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gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

in every way, God has chosen us for this time. Whether I am inspired by my duty to defend my country or to stand strong with my God, I am here and I am ready. I cannot think of a more precious calling than to be given the grace of martyrdom for Freedom and Liberty. These are not political ideals, They are the aspiration of God for his inheritance. We have won this because Christ has won it. We have won this because it has been our ancestors who fought and died to bring this fight to this point of unfoldment. It is in our very being to win this and push forward, never going backward. Thank you, Lord.

4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

If it must be, Let it be now.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

One of my favorites, Max and Road warrior.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Steve Bannon
“Trust the process”
Here is what i do not understand, how can you get all choked up and gun hoe when these characters have been previously revealed and exposed? They, as many are playing your heart strings. They too, have played us all along. Theatre of this world.
And yet they play some war footage and tell you you owe it, you owe it to the dead and what they did by way of the same warlords and the same mad world throughout the years.
“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.
Shocked, I asked him what he meant. “Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon was employing Lenin’s strategy for Tea Party populist goals. He included in that group the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as the traditional conservative press.
Trust Steve Bannon, Trust Trump, trust in the plan, Trust Q,??? Where we go one we go all? Man the catch phrases just keep on a coming!
A Lament over Zion
…3“They bend their tongues like bows; lies prevail over truth in the land. For they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not take Me into account,” declares the LORD. 4“Let everyone guard against his neighbor; do not trust any brother, for every brother deals craftily, and every friend spreads slander.5Each one betrays his friend; no one tells the truth. They have taught their tongues to lie; they wear themselves out committing iniquity.…

When you begin to truly know the enemy you also look at the world in a different Light.
If you see two sides, God willing you may see they are both playing the same game.
Consider this question found in acts 4:24
” Yahuah , You are Alahim, who made the heaven and the arets (earth) and the sea, and all that is in them,
who by the mouth of your servant David have said, “Why did the nations rage, and the people plot in vain?

Hammers Thor
4 years ago

Bannon never said he was a Leninist… this is fake news, repeated over and over (gaslighting) to the point that some people take it as fact. Even Snopes, of all places, could not confirm he said it (they indicate “unproven”. Not only did he not say it, he vehemently denies it, so it’s his word vs the word of a leftist reporter.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor
Hammers Thor
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Okay. Your sources are Glenn Beck from 2017, when he was clearly a rabid never-Trumper, which he has admitted being very wrong about, and CNN. Glenn did NOT do his homework, as he clearly now knows, and has since apologized for to his credit.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Not saying i agree with Glenn on everything. i do not agree with his 180 on Trump. He never changed his tune on Bannon.
Glenn is one that seems all in, or all out, no middle ground, no high ground at times. What did happen to impartiality?
How is Trump doing? Ruling as Obama did by pen and executive order? Did he attack the government waste and spending? Did he drain the swamp or simply stir it up? How is that massive debt bubble going?
i make my decisions as directed from above.
Snopes , Glenn Beck, “Wikipedia” are merely sources.
Surely you can look at Bannon and Trump and see some issues?
How about Roger Stone? Bolton, etc. etc. etc. ‘Trump’ everyone’s hero, picked all of these clowns while many scratched their heads.

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

a Follower speaks the Truth in a time of lies. Understanding and knowing what the Bible teaches us for this time is the source of our courage to face that which has to be done. Yes, the actors from the Theater of Treachery all pull our heart strings like the harps of sirens along the coral beds. We have been well conditioned. However, by the grace and goodness of God some of us have been shown the lie of theater’s stage. Success of the stage, its actors, the financers, and critics requires the audience (the passive participants) to “suspend their disbelief” in order to fully embrace the story of the stage. I, and You I would suggest, no longer have that luxury. We have seen the evil intent and we have been called to face the danger of its plot. I no longer have any personal plans except to stand firm, God willing. I am proud to stand with those who understand what I am saying.