Anyone Else Feel Like They Are Alone In This World? When Will We Stand And Say Enough?

Anyone else out there feel alone in this world? I know I do. I feel so alone. I feel like I’m surrounded by zombies every day. People don’t believe that we are faced with a great evil, they’re just happy that their favorite team made it to the World Series or won their NFL game that week.

The time to stand is fast approaching, actually it’s past time, and I’m afraid I’ll be on my own when I stand. I watched Meet the Press yesterday and NBC nightly news last night. Meet the Press was all about the vaccine and mixing and matching the jab, and getting the kids vaxxed. NBC nightly news was ecstatic about getting the kids jabbed. It is pure evil. Yet so many parents will go along with this evil. It breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time. I feel more alone with each passing day.

Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Are the American people really that weak minded and lazy. Have the vast majority just become mental midgets that see us purebloods as a barrier to get back to their normal life. I don’t care anymore, if you side with evil, you are evil and should be eliminated. Supporting this evil government by wearing their mask, taking their poison, agreeing to a vaccine passport, and jabbing your kids, makes you evil right alongside of the one’s pushing this genocide.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

More and more, I see the question, “is it time to fight yet?” I say it’s way past time.  Everyone wants peace. Everyone likes peace. But the road to peace is not one paved by passivity. Communist and tyrants don’t typically step down because they are ignored. In fact being ignored often fuels them, allowing them to commit atrocities unfettered. Which they are currently doing. The only way to rid the world of communist and these evil tyrants we are faced with is to kill them.

The great men who founded our once great country desired peace. They did not want to fight. But “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” We all know what followed.

This evil government is coming after the kids now. There are so many lines they about to cross. I know what I am willing to do. Question is, Am I Alone? I am not sure what exactly awaits the world but I know that it isn’t going to be pretty. These evil tyrants are hell bent on our destruction. They will never leave us alone.

The Deep State Coup continues to carry on. Has anyone been arrested? We all have seen the evidence. We all have seen the crimes committed. Yet these criminals continue to walk free. You think Fauci will be held accountable? Ha. There is only one way these evil people will be held accountable, and that is at the end of the barrel of our guns.

Violence gave America its independence. Violence has stopped evil throughout all of human history. Pacifism isn’t just wrong, it’s immoral. Individuals have a moral right to choose not to defend themselves when attacked. They have no right to demand that others commit suicide by proxy. We are under attack. This “vaccine” is a weapon and they have deployed it against us.

Tyranny is here, and it is time for those of us with the will, to fulfill that dangerous oath we took. We are independent. We are Free Men. We owe them nothing: not respect, not loyalty, not obedience. We Owe Them Nothing!!! We just need to figure out how this all begins. Because being first is not going to be easy at all.

May God have mercy on our Souls.


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Rick Davis
Rick Davis
3 years ago

You’re not alone!! If you want peace prepare for war‼️

Tim Garrison
Tim Garrison
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick Davis

Willing & Ready, Know your not alone….

3 years ago
Reply to  Rick Davis

AMEN!! Short and sweet

bob upell
bob upell
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick Davis

nothing sung as a lyric in a metallica song here , right ?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I have been standing for a year and a half. I refused to wear a mask, lost my job because I would not get the shot and tell everyone we need to ban together and stand up. With exception of a few (some I think there government agents). No one wants to do anything, even meet as a mutual support group for economic reasons.

I am not a people person, but I am at a loss on how to gather any decent group of people together for just economic reasons.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I’m with you. I’m no hero or leader but willing to stand up for what’s right and against this communist totalitarian takeover to restore our liberties. Hell, I don’t even expect to live to see it finished but that won’t stop me from joining in the festivities.

