An Open Letter to Pennsylvania

Awakening to the news that Pennsylvania “elected” a mentally impaired communist to the US Senate only allows us two explanations:

  1. You support being represented in the US Senate by a mentally incapacitated puppet.
  2. Y’all are stupid, stupid, stupid.

At this point, I do not care. I actually want to thank you. You have given the people who truly represent Liberty and God our symbol to fight evil. Be assured that the country has not endured enough pain to rise up. Yet. But be assured that this gross affront to the country will not be forgotten or forgiven.

If you live in Pennsylvania and are taking solace in the fact that you did not vote this man into office, you are only fooling yourself. You know that this election was stolen as we know the 2020 election was stolen. As we know the 2024 election will be stolen.

As an aside, whose brilliant idea was it to run Dr. Oz?

I know we can do better. For now, Fetterman represents everything we are fighting in one package:

  1. Ignorant
  2. Incompetent
  3. Easily manipulated

Although I was born in Florida, I was raised in Pennsylvania. I am truly disgusted at this corrupt state and its prominent role in the destruction of the country.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

I like the observation about OZ THE MAGNIFICIENT. A poor choice to be sure. But, Pennsylvania lost either way. And we lost as well.

2 years ago

The fact that Obama, Clinton, and other big name democrat communists appeared with Fetterman and supported his campaign prior to the election indicates to me that they already new the outcome. Mail in ballots will ensure the Communist win from here on out. The Republicans, (Read Mensheviks) are part of the problem.

2 years ago

Yup, and you know what is really stupid the legislature is controlled by republicans like Mastriano who was the majority leader in their senate back in 2020, and he did nothing to fix the egregious theft of the peoples votes only to be Cheated himself thru his own stupidity. he deserved to be cheated and its poetic justice in a sense. a legislature that will not even lift a finger to preserve the voter integrity laws. there can only be one answer after watching this debauchery of theft take place and it must be the republic-rats are all in bed with the evil and demonic demon-crats.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Philip

He fell on his sword, to protect the rest of the treasonous rats, great man huh.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

and he deserved it long with every other republic-rat who acts in like manner.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

Why get our pants in a twist? Didn’t we know this would be the outcome? As so many have said on this platform for so long … voting won’t fix what’s wrong. Looks like we either go kinetic or just pop some corn and watch it all burn to the ground.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Malachi, it has been do or die for quite a while now, what will it take before they put the gun to the back of our heads, maybe when it misfires and we soil ourselves, God help us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Look at the #’s as a Christian and a Veteran and a believer in the Constitution I’m in a soon to be persecuted minority. Maybe it all needs to burn down so we can start over.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Just as they did by foisting a Jihadi homosexual dope fiend as Prez, and transformer Big Mike as First Lady.. And, can’t overlook nearly the entire O’BiteMe administration, with Fast Brandon at the helm.

“God Loves Liberty!”

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade


2 years ago

I am so over it and done.
NYC will get exactly what it deserves
Pennsylvania, Arizona, etc. We are under grave judgement.
I’m prepping for invasion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Should be grateful that Russian and/or Chinese armor has yet to steamroll across the Rio Grande -- if they aren’t parked in Long Beach shipping container, already.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

And, WTF is in all those shipping containers parked at virtually every Walmart parking lot across the USA?
There are 18 parked at mine. Two friends work there; they’ve “never seen them opened.”

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

There is about 70 at our wally world. White containers labeled as storage rentals.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

You are right , keep prepping because the worse is yet to come.

Lavrenti Beria
2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Don’t bother, they’re already here.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  Lavrenti Beria

I believe so. I was at a shooting range in phx. saw short chinese stocky dudes, not american, did not dress in american style.
both had expensive tools running match ammo

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

I think people either did not understand, or have forgotten the depth of the pure evil we are facing. Only now are they waking up to the tyranny that has been creeping up on us for 60 years, and still only a few. The communists are on the march. Always. They are juggernauts that never stop. We have been afraid to call them what they are, which is death eaters. They hate themselves, they hate us, and they hate God. This is who they are, and they will never be content until they have destroyed ALL that is good. This is the work of Lucifer.

I spent the better part of today in a blind rage over the lies and the cheating. I screamed at the people I love. I should have known better than to believe it would be different. I WANTED to believe.

Despite all this, yesterday was not a total loss, although it felt like it. It was definitely not the “win” many of us were hoping for and counting on, but “votes” are still being counted. Did we win the war yesterday? Of course not. Did we win a battle? Well, not really. We did win a couple of skirmishes. This war has been going on for longer than most of us have been alive, and the evil that defines the modern-day communists has existed since the beginning of humanity.

Understand that this war will never be over, no matter how many elections we “win”, or how many traitors hang, because we are fighting a force that transcends our finite human lives. What we can do is push them back as far and as hard as we can, to protect those who are as yet unable to protect themselves (our children and grandchildren). This is our most important charge, and we must teach them well, before they succumb to the indoctrination they will most assuredly get in the schools. If we can do this, they will take up the fight to protect THEIR children and grandchildren. Until then, it’s up to us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

The skirmishes we “won” are nothing but pacifiers, designed to keep everyone solidly seated in rocking chairs on their porches.

2 years ago

This had to be the most ridiculous race ever! What kind of idiots are there in PA to vote for this guy?! He’s a puppet -- he will not be making decisions, but someone else will be pulling his strings. It’s All diabolical!

Lavrenti Beria
2 years ago

What makes you think PA didn’t vote for Oz in droves?
Is it because TPTB <i>told you</i> they didn’t?
Check your premise.
The Prime Directive of communism is to ram the Obvious Lie down your throat, and humiliate you by forcing you to repeat it. Did you learn nothing from reading Orwell’s <i>1984</i> and Solzhenitsyn??