A Slap In The Face And Righteous Indignation

I published this article yesterday: Get A Load Of This Garbage: LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY

I didn’t have the time to expound on it like it wanted. After giving it some more thought and I have a little time it’s time to address it further.

This is the ultimate slap in the face by “nice Christians” who believe Jesus wouldn’t want us to keep the Nazis waiting at the train station.

Those of us who were right from the beginning about this “pandemic” and were called unloving Grandma killers by these willfully ignorant, tyrant enabling Sheeple, aren’t “gloating.”

We didn’t make “lucky” guesses.

We read the data.

We knew the entire history of virology and true “Science” was being discarded.

We saw the double standards and illogic of unbiblical “lockdown” measures.

We were shocked and dismayed by how “nice Christians” enabled such Tyranny.

And we witnessed the true nature of EVIL at work in every “recommendation” and “mandate.”

And you had the exact same data and opportunity.

You didn’t “make a mistake” and “did the best you could” because you “had no way of knowing.”

You CHOSE your path and its consequences.

Now that we’ve been proven right beyond all shadow of an “Expert” doubt, we are NOT going to “move forward” with those who demand forgiveness without showing a shred of repentance.

We are filled with Righteous Indignation.

You need to seek forgiveness, in sackcloth and ashes, from the God you have offended for the Evil you have enabled. For the elderly who were left to die alone. For the children who had their childhoods stolen. For your neighbors who had their lives and livelihoods destroyed so you could feel safe. For your fellow citizens who will NEVER be able to return to “normal” after what you’ve done. God’s Justice DEMANDS there be trials AND punishments. To demand “forgiveness” without accountability is NOT WWJD. 

We cannot and WILL NOT “work with you.” To order us to AGAIN comply by granting you “amnesty” and an ease of conscience that is not ours to give, shows that you will only repeat your prior actions when TPTB unleash the next “crisis.” You called us “Grandma killers” then and “unloving and unforgiving” now. And all of history shows you will happily comply with Evil when this happens again.

From the Article:

“The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward….

Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward.”

Nope! Sorry! That’s not how any of this works.

You must pay for your misdeeds. You can apologize all you want. You must be punished. You wanted us dead. I’ll never forget all of the tweets, articles and news broadcast that labeled us PureBloods pure evil.

You threatened our way of life. You made it nearly impossible to provide for our families. You licked the boots of your master, “our government”, and you enabled a tyranny that is going to require bloodshed to be rid of!

I rebelled, I refused to wear a mask. I refused to get jabbed. I refused any “order” this evil government put out. I also made a promise to myself and to my family that if I was unable to take care of my family because of all this nonsense, that it would be time, time for retribution.

When presented with facts that anyone could plainly see with their own eyes, you still refused to see what was happening. You continued to enable tyranny. You are responsible for millions of deaths and the millions more to come due to the jab. Amnesty? No, You can rot in hell. There will be no forgiveness.

There is a war coming. If you sit quietly and just listen to your heart, your mind, your gut, you should know what is coming. Sure it’s not pleasant. After all you have enabled this tyranny. You have enabled this evil. Now you want forgiveness because you know that you will be lumped in with the side of evil and shown no mercy. You reap what you sow.

You’re worried about these upcoming elections. I could care less about them. Nothing will change no matter the outcome. But you fear this “Red Wave” because you think they will hold you accountable. You need not worry about these feckless “Republicans”, you need to worry about those of us who just wanted to be left alone.

The time for talk is over. Sides have been chosen. You chose poorly. You chose tyranny. You chose Evil! We are already at War, the shooting just hasn’t begun. We’ve done our homework. We know who you are. We’ve seen you for the past couple of years.

If you feel the way I do, you know that nothing is going to stop what is coming except the elimination of either us or them, the Purebloods vs. Tyrants. TPTB have successfully divided us. They’ll never leave us alone. The next crisis is just over the horizon. These bootlickers will repeat their behavior. They will turn on us Liberty lovers once again.

Amnesty? No!

Punishment? Yes!


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2 years ago

100% agree!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gunluver1911

When the majority of people who were duped by satan and our government doing his work they get what they all deserve for their willing compliance to an evil edict set forth be evil and satanic officials in our government, the media, the university professors, Hollywood weirdo freaks and all tech companies. They all have a destiny with death and they are fully aware of it especially all of the facts have come to light now.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

You forgot to mention some lost their job, forced to move, denied unemployment, denied arbitration and is left alone without representation.

