“Young man, what we meant in going for those redcoats was this: we always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn’t mean we should.” ~ Levi Preston, Veteran of the American Revolution, 1842
Reasonable Americans and decent and sane humans in general naturally prefer peace over any violent environment in society, and although one should always strive to preserve the peace, peace isn’t worth a damn if it’s preserved at the expense of individual liberty, especially through coercion, threats of retaliation, and violence from the foot-soldiers of an opponent and a regime that governs and manipulates the mechanisms and processes of “the law,” through diktats and tyranny and outside the normal rules and understanding of established law.
American conservative pundits have long noted that our country is in deep trouble, as the nation is repeatedly assaulted by the communists of the Democratic Party, in their efforts to destroy the republic and the Founding of the nation.
We are in the middle of a cold civil war that’s on the verge of turning hot in rapid fashion, by way of the Democrat’s hard-left push through Joe Biden’s executive orders and Big Tech and the Marxist/Maoist Cancel Culture proletariat in the streets and academia. As it grows more successful with each passing day, it drives America into a new, ruthless, tyrannical, socialist structure, largely due to the useful idiots and the Marxist tools in the ranks of the Millennials, seventy percent of whom find communism to be an acceptable alternative to capitalism.
Full of a desire to exact vengeance from Conservative America for a litany of delusional and fallacious reasons, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Communists are advancing a grudge-filled aggressive policy toward traditional America and every fine thing accomplished by Her people since our War of Independence and the Founding of America. They hate all that America represents across the span of history and the immense expanse of America’s Flyover Country where Her patriots are found.
Anyone who accepts the premise that violence can never be the answer to tyranny, as recently suggested by Trevor Loudon in his May 26th Epoch Times article, is already permanently defeated and a prisoner of his own cowardice.
Loudon writes:
“Violence will not save America … [continuing four paragraphs later to say] … the Second Amendment must be preserved at all costs. An armed populace is at least some check on tyranny … Americans should keep their guns and work everyday to ensure they never have to use them against their own people.”
Loudon’s reasoning is based on the politicization and weaponization of the military against conservatives and on the idea that the Left will welcome any right-wing violence as an excuse to lock the nation down tighter, as he prefaced his aforementioned words with: “This country will be saved peacefully or not at all. If significant violence breaks out, it’s over.”
Well Damn! I guess it’s over then. Only a fool could read Loudon’s statement and believe it to be true.
Never have words been more true but I fear they fall on deaf ears (outside of this and a few other forums). Until the masses have more to lose they will accept tyranny like sheep (masks, lockdowns, poisonous shots, etc.). At least I don’t have kids and have to explain to them why I sat on my hands and the slavery get worse rather than restore liberty.
Loudon is a fool. Why have guns if you are never to use them? And his argument that they should never be used “against your own people”? People who believe what these people believe, I assure you, are not my people. And I agree with Rob, I don’t think American men, except for those who come to sites like this, will do anything. And, I have no kids either. Thank the Lord I don’t have to explain the delusions of men thinking they are women to them.
Are we a nation of cowardly sheep? I for one do not accept this tyranny, I hope we make a stand soon.
I’ve got family scattered to the four winds. They neither have time nor the inclination to listen to my advice much less see for themselves. I’m too far away to be of any use to them. Yes I’m old and broken; but I’m perfectly willing and able to do my part if we can only get the party started. Better to die with sword in hand. Meanwhile, if I am on my own when it comes to me someone is going down with me. Fair warning.
I have wondered some time ago why the police knelt and/or left for greener pastures when they should have arrested their leaders for forcing them to comply with unlawful orders. Oh sure, I realize they have families and financial obligations. No excuse!!!!! They have the guns and the mandate to defend the laws and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights regardless what tyrannical leaders dictate. If they were to take appropriate action others would willingly back them. As it now stands they have given notice they are, in fact, our enemies. Their willing compliance with tyranny has only put their lives at stake on both sides of the fence. Were they and the border patrol and ICE of a mind to unify, we could collectively join forces and stop the tide.
Loudon is a Fool. Only Violence, Severe, Unmitigated, Merciless Violence against the communist Tyrants will ‘save’ what is left of America.
Nothing is more beautiful than America’s hard men! Loudon, whom I use as a reference on communist infiltration, is acting like Methuselah in the musical ‘Cats’. Perhaps he needs a nap. But have faith, when the call goes out, the destined men will hear it and respond. The glory belongs to God.