All Our Heroes Have Become Villans

I have been a staunch and, until now, immovable supporter of President Trump. I voted for him in 2016, and again in 2020. I am absolutely convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 2020 election was stolen from him, not to mention countless other candidates throughout the country including the governor’s race in North Carolina and BOTH senatorial races in Georgia. What happened was an abomination to our Constitution and cannot be allowed to stand.

During President Trump’s first term, our nation, indeed our world, was subjected to an attack from a viral weapon developed in Wuhan, China with the help and sanction of Dr. Anthony Fauci. We knew this back in January of 2020 and there is significant evidence that it may have been intentionally released prior to that. As a result of this attack, millions of people have died needlessly, many millions more have been permanently injured, and the world’s economy has been savaged. President Trump made a valiant effort to mobilize the pharmaceutical industry to create a treatment, a “vaccine” for this bioweapon, and get it into production. As hindsight is 20-20, we now know that this was a reckless and dangerous path to follow, but at the time most of us, myself included, did not.

However, in short order it became clear that this Chinese bioweapon, Covid-19, was not as deadly as first believed, or perhaps it quickly mutated into something less deadly not long after it’s release. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of Americans still died, mostly elderly or compromised individuals, who otherwise would have lived had they not caught the disease. Moreover, many tens of thousands died due to inappropriate and criminally negligent medical treatment, including destroying people’s lungs with ventilators and their organs with Remdesivir. The litany of devastating errors didn’t stop there, however.

Alternative treatments, PROVEN to destroy the disease and cure nearly everyone who contracted it, were immediately shunned and banned by our own government, along with many governments around the world. Treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Was this intentional? Of course it was. The pharmaceutical companies couldn’t make billions of dollars from the treatment with these drugs, and so their lobbyists in Washington convinced [forced] our representatives and our agencies to ban anything that worked, so that they could get Emergency Use Authorization for a “vaccine” that, for all intents and purposes not only does NOT prevent the disease, but potentially destroys the God-given immune system that we all have.

All for money, and all at the expense of our lives, our hopes, our dreams, and our futures. And those of our progeny.

Now President Trump is doubling down on the “vaccine” saying that is has saved tens of millions of lives. Bullshit. The link above has a brief video of President Trump with Bill O’Reilly that is just sickening. I submit it has not saved anyone, or if it has, very very few, and the cost in lives that these “vaccines” have caused is still not, and may never be known. What we do know is that VAERS is reporting that the vaccines have already killed nearly 20,000 people just in the United States, and there have been 875,000-plus adverse reactions. What we also know is that the number of reports made to VAERS is somewhere between 1% and 10% of the actual numbers. Some are suggesting that only one in forty deaths from the “vaccine” are being reported. If this is the case, then the “vaccine” has already killed as many as the disease itself, and we have no way of knowing how many more will die from long-term complications, cancer, and other ailments due to the destruction of our immune systems.

There is virutally no possibility that President Trump has not been told this. If he has not, then he is surrounding himself with idiots and criminals and he has his head buried so deep in the sand that nothing is getting through. If he does know this, and continues to promote the “success” of the vaccines, then he is deranged and has become no better than the swamp he promised to drain. I can see no other possibility.

It breaks my heart to say that I no longer support President Trump and will not advocate for him in any way unless and until he recognizes and acknowledges the catastrophic damage that the pharmaceutical companies have done to this nation, and the intent of those promoting the “vaccine” to destroy as many lives as possible. The “vaccines” are causing blood clots, brain hemmorages, myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous abortions, and the evidence is mounting that they may cause sterility and birth defects. This is not news. The fact that he won’t acknowledge it, just like Fox News, Newsmax and all of the other government-owned mainstream media outlets won’t acknowledge it is what should be news.

President Trump is not only endangering all of us with his reckless disregard for the horrific injuries and deaths being caused by these “vaccines”, he is enabling the Biden administration in it’s efforts to coerce and eventually attempt to force these kill shots on those of us who will not, under any circumstances, allow that poison in our bodies or in the bodies of our children.

It now falls on each and every one of us to be our own heroes, because clearly no one is coming to save us. Indeed, it seems more and more obvious that they intend to destroy us. We MUST persevere, and we MUST save ourselves. TINVOWOOT.

Our only easy day was yesterday.

Hammer’s Thor

About Hammers Thor
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3 years ago

Trump is part of it all. Finally glad to see people waking up

MsRhuby Star-Diamond
MsRhuby Star-Diamond
3 years ago

This is time capsule worthy!