It is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand days as a lamb.
-- Roman proverb

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Pretty much sums me up. I much rather of live out the days in my shop working wood. But there are time when men need to be men and do what needs to be done.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I am in for a mutual support group. This is legal folks, just get together maybe speak on some legal strategies to help start a movement of GOOD MEN, and
any other idea’s that might help Us. We can only discuss so much using THEIR TECH

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

At this point in time, face to face meetings are the way to go. I have no issues meeting people.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

To Thomas, Rob, FedUp -- take a look at KLWWorldNews. I’m not well-versed on these things, but they have developed a communication system with groups that may help for group communication, as well as news, and a way to send alerts when there is an event or danger in a member’s area. I’ve only signed up awhile ago and am not so active, but it’s worth looking into. It may be something that suits all of you well.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

There are ways to communicate. You could use SSH tunnel to access services.

But there is nothing safe safe on the internet. There are companies and organizations that monitor all IP traffic and analyze it. Trust me there are no safe alternatives using someone else’s apps and servers. There are back doors into all major software and the keys are given to the government.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I know, Thomas….but maaaaybe it takes a little bit more time to get to us. Doesn’t matter, really -- we’re all already “wired” with nano, shot or not. Shot just enhances and twists. Morphic resonance or telepathy probably best, if we can learn it -- buuuuut, those controlling this mess, already know how to access that, too. They know us the same way we could know ants’ “thoughts”…if we could, which we’re too feeble minded to do…and they don’t need devices. I hear from my phone service provider that five gee gets really active in January. O joy. Should be beyond interesting…take good care of you and yours, Everyone.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I will stand with you Wes, just like Gen 6:7 and 6:8 states the world is completely corrupted. It is hard to believe our nation and it’s people have been corrupted so completely.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

It is more than just acts and thoughts, it is altering your body at the DNA level that changes you into something other than what God created you to be.

Daniel DCM
Daniel DCM
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Amen to that. We’ll spoken…

Ted Beard
Ted Beard
3 years ago

That was so good. I see the birth of the American republican army looming soon

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

Ecclesiastes 1:15, 19
“That which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.
For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”
We are thankful to be awake but that means we see and understand the evil that permeates the present day. Nothing new under the sun.
Satan’s tactics are the same. His minions have changed and the technology of the day which allows him more options to wreak havoc.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Very we said Stan, and you have confirmed Scripture and what I too have been realizing in this closing hour of Satan and man’s rebellion on Earth.

Mordecai in the gate
Mordecai in the gate
3 years ago

Whereas I completely agree with you in principle and have so stood for the entirety of this “ Plandemic “ I also am a biblical scholar and because the Word is not a confusion to me I know where we stand in the stream of time and thus knowledge drives my actions and words in these days.
You may wonder what exactly do I mean, do I support an open rebellion against the tyranny or do I not ?
I do NOT.
“ Why are you so blind so foolish “ your mind explodes with rage, “ surly he lies about his standing against tyranny the whole plandemic long “ your brain also expounds in juxtaposition with my steadfast refusal to die with you by the sword as Jesus said that all who live by the sword shall also perish by it in these days. ( Mat 26:52 ) .
So how exactly will I stand against this second beast power ( Rev 13:11-18 )? I will firstly speak truth to it, secondly I will by my own choices live a LAWFUL life ( not for salvations sake but because I’m saved and Elect ) , I will help others who are also so Elect of God ( His true Church ), I will be a Light into a darkened world as it dies its first death and there is no other outcome for all the criteria listed in scripture for these the last days ( and there are many ) have been FULFILLED except one: CHARAGMA, the mark of the second beast ( America). I will do whatever my Lord puts before me.
Know also that if you feel I am incorrect and you choose to do differently I shall offer you the VERY BEST AID I can offer anyone at all, my heartfelt prayers for your salvation to become genuine. For my prayer is always answered.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I disagree that it is open rebellion. The government is in open rebellion. They are the law breakers, the murders and the blasphemers.

Since all government is ordained by God. We the People carry the power of the sword (Article I, Section 8, Clause 15). We have the legal, moral and religious duty to enforce the laws of the Union. This is the power God granted Us in the Constitution.

We also have the biblical duty to stand against all evil and rebuke it where it stands. We are not to sit silent, back away or anything else. We are to stand against it no matter what the cost.