There is not amnesty in the Bible for murder. Those that took part and supported the crime are guilty of murder as well. According to God the earthly punishment for murder is death. This is how God fells about their crimes.

If this shot that is world wide, has a number, will be needed to to function in society is the Mark of the Best. They not only took part in murder, but took part in the eternal damnation of souls. I am certain this sin is deserving of a special place in Hell for those that too part. Because all those that take the Mark signed their ticket to Hell. They are lost and their is not amnesty for them. Think about that, they pushed people in a direction that cannot be changed. To an eternity of unspeakable torment.

I have no use for them. They are now Satan’s servants and cannot be trusted to do any good. They are now enemies of the Most High God.

This is not over yet. They have a lot more in store of those that will not submit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

No mercy, no quarter, no forgetting or forgiveness you made your choice. It is quiet now, but not for long, they have made a more lethal kill shot, with a 80% death rate. Just as the sun rises and sets everyday your time is coming, as is the tyrants you obey obediently.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Agreed. I work in healthcare. EVERY DAY I see the genocide. 28 year old men having heart attacks? 20 year old female athletes with heart pain? MANY seniors have had their lives cut short because of their poor choice.
A 55 year old neurosurgeon had a heart attack and has not been in the office for 5 weeks! A 50 year old pathologist has right lung problems and dyspnea after his shots.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Mass genocide, it is our duty to God, family and country to make sure they pay the ultimate price, DEATH.

Blood washed overcomer
Blood washed overcomer
2 years ago

Agreed. Last week i herd the news of a co-worker, age 41, died suddenly while on vacation. He boasted of his receiving multiple clot shots and how they would do him no harm. Now he’s dead.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago

Exactly what I’ve been saying.

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
2 years ago

I agree fully.
I am from Germany and we are taught in school about tyranny and I remember my former schoolmates (and my relatives -- some of them having grown up during the 3. Reich) saying “How could it happen? Where our ancestors blind? If we today can see it, why couldnt they?” or in the case of the elder ones “Why did we not see it?”.
And you know what happened?
They fell for it -- again.
Hook, line and sinker.
They didnt learn anything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Lund

You seem way too willing to believe what you were “taught…”

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
2 years ago
Reply to  eckbach

As I am a German and live in Germany I am subject to German laws even when I write in an US forum. So I have to be careful about what I write in regard to WWII.

2 years ago

Good article, thanks.

2 years ago

Not to take the shot was easy .. It is not the Mark Of the Beast, BUT… when they said some cannot buy sell or trade without the shot… I knew it was not good. So I still stand my ground and will not take the shot.

Harold Crapper
2 years ago

You, me and many others here stood in front of the gates of hell, and we did not back down, we showed resolve. You know now who you can trust above all to stand with you.

2 years ago

Why would they need amentsy? Nothing is going to happen to them anyway? There- I saved you from having to spend anymore time on it.

2 years ago

Forced to retire, hounded for a year before I did. “Take it or get fired” “You can’t come to work, you have to work from home, and we’ll downgrade your performance appraisal because you couldn’t do your job as a construction inspector”.
Don’t miss the wokeplace (no typo). I’m sure I’d have mispronounced someone’s gender by now anyway.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
2 years ago

Here is what they will say about us: we offered them an olive branch and they did not accept it.

They will vilify us no matter what action we take. And this will not be the end of their attacks on patriots. Will they apologize as they twist the knives in our backs? God is merciful and I cannot speak for Him but I would not want to have to explain why I took a gene therapy to rewrite his creation. And they know this. Which is why they will take out their judgment against us here on Earth.

Luke 23:34
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Some of the people did not know what they were doing but some did know. It is up to the Lord if ignorance will be an excuse. I could never have imagined that our “rulers” could be so evil. I could never have imagined that people would be so stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Canaanites were that evil; some Israelites were that stupid.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Those who didn’t know are either too young to have seen the times media and government have worked together to push something, only to see later how much it was just lies,or they were old enough and intellectuallycapable of knowing what was going on and just chose to get in line and parrot The Official Lines. The overwhelming majority are absolutely responsible for their decisions to join in the vilification of people like me. Screw them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nolan Parker

They were lazy. Paying attention to the data and makng an informed choice based on what they learned was just too hard. It was easier to do what the “experts” told them.

2 years ago

Hallelujah and Amen!


