When They Knock on Your Door…

More from a treasure trove from Liberty’s Torch.

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3 years ago

How about ” If this thing is so deadly, and vaccines are so important, then why are you risking your life to come up my drive, knock on my door, to tell me to get a shot, while hundreds of thousands unvaccinated come through our southern border, and there isn’t one of you assholes down there asking them if they’ve been “vaccinated”?
I am not calling the law on these dicks. I will deal with their trespassing on my terms.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

The point is, do not succumb too engaging in ANY dialog with these imbeciles. Good sound logical common sense advice that is actually well known but seldom practiced. Instead too many people are sucked into defending their point of view or beliefs with those that bait and switch narratives every other second. It’s a losing proposition for those defending their position as the goal constantly switches, and on purpose.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Great video and great suggestions. I will use them.

3 years ago

Once they go past the No Trespassing sign, the ONLY thing to do is tell them to GTFO, and if they are not moving in 30 Seconds or less, slam the Door, call 911 and report an attempted ‘Home Invasion’.

Or just hit the Clacker that fires the Garden Gnome full of C-4.

3 years ago

Remember to sue them in their PRIVATE capacity, not just their official capacity. Hurt them in THEIR wallet, not just the agency they’re working for. If enough of these zombies get hit enough times by court costs and fines (once should do the trick), then the agency will soon find itself without enough people to do its bidding.

3 years ago
Reply to  MadMagyar

There’s no court system for you anymore. Its all been taken over by the coup from Nov 2020. Cognitive dissonance is really hard for a lot of people. Even if you DID have an open court system, you wont have the time or money to fight them. No one is coming to help you. That has been posted a million times for a reason.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Do not speak to or engage these people beyond instructions to vacate the property immediately.
They are being sent to track and collect lists of dissidents as much as vax status. Do not speak to them at all.

3 years ago

A former cop telling you the flip side of the techniques he was trained in and utilized his entire career to trick people into contracting while engaging with them ?
The solution is NOT in the legal realm and and this speech is about keeping you there no matter how well intended and ignorant it may be.
We have reached the stage of “one inch closer and I’ll splatter your brains”.
as a matter of fact, I no longer believe there should even be that many words exchanged at this point.
Doorbell rings, they identify who they are and purpose, you pull the trigger. Obviously no one is willing to do that just yet, but we all know that’s EXACTLY what’s needed.

3 years ago

Damned straight the time to fight is here, LOCK AND LOAD !!!!!

3 years ago

Thank you for finding value in my post.

3 years ago

Two other things to remember:

  1. These walkers are, for the most part, convinced they are doing a GOOD THING.
  2. They are doubtless making notes on your attitude, behavior, etc., in addition to any notes about your Jab status.