I am in no way saying we should break the law. We are to enforce the law to the extent we are allowed and since the 2nd Amendment states what it states. We are to enforce with violence if necessary.

Jesus did strike out in violence and he did command his disciples to purchase weapons.

I am in no way saying we should also not witness to the lost, but we do have other duties that go along with it. Remember there are those that are lost and will not be saved. They are of a reprobate mind. It is not my job to make that judgement, but to understand there are those that God has turned his back on and will not be saved.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I forgot, we are under judgement as a nation. A nation under judgement has to pay for their sins in blood. There will be a fight, or there will be a mass killing. But judgement only ends when people turn back to God, confess their sins, repent and pay the price in blood.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
3 years ago

Man , that was wierd! Why dont you record yourself reading that and play it back to yourself? You may understand how the rest of us interpreted you.

Connie G
Connie G
3 years ago

Where you see no one taking a stand, I see many who are! Get with the program!!
Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, unexpectedly appeared and gave a fiery speech at the Patriot Double Down event in Las Vegas.
His new movie Sound of Freedom is expected to premiere in early 2022. A movie documentary about the child sex trafficking, human organ trade and satanic human rituals occurring within our own communities.
There are many Patriot movements and conferences happening. Maybe you should attend one and meet those who are taking a stand.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Connie G

No, one person taking a stand is only one. Trust me, if they are not beside you, they are running away behind your back. They all talk tough until it is time to place the chips down. Been there and done that a few times before. Silence and inaction is cowardliness. It is that simple.

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Connie G

His speech said it all! Love JC🙏🇺🇲💪

3 years ago
Reply to  Connie G

Connie, thank you. But it looks like the trailer to the Utube movie has been removed. 😟

3 years ago

The deep state is just waiting for the opportunity to enact martial law and stop the coming elections, I’m no expert but any uprising by patriots will be quickly followed by a Globalist/Fascist totalitarian response. There are many high value “targets of opportunity” in government and media available if you feel you just can’t wait…just be surgical and invisible while waiting for the main show to kick off. This is not serious advice…

3 years ago

I agree, the Luciferian One Worlders and the powers that be, have brought us to the point , or we have brought our selves to the point of, that “we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t.” They are hoping to cause a massive Civil uprising in order to come in Gun ablazing in hopes of removing the major thorn in the side of the New⁶ World⁶ Order⁶ which is the 2nd Amendment Rights to Keep and Bear Arms, along with all those who do…

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago

I state the only possible solution as being same, and I’m accused of being controlled opposition. WTF is with that ?

Patriots must learn to fine tune their skill of reading who’s legit and who’s not because they’re generally not very good at it in my experience. Admittedly, I’ve been way ahead of the curve than most seem to be able to handle.

Going after the children now is very predictable. HOPEFULLY that will motivate people to really start standing. And “just say no” ain’t going to cut it.
I understand your feeling of being alone Mr. Rhinier, but rest assured we are far from small and we are legion.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

3% fought in 1776….do you honestly think there will be more or the same? I would be surprised (and happy) if we found 0.001%. The majority of American are too fat, lazy, compliant, apathetic and stupid to see what is going on.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

In 1776 it was guns vs guns. Technology has changed that. When TX was talking secession, they had an “unusual” freeze. Pipe lines busted, etc. Weather warfare is the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. They can attack you and blame it on the weather. They flood areas and dry out others. It’s climate change they say. They blame your love of fossil fuel energy for ruining the planet. You’ll have to make sacrifices, they tell us! You’re driving your car too much!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I have two words for climate change activists …AMAZON TRUCKS!
They will drive to your house everyday over any $ purchase made. Even if 2 bucks. HOW CAN THAT BE GOOD FOR THE CLIMATE? So many more, that’s just one example

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

They fought the worlds best military at the time. They few if any cannons, hunting rifles and little supplies. They where undisciplined and a rag tag at the best. Surrounded by people that they did not know if they where friend of foe. They froze at Valley forge and braved an icy river to fight at Trenton. They only thing that really won then a victory was their willingness to stick it out realizing that God will grant them a victory if it was His will.