3 years ago

I believe you are absolutely 100% correct in everything you said. I too voted for that man twice. No more. He needs to go away. He was/is the perfect Trojan Horse for a contingent of people sorely looking for a leader. Sorry, but he ain’t it and never was. We’ve been played, and being played is hard to swallow.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Trump says he got Covid vaccine booster shot, tells fans not to boo him for it
He needs to get off the stage ASAP!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Trump received 1,000,000 dollars from the drug companies, for being such a smart guy this does not make sense. I am sure he is still on the gravy train, he seems to be supporting the current maoist regimes stance on the kill shot.

Max Havoc
Max Havoc
3 years ago

Trump was and is still being put in an impossible situation with the deep state media. If Trump were to come out against the Vaccine, he would be labeled a serial killer / mass murderer by the deep state and virtually every socialist world leader. Every flu death from that point forward would be hung on Trump. A lot of people are forgetting that Trump wasn’t King, he was the President of the United States which limits the powers of the President in lieu of States Rights. I highly doubt that the architects of this Global Plandemic / The Deep State would have involved Trump at all especially since it was also used to unseat him as President. There are much darker forces at work here and it’s going to take more than one man to stand up and solve the problem. Sure you can blame Trump but it was you that allowed the government to shut down your businesses, force you to wear masks, prevent you from going to church and crash our economy. Lot of finger pointing from a lot of people that have been sitting on their asses allowing our rights to be taken away right before our eyes. I would have thought that the line in the sand would have been crossed 100 times over by now but I guess everyone is waiting to fight when the fight comes to their door.

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

I’m holding the faith in President Trump. I believe he foiled the DS plot when he brought out the vaccine so fast. Without that, the DS would have locked us down for the normal duration of vaccine testing. Today, the ’emergency use’ of an experimental vaccine is not legitimate because there are effective treatments (Ivermectin, etc) which nullifies the use of an untested unapproved vaccine. Moreover, its not a vaccine and doesn’t fit the historical definition. I’m open to the idea that the white hats brought out Omicron themselves to foil Covid, since getting the Omicron is, for most people, just a case of the sniffles, yet it triggers our immune system against the other variants.
How many of you have filed a complaint with the Government Accountability Office? Its easy and there is plenty of evidence available on the internet to attach to the complaint as justification for the complaint. The GAO is obliged to investigate every complaint -- suppose 1000 or more folks submitted similar complaints about the vaccine not being a real vaccine? If you can’t bother to spend 30 minutes on this task, how can you say you’ve done everything you could to foil the DS plan?
If you don’t bestir yourself to at least file a GSO complaint, then stop talking smack about my president.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Yea what about when trump the victim got covid? Went into the hospital and got the remdesivir treatment, this drug attacks the kidneys. He probable got hydroxychloroquine and another bundle of cash from the drug manufacturers.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

IF he really got anything. I’m skeptical.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mary

You and Max Havoc wrote responses like the left would. You’ve completely disregarded the question on Trump and his culpability and sidelined the conversation to something else that does not even make walking around sense. Go to a deprogrammer and get out of the Trump cult and start putting 2+2 together and use some common sense on what are real facts and not “what if’s”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

The hallmarks of the Left are to divide us, sow confusion, insult other posters, encourage people to get violent. If I were a Lefty, I’d be sounding much more like the antagonists in this thread rather than encouraging people to use ALL the tools (including non-violent ones) to push back. Some people ARE mobilising to use the law and the machinery to try to win back our freedoms.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary

We antagonists have been peacefully trying to change the direction of this country for a long, long time. That option has passed, you cannot negotiate with psychopaths intent on the destruction of humanity if that offends that is not my problem.

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

Tell us fat asses what you did?

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

I fully believe this to be true. I was just saying yesterday that I believe the mandates are in place partly to make Trump come out against the “vaccines” so the DS can then turn around and blame every injury/death cause by them on Trump and totally ruin his legacy. This would be the last nail in his coffin to make sure he is never elected again. The closer we get to the elections the harder the democrats are going to push us to get to Trump…watch and see. We can’t blame President Trump. This is when he needs us the most.