2 years ago

I can hear the late Vanderboegh storming from here, thundering why we’re still cutting bait when we should be fishing.
If his remains are indeed spinning in situ, one could wrap them in copper wire to power all of Birmingham, Alabama.

2 years ago

There ya have it

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago

100% Wes.

June J
June J
2 years ago

Now that the true believers are realizing they were “misinformed” they want us to forgive them for being uninformed lemmings and wishing death and more upon us? They aren’t even repentant about what they said about and did to those of us who could see the scam from the beginning.
All those true believers in academia can kiss my butt.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Can tell they’re nervous…

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
2 years ago

All of the jabbed drones which were duped into taking the clot shot is there problem and their problem alone. I won’t give amnesty to them but I will forgive them because this is what Christ wants us to do , but i won’t have anything to do with them anymore, either it be family or friends, they cannot be trusted unless they repent of their sins . They know they are dying slowly and they know it from all the facts that have come out, they are afraid and their is nothing they can do about their situation .

2 years ago

Dissecting the Deceptive Plea for COVID-19 Amnesty
“When I read through this article, I realize the author highlighted a very common problem I observe in human interactions (which I will admit I have also been guilty of). The author is demanding to receive forgiveness for their conduct, but in their apology, is refusing to admit they did anything wrong. In order to accomplish this, they utilized a variety of manipulative rhetorical constructs that are relatively simple and frequently utilized. ”

2 years ago

agree. but it’s not up to us to provide punishment. just wait.
the dumb wokes identified themselves. proudly.

Dale Whipple
Dale Whipple
2 years ago

It appears, the time has come to hoist the black flag. We will not forgive, we will not forget.

2 years ago

Amnesty -- No Problem -- Line up against the wall -- do you want a blindfold or not? Aim -- Fire! Now you have your Amnesty -- Don’t Rest in Peace.

2 years ago

Beautifully written

Harold Crapper
2 years ago

The decisions made, were not made for your benefit or mine, no amnesty, justice at the end of a rope.

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
2 years ago

out of 240 at work only 5 are purebloods. We are watching this play out right in front of us. The vaxxed complied and prove they can’t be trusted.
If a job is all it took wait until layoffs. Then they will see what complying was worth.

Dave of Oregon
2 years ago

In my church, we did NOT shut down, we sat next to each other, worshiped in song without masks and those of us who carry, carried, just in case some police or other agency decided to interupt our time with the Lord, they would be detained or citizen arrested. Remember FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. It is paid for by the blood of patriots and tyrants. May the tyrants loose.

Dave of Oregon
2 years ago

Tyranny MUST BE RESISTED, Remember the Government serves the governed. In other words, They work for us, WE DO NOT WORK FOR THEM. the government workers have to take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for the United States of America. When they get too big for their britches, It’s time to give them a licking. It is our job as citizens to keep our employed servants in that role. There are already too many federal agencies trying to exercise tyranny over the citizens. If they don’t understand the word NO then remind them what NO means.

Carl Chadwick
Carl Chadwick
2 years ago

In the book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, by Stephen Covey, he states that, “Without consequences, there is no motivation!”

Every action has a consequence, either good or bad. This is what obeying the Law of God is suppose to teach us, because every Law of God has a consequence, either:
(1) A good Blessing, for obeying each Law, or
(2) A bad Curse, for disobeying each Law

And with the Ark of the Covenant, the mercy seat sat atop the Ark, and the Law of Moses was below inside of the Ark. Mercy is greater than the Law.
Even in our courts today, each law of man has a penalty for when men break the law. Yet each Judge or Magistrate also has the power to show mercy if he/she deems that the judgment warrants it, for example if the crime was an accident, without intent to do harm.
But maximum punishment is there for when both a law has been broken and there was intent to commit a crime.
Yes Jesus Christ will punish!

Revelation 14:9 “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,” 
Revelation 14:10 “The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:” 
Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” 
Revelation 14:12 “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” (KJV)

Retta pierce
Retta pierce
2 years ago

So very sad, indeed. I studied what was going on also and said they would have to kill me before I would take the vaccine. No one would listen.
Jesus took upon his shoulders the sin of the whole world, that is why we are called to forgive, but we shall never forget.