There is really not much difference now a days. The only real thing is, we do not have to cross an ocean to strike the enemy at home.

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

and they had a tenacious leader that they loved and respected, a man that was willing to die for the freedom of this country, a man that led from the front.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  daryl snowden

So you are looking for someone that loves liberty and willing to fight for it to lead you?

The Ogs
The Ogs
3 years ago

The original estimate of 2-3 years (5 years max.) survivability of these injections is apparently optimistic.
A half-dozen mechanisms of harm have now been identified -- and each mechanism contributes to mortality on its own timescale in its own way…
Think about it -- by the time they get all our precious innocent children injected, we will know even more about all the deleterious effects!
For the love of money is the root of all evil… and some parents truly are witless beyond belief.

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

These are the same people that are for legally killing live born babies and using their organs for medical purposes. It’s hard to believe but they really just don’t give a damn.

Davilyn Eversz
Davilyn Eversz
3 years ago

Anyone who is a student of world history readily knows that violence is never a solution. There is a dearth of people in the world who are always standing in the wings to fill the space of the ones you just killed.
Down through history the ones who make it through situations like this are the ones who quietly resist; who live in the shadows.
If you are not already outside the system… is too late. You kept working for other people and paying taxes because of it. You sent your children to public schools instead of home schooling them. Hell, you bought into the system of having a child in a hospital and then having the child recorded through a birth certificate. You don’t own your house, many of you live in the city. You don’t own your vehicle. You haven’t a clue how to fix anything when it breaks, nor do you grow your own food.
For you…..your path is already dictated. You have already committed to a solution of violence through your own stupidity; your own gullibility. While I have compassion for this mindset you have cultivated; there is no sympathy. Sympathy is agreeing with imperfection; that imperfection is a correct way of thinking and acting.
I am a 78 year old single woman farmer. I have never lived in the system because I live in my own system. I may go down, that is true, but it will be a far sight longer than your time line. And while I wait; life is good.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

Life is NOT GOOD my dear when your country is being systematically dismantled by Communist devils!! You’re living in a bubble of denial. You may be in your twilight years, but what about people that could be your children or grandchildren? Are you willing to throw them to the dogs, as long as your life is “good”? Do nothing… they will come and take your farm away from you and either kill you outright (probable considering your age) or put you to work on a collective farm where you starve growing food for the elites! WAKE UP!!!

Davilyn Eversz
Davilyn Eversz
3 years ago
Reply to  TarMar

If you and I would get into a firefight, I can guarantee you will be the one who loses my dear. And Life is good for those who do not rend unto Caesar; and have never done so. You know Noah? Yeah. that person. A little lesson for you, can you understand it? The weak perish….it has always been so and until people truly understand who they are… will continue to be so and no amount of violence will change that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

i live the same way you do.have all my life.but if you think for one minute just because you live like you do and where you do they wont be coming for you? lol you better think again,they know exactly where you are

Davilyn Eversz
Davilyn Eversz
3 years ago
Reply to  kathy

Sooo…you are implying that fear of death will change my value system? It is better to live well and Pure in thought and Heart and die that way, than to give power to mankind’s illusions. Life is about Quality, not quantity. True Warriors understand how to be Warriors of the Heart as well as one with a weapon.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

I’ve been on this site for a number of years, and must say I’ve never seen a more sociopathic, hateful, and strange comment.

Davilyn Eversz
Davilyn Eversz
3 years ago
Reply to  MollyP

Ah….you throw around words of the woke. Did not Jesus admonish his followers repeatedly that Victory is not won by the sword, but by Truth? So yes, I can see why you do not Understand.
All things ultimately lead to Order. Think on that statement.
One Speaks a Word. It is Received by the other. But has it been Received as it was Spoken?

3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

You 1st have to catch them and deal with them before you can Hang them

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

Ouch, the truth hurts, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is truth. Though it is also true that the violence I bring to our mutual enemies will afford you some measure of time to enjoy your life in the shadows. Enjoy and God Bless.