Roth Harbard
3 years ago

It’s been said here many times many ways … NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US. I indulge my wife each morning by listening to the X22 Report. “Trump and the Patriots are in control. They’re just playing out the last of the chess game.” Yeah, right. My wife has hope. I do not. As an older gentleman, I’m preparing myself to become a modern day Jack Hinson, should circumstances allow.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

You bet Bob, they have all played their part Trump included. He is just another tool to delay what should have happened a long time ago, I do not want to wait for the knock on the door Trust the plan f the plan.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

X22 listeners and the rest of the Q cult have lost their ability to think rationally. 10 years from now while this country is an garbage heap and full blown banana republic they’ll still be saying that Trump and the military are coming to the rescue. It has gotten quite pathetic.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Oh poor trump he was the ringmaster under the big top until he became the victim.

Wes Rhinier
3 years ago

Welcome to the party pal!!!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

And a party it is all supplied by the American sheeple.

3 years ago

USMCA ‘Trade Agreement,’ the North American Union, an Article V convention, and Red Flag Laws: Connecting the dots

Are any of you aware about this? God help us!
Wake up!

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

No one should ever have been made a hero. Just as the line between love and hate is thin, so is the line between heroes and villains.

3 years ago

Trump’s Russian Laundromat
Trump shits on everyone. Glad I did not vote 2020
Biden another whore. The entire government is one big scammer.

3 years ago

Only time will tell but it is hard to even begin to understand.

secessio plebis
secessio plebis
3 years ago

An idea from another forum…
Commoners in ancient Rome occasionally exercised a social strategy called secessio plebis, or secession of the plebs, in which the entire working class would evacuate a city en masse and refuse to work or fight in the army, leaving the patrician class to fend for itself. The secessions were an effective means of winning legal and economic concessions.

3 years ago

“ All Our Heroes Have Become Villans”

Perhaps we shouldn’t worry about hero’s as much as What We Are Going To Do.

3 years ago

Happy to see so many have the same thoughts on Trump. Those are not the worst but in the top five. He is either really stupid or really dishonest.
For one, he admitted bragging that he appointed Miley to head the military just to spite two former Generals who told him not to do it. He has now destroyed the military, and the lives of the people still in it.
He appointed the former CEO of a drug company to head a cabinet. Meanwhile, he let Fauci and the drug companies dictate what treatments could be used for covid. Like no ivermectin or HCQ. He never backed up the frontline doctors
He did not pardon Assange or Snowden. So he took all of us down. They could have saved us with the truth.
We already know that he will not make good choices in leadership if re elected. So why take a chance. It would be like voting for Burr or Tillis, which I never do. Or Murphy.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Magrit

He’s too smart to be stupid…but it’s a good act.

3 years ago

Tired of even a HINT of excuses for Trump the Con Man. He screwed the entire country while pretending to be an “outsider”. He was a NY democrat all his life. Bailed out by the Rockefellers twice for his bankruptcies. On Epstein’s fly list with all the rest of the pedophiles. Trump is NO GOOD.

3 years ago

I too was a big Trump supporter as you were, but over time I assessed the things he did, the people he surrounded himself with and came to the conclusion that something was terribly wrong. I came to believe that he is literally nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. When things are against all common sense and logic then something IS wrong. He seemed to be for America but how could he be so “naïve” as to appoint such people as Fauci, Milley, et. al., and not see the damage that these people were doing to the country. The list is long but the final nail in the coffin is his belief in the killshot vaccines that he still thinks are the solution to the problem which was created by the CCP. My know a doctor who has lost several patients, and even after he warned them NOT to take the killshot, took it anyway and had severe complications and some ever died. I think America will be hard pressed to overcome this dilemma.

ron martin
ron martin
3 years ago

When the crowd heckled Trump he said “Don’t, don’t, don’t, you are playing right into THEIR hands”. Who is “THEIR”? Biden and Trump are brothers by another mother when it comes to heralding the vaccine bioweapon as the cure that saved millions of lives. Therefore, WE are the “THEIR” or foe refusing to be killed or maimed by a depopulation poison being forced into us and our loved ones to eliminate 7 billion humans. I foresee half or 40 million Trump loyalists going down with the Trump ship and sacrificing their lives rather than waking up to the fact that he is not the savior they envisioned. Not me or mine!

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
3 years ago

yep , 100 % agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Trump has always been a compromised Rothschild Kabbalist puppet. The USMCA treaty ends the sovereignty of the America. Trump was all in regarding the plandemic. He turned Operation Warp Speed over to the Death Weasel Tony Fauci and the CDC. Conservatives desperately wanted to believe Trump was an American Patriot, so they excused everything he did like his extreme support for Red Flag confiscation laws, USMCA treaty, and the COVID lockdown.
Who is John Galt?