spirit is everywhere as Satan cannot be everywhere for he is just one. You should know God wins in the end at his second coming all his enemies are defeated. You can be there with him at that moment, just ask! Pastor Gary Boyd
Yes, to the end
I am going to give those of you who do not know, a dose of truth. Green Berets and SEAL Teams, were designed for one thing, ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Read that again, we were designed to protect against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. The DOMESTIC operations side is about to begin. John F. Kennedy KNEW and this is why he commissioned the GB to be worn and set SF aside from the other ARMY conventional forces. That is why the SEAL Teams were established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962. He KNEW, WE (those that are former, retired, and active) KNOW… Shit is about to get real, really fast. MARK MY WORDS, those evil shits have no concept of what is coming for them…
When friend, WHEN?
Think again. SF has been cleaned out of patriots, they are all now political yes men. I have many friends former SF, they all say the same thing.
Stop waiting for the military to come rescue you, they are all on the side of Team Evil. LGBT and political ass kissers, look at the new tranny Admiral.
The only person coming to rescue you is in the mirror.
“The squad”, “The seven pillars of wisdom”, “Learning to eat soup with a knife”, all tomes with which everyone should be reading/have read.
All main stream media, all state and national level politicians, all known communists. That’s your starting point. Get busy.
Late summer-autumn 1968: Kurtz’s patrols in the highlands coming under frequent ambush. The camp started falling apart … November: Kurtz orders the assassination of three Vietnamese men and one woman. Two of the men were Colonels in the South Vietnamese army. Enemy activity in his old sector dropped off to nothing. Guess he must have hit the right four people
Remember the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote ‘ Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean”.
It has nothing to do with other countries not having arms. When you have orders of magnitude more people and the ability to use fire you don’t need firearms. You just need a will to fight and white western society does not have a will to fight. Even though we have arms in the United States 98% of the people do not have a will to fight. I think we’re going to see a genocide on a scale that’s never been seen before before it’s all over. And it may very well be all over for white Westerners.
The dilusion of having 50 guns in the house doesn’t cover up the fact you were expecting the NRA to do this for you. And now you won’t admit you got taken by grifters.
I’ve asked people for over 20 yurs what their backup plan was when good old Wayne wasn’t going to take a bullet for you, all I got was muttering and a cussing out for being a traitor. Reality is going to take a big bite out of these stupid NRA members. They still send money to those thieves.
Bottom lines is, always has been, the only one going to protect your 2A rights is in the mirror. So open the safe and decide which safe queen is going to get dirty.