Got it. Read it. I no longer loan books, but I will share the contents and why it is important. Books are just too personal, hard to find in many cases, and becoming costly.
2 years ago
Can someone help me out please, it refuses to load correctly; I can’t see the name of the book or the author.
tom finley
2 years ago
Resistance to tyranny, author Joseph P. Martino.
2 years ago
Teach a man to fish. “The society that separates scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”-Thucydides
strider 777
2 years ago
I own it; I read it, and I, too, highly recommend it.
I also no longer lend out books, but have bought copies of certain books for close associates. I purchased this book years ago and at one of the earlier PATCONS recommended it as well as Jefferson Mack’s Invisible Resistance to Tyranny and Donald Livingston’s Rethinking the American Union for the 21st Century as must read books.
As Marcus Garvey stated in 1937 at a conference in Nova Scotia “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery because whilst others may free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind”. Later to be reiterated by Bob Marley in the “Redemption Song”
Once you have freed your mind the rest is simple.
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.
Got it. Read it. I no longer loan books, but I will share the contents and why it is important. Books are just too personal, hard to find in many cases, and becoming costly.
Can someone help me out please, it refuses to load correctly; I can’t see the name of the book or the author.
Resistance to tyranny, author Joseph P. Martino.
Teach a man to fish. “The society that separates scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”-Thucydides
I own it; I read it, and I, too, highly recommend it.
David, what address can I use to forward interesting articles to you for possible publication at NCR?
Here’s a book that will be very helpful to understand what our future will look like if we don’t get smart real quick.
“Future?!” That existence is your NOW.
Got mine, great book.
Boycott Amazon, ffs.
You can download a copy of the book here:
You will need a ePub reader such as Calibre to read it… I was unable to convert it to a PDF file. You can download Calibre here:
Excellent read.
I also no longer lend out books, but have bought copies of certain books for close associates. I purchased this book years ago and at one of the earlier PATCONS recommended it as well as Jefferson Mack’s Invisible Resistance to Tyranny and Donald Livingston’s Rethinking the American Union for the 21st Century as must read books.
As Marcus Garvey stated in 1937 at a conference in Nova Scotia “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery because whilst others may free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind”. Later to be reiterated by Bob Marley in the “Redemption Song”
Once you have freed your mind the rest is simple.
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.