Davilyn Eversz
Davilyn Eversz
3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

It is you who doth not understand. Our Protection is given to us in the statement “Be in the world, but not of it”. Obviously millions do not Understand what that statement implies. Violence is a very temporary measure only.
I have no issue with using armament; I am quite handy with such things; and I take no lip from anyone.
But a true warrior knows that you never win the fight by being obvious in the fight. The Afghans, the Taliban, they understand how this works. But it takes patience and most Americans have not that quality in their arsenal of character traits. They are rather like enraged bulls, seeing red and attacking with no forethought.
Get back to me in 5 or 10 years with how well this all worked out for you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davilyn Eversz

According to God’s Prophetic Word, if we’ve go 5 to 10 years, that would be amazingly Merciful of the Lord!

3 years ago

We have to stop it. Pray and buy weapons

3 years ago

You cannot argue or bargain with psychopaths = the addition of true madness, moral morons who hide their *unacceptable* selves behind a (charming/mesmerizing) ‘mask of sanity’.
These unrecognized (!) extremely active/relentless, treacherous and glib, murderous, dead inside things *without* conscience (4 -- 8 % of the total population), empathy, shame, object love etc. PROACTIVELY causing tremendous/unbelievable damage (acting or not acting), the greater their influence (they energetically/relentlessly crave for POWER & CONTROL….at the same time suggesting the opposite), the greater damage done……MUST BE TAKEN OUT one way or the other.

3 years ago
Reply to  Onno

Like the cancer it is!

3 years ago

The major lie being spread is.- these evil people are in the controlling majority -- when people realize they are not, and not really in control -- Just A handful of these demon loving people are pulling the strings and using the only tool they really have; MONEY -- and these evil men are using men who are easily purchased. N they use the old line — I’m only doing my job -- this is the same line the SS, and Gestapo used — The more we come to each others assistance and join to resist and help each other -- the less power they have -God is and has been in full control since time began -- everyone needs to pray for all families and our country

3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

Good point. I met a mid age black man at the gas station who worked for these elite type of people. His story of being a dime bag corner boy, until one day someone pulled up in BMW offering to make him bigger after weeks of buying all the bags he had on him.
They/elite used this guy and he”had to..”WELL , chose to for the $, anything needed by people this rich guy worked for like Bobby Brown, Whitney Houston, the one who peed on the young girls etc.. those types of Music industry elites.
Anyway, he got hooked up with bigger dealers, makimg lots of money and eventually even doing murders for them. He started to attend a “church” with them. A satan worshipping church, for like 4 years.
He was showered with wealth, until later after a longer, more trusted member, they asked him to sacrifice a loved one, which was apparently normal to prove your commitment.. After that, He and his wife left “the church” and got out of Chicago. He SEEMED like a decent man. Yet I felt a bit awkward speaking to him after knowing all this personal stuff he told me. He was just confirming my comment to the clerk, “The elite want a civil war” He overheard and started going on and on..almost like a confession in a way.
He has the 666 tats and NWO Tats still, certain parts of this story that sounded very real, not as he made it up, it was disturbing.
THIS IS THE EVIL WE FACE, they have a lot of money! They have TONS of street soldiers that need money. $1,000 bucks to ELITE, means jack..those street soldiers though, they will kill a friend over that!
Crazy.. I just wanted to throw that out there. Remind you of anyone you see on tv? Like BLM, Antifa types. YUP! THEY ARE, paid soldiers of the elite. Many more coming across border now, FOR THEM, Extra street soldiers…
Soooo, that being said, I AM WITH WES 110% on his alone feeling.
He is a much better man of God, than I’ve ever have been. Those thinking “HE IS THE EVIL ONE” here, you all have a rude awakening approaching FAST.
I will pray for us all, and pray god forgives me if i am wrong.

