You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me…

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Sick, sick, evil people, prey on the enfeebled and helpless. This is no different.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 year ago

This is exactly the kind of utter nonsense we have come to expect from the morons at the CBC. For years, nothing but the advertising arm of the Liberal Party of Canada (with the Toronto Star as it’s newsletter), we have increasingly been subjected to the most insulting propaganda masquerading as ‘news’, for the minor sum of CAN$1.7 billion/year.
I can’t believe my taxes continue to fund this. When Nuremberg II gets rolling, there are many media participants in Canada that need to be included in the count.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago


1 year ago

Shows how IQs have drastically dropped in the last few years, they know some will believe stroke season is real and has always existed forever.

2 of 5
2 of 5
1 year ago

Does anyone else hear the Cover Your Ass sound in his voice?

1 year ago

Hahahahahaha. That was funny if not sad as well

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

They are just looking for a way out, there is only one and that option is the gallows.

1 year ago

Big hospitals with stroke units can tell you if and when there is a stroke season. Having been a nurse, I can tell you heart attack season is from Thanksgiving til Easter and always has been set between those dates. I don’t think its written anywhere but nurses and bedside docs can verify this. GI bleeds have two seasons every year. More of that is seen in spring and fall, especially when the seasons are changing.
Stroke season exists thanks to the mRna shots.

Craig H. Cosgray
Craig H. Cosgray
1 year ago

I think he’s pregnant. That causes fuzzy thought, strokes, heart disease, gun violence, racism and rubber band like clots in the human body.
He probably graduated from Stanford Medical School. They are, thankfully, purging the English language there also.
Good to see the media is on “the case”.