2 years ago

Retribution is coming from God Himself. WW3 will begin soon, which is intended to be a false Armageddon, to confirm a Messiah -- a false Messiah. Albert Pike’s Blueprint for 3 World Wars speaks exactly that. “…to reveal the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into Public view” -- which is none other than the arrival of the man of sin. He will have his short 3-1/2 years reign of murder, of 1/4th of mankind, because he is the rider of the 4th horse -- the rider named Death with hell following. The Martyrs of the 5th Seal come after HE arrives, not after the rider of the white horse. The spirit of anti-Christ is Apollyon, which is Osiris/Azazel. Osiris is the king of death and the Underworld -- same as “Rider named Death with hell following.”
For those who would dismiss Albert Pike’s Blueprint. It is exactly who Albert Pike was. It is and has happened as written, and nobody would make this stuff up and just attribute it willy-nilly to Albert Pike. If you would believe that, I have a garden on mars to sell you.
These who have oppressed God’s children -- “They shall seek death, but death shall flee from them.” Then a Lake of Fire will become their perpetual dwelling -- before this decade ends. War in heaven begins with the 1st and ends at the 6th Seal, when the “stars of heaven”/dragon and his angels are cast down to the earth. Then we immediately see the Elect standing before God’s throne, in white robes/new resurrected bodies. They only get there one way. Jesus IS the angel rising out of the east -- called that because He is in the TRANSFIGURED form of power, as an angel, not as flesh and blood. Revelation 1 shows the precedent for this. No other “angel” is present. Jesus alone holds the title of “first and last”. All angels have the power to transform (Transfigure) from a form of power and light, into the form of flesh and blood, as a man. “They appeared as flames of fire, but could assume the form of a man whenever they wished -- or any form” -- Enoch 1.

Deplorable Joe Voter UltraMAGA
Deplorable Joe Voter UltraMAGA
2 years ago

It’s too bad you had to use that shithead actor that played Captain America in one of your memes. He doesn’t deserve the respect that symbol portrays.

Deplorable Joe Voter UltraMAGA
Deplorable Joe Voter UltraMAGA
2 years ago

The next one they unleash will truly be Stephen King’s “Captain Trips” from The Stand. They already have it -- confirmed 80% kill rate developed right here in Boston. The only question is what will be the vector and did they make it too “hot” to spread efficiently.
No. There can be no forgiveness. No amnesty. The war still rages. This reminds of the Christmas truce in WWI where the soldiers from Germany sang Christmas carols with the British soldiers in the trench across the field from them, and then the next morning commenced to slaughtering each other.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

2 years ago

There is no forgiveness for tyranny.

Lu Phillips
Lu Phillips
2 years ago

“Captain America” Chris Evans wants my generation of boomers who support old fashioned morals to die as well. Just because he wears a costume, doesn’t mean he is for us and freedom. The whole entertainment industry is corrupt and needs to be destroyed. It has destroyed culture not enhanced it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lu Phillips

I remember him in the last Avengers movie moderating a group of survivors cope with their lives. He was very supportive of one of the men telling how he is finally moving on and went out on a date with another man.

2 years ago

I agree with your stance, Wes, almost 100%. We realize that these peoople are evil who pushed the vax… But we leave it to God to judge them. We surrender them to Him and His Will. I wouldn’t get into the whole matter of whether to accept any requests from mercy from them. Many of them are duplicitous and only God knows their hearts.
Instead, focus on the incredible war almost on our doorstep: Nuclear War and aggressive Civil War are perhaps days away.
Our energy and our prayers should be laser-focused there. And God be with us in these days and may our hearts be His.

2 years ago

When all this first started about 2 1/2 years ago I knew something was up… something was definitely wrong with this new “technology” mrna shots. I did my research and started warning people. Everyone we talked to turned a deaf ear… they were running scared… ran straight to get their death jabs! Brother in law hung up on us… his wife now has cancer. I sent our pastor two or three warnings with links to very informative articles. Completely ignored my warnings. Next thing I knew, him, his wife, and two grown daughters had all got the jab. I’m now waiting for the fallout. His wife now has arterial blockages she never had before. No telling what’s going on with the rest of their family. Oh yeah… almost forgot… her mother immediately got dementia after the jab and just died recently. Why didn’t they listen?? It’s all on their heads… not mine.

2 years ago
Reply to  PistolPete

People are often in such a hurry to follow the state because they haven’t at any point seen creativity, artistry, decision-making skills, innovation, as well as many other attributes that have been hijacked by those in positions of authority, as a matter of process or in real time. Everything has been state-centered and disseminated. This goes as to the real egregious and purposeful error in the church system. They wanted church (control) without freedom of expression, or any appropriation of meaningful cultural expression, except that pre-approved by state-centric, freemasonic, political, or as related to policy-making persons, as long as they were from a pulpit, legalistic from a complimentary perspective, or wearing the white medical coats, and particularly backed by the mainstream media, the churches would become hysterical in partnering with them, like a frenzy or cult.

richard s
2 years ago
Reply to  PistolPete

time for you to find another pastor. he sounds insincere.

2 years ago

These people advocating an amnes ARE NOT “nice Christians” wanting to let bygones be bygones. Please do not label them as such. These people ARE hypocrites trying to weasel their way out of any consequence that will arise regarding their crimes against their countrymen.

“By their fruits we know them….

2 years ago

No amnesty. The Covid-19 debacle is and has been satanic theater, further pointing out the marriage of the church, state, and medical industrial complex (one couldn’t have done it without the other), and that its hierarchical reach has extended beyond abortion and the defining and controlling of institutions to meet their ends. The continual acquiescence of the people being the nod they need to ensure all aspects of society will be firmly in their grip. Any fighting in opposition to this expanding encroachment will not be to reclaim America, because it’s already gone, but to delineate sides as a survival strategy as America ends and collapses.

Elder Son
2 years ago

And of all those 266,031,472 vaxxed people who are proclaiming that they were FORCED to take the vax…

Absolute BS. You had a choice, regardless of the consequences, to say NO.

This was just a foreshadow of the Beast System.

All the information you needed to know was at your fingertips. They told what IT IS, and what IT IS NOT, even before they released the fake Covid vax.

They told you, on the release of the first jab, that the vax is an “Investigational vaccine not license for ANY… INDICATION.” Let that sink in: FOR ANY INDICATION.

They even told you back in April 9, 2020 that all this Covid crap “is the world’s biggest psychological experiment.” And it is still up at the WEF website… spitting in your faces.

I have more animosity to the 80.1% of the vaxxed Boobus AmeriKanus Retardus… AND… all the “influencers” such as the self-proclaimed “Health Ranger” Mike Adams, the “Watcher” Steve Quayle, tele-tunnel-vision “Conservatives” such Sean Hannity, and etc. etc. and all their dooming and their proclamations of “OMG! OMG! This is it! This is the big one!” All the people taken in by the Majick Covid Spell… than I do the spell casters.

They SOLD you the fake Covid. And these “special people”, these “influencers”, went all in selling you the fake Covid. The purpose of the fake Covid, was to sell you the fake Covid vaccine. And not one of them will say… “I am sorry for all my Covid dooming that more than likely influenced your decision to get vaxxed.” But hey, doom sells. Especially when you have something to sell.

The Co-vid is everywhere. The Co-vid is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see Co-vid when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel Co-vid when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes.

All of it… was an illusion.

But don’t worry boys and girls, the flu is back on the menu.

Along with the triple whammy of OMG! OMG! Watch out for the Covid-RSV-Influenza this Winter! Get triple vaxxed for the triple whammy!

I have no use for 266,031,472 vaxxed of you. This was just a foreshadow of the Beast System… and you fell for it. Even many of the anti-vaxxers are STILL pushing “The Covid is real people! Just don’t take the Covid vaccine for the real Covid!”

So my wife tells me last night, “Yeah, so all I heard for 2 years from everyone at work was, OMG! I GOT THE COVID! Now all I am hearing these past few weeks is, I GOT THE FLU! When I ask them what happened to the the Covid, I get a blank stare. It’s like their brains just shut down.”

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[…] A Slap In The Face And Righteous Indignation: I published this article yesterday: Get A Load Of This… […]

2 years ago

AND…I think it wasJim Stone who posted that the SHOT rewrites the name of God in the DNA..THEY are not human/original equipment anymore..God knows , the last line of an article today from Western Rifle sums up the 2 main takeaways of..no one is coming to save you. Your decision tree definitely starts with..survival and self defense…if I don’t see ya between now and then, good luck to all

2 years ago

You didn’t pay attention to the facts but the FEAR and it overwhelmed your good common sense.
Something should have told you NONE of this sounds right, it was experimental, and they kept telling you it was NOT FDA approved and only under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) which is funny, because that means it violates their own ethics and protocols in place TO prevent such use.
Looks like some of us got it but most didn’t get leery enough.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ratty

And any lingering questions you had about what was really going on were answered by making the malefactors immune from lawsuits. There was your confirmation that COVID was a scam.