Gary Moooey
Gary Moooey
3 years ago

Wes, sadly you are mostly alone. Why? Because “MY people perish for lack of knowledge”. Even worse, when you Ani attempt to give real knowledge, it is rejected as “gloom and doom”. The ostriches prefer to keep their heads in the sand. After all, ignorance is bliss, until realty hits them between the eyes! Since the Lord Jesus called me five years ago, and I must add against my protests, telling me to warn America of its coming destruction and fall, I have been vilified by everyone, including most of my family and even my children. I continually am given words of knowledge which I have shared with my pastors of the churches I attended. Even though scorned, and ostracized. Yet I was proved correct in my warnings, to only BE DRIVEN AWAY.

I read the post by the man calling himself “A Biblical Scholar”, much like the current hord of those calling themselves “prophets”. I am continually assaulted by these ravaging wolves in sheep’s clothing, who pontificate their wisdom, but they can not recognize their wisdom is from Satan. This man calls for pacifity and complacency to confront the evil surrounding us all. Does not scripture warn, the kingdom of God is taken by force, not by cowards, which are told they will not enter kingdom of heaven. Our God sits in heaven looking down laughing at the wisdom of men, saying I will take them in their in their own craftiness!

Truly most Americans are dum unto death, incapable of seeing the truth. Unless the scales on their spiritually blinded eyes are removed (by the Holy Spirit of Truth and revival), most have become fools destined to damnation. Most Christians have been seduced by their pulpits into demonic deception. “Because they have rejected the love of the truth to be saved, they prefer to live in unrighteousness. 2 Thess. 2:10-11. American Christianity are accomplices in allowing this once great nation, dedicated to God, to have its foundations destroyed. What can the people then do?

I could attempt to explain, using scripture to prove why this nation has crossed the line in God’s eyes, of no return but very few would understand, much less accept the truth. America! The reality of your abominations is even now being exposed, but few can see nor hear the truth. America is finished and will never rise again to its past glory and blessings when it was once “One Nation United Under God” ! The only hope now is to those who truly know their God. Not the man made up God and Jesus taught in our pulpits today. The Mysteries [hidden secrets] of the Gospel are not revealed to the “wise in their own eyes, but to those who fear God, seek his will, with a child like faith and trust in Him. The child like faith does not question God’s word, but obediently follow its commandments. To these God calls his children, He promises his protections to those who dwell in the secret place of the Almighty. Psalm 91. Be warned, the Lord will no longer be mocked by a lukewarm and lip service to Him, but those have surrendered their lives to Him as a living sacrifice.

To all others, prepare to endure this “TIME of SORROWS”. Seek God’s face and repent and turn from your wicked ways unto salvation. “Just to know God, is no guarantee one is saved”. A.W. Tozer! I end with with quote from Jesus. Matt 24:13 “But to he who endures to the end, the same shall be saved”. Do not believe the demonic teaching that because one prayed the sinners prayer and accepted Jesus as Lord, that you are saved. Salvation is a free gift from God through Jesus’ sacrifice, but it is a lifetime process of endurance to receive this crown of salvation. Seek God’s face pray for Revelation that your truly on the narrow path to heaven, that even Jesus warned, few there are that find the way to heavens gates. Amen and May the Spirit of Truth remove the scales from all reading this and open their spiritually blinded eyes!

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Moooey

We are not alone. The message that you give above is one that seeks to demoralize us. The message that is the truth: If our numbers are not great enough to win the war, our strength in the Lord and our pursuit of Freedom will make up the difference. I have no issue fighting and dying for our children’s future. If we die, we see the Lord. If they die, they go to serve Satan. That is the simple truth.
People have a choice: cower in the shadows or fight in the light for the natural laws that were given to us by God.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Lord God is the God of army’s, salvation is given by grace you cannot do anything for this gift. It is mans ego that thinks he can. I will not cower in the darkness I will fight to the bloody end if I have to. I pray that the fight comes soon, because there plan is obvious next is starvation.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Message From Yahuah that Gary is passing along should not demoralize anyone!
That would be the key point.
Wes, is the one who states he is alone! That is demoralizing! He thinks he can stop what is coming? He is wrong. He can only think of one way to fight. He continues to write the same article over and over. Yet he gets the thumbs up, Right?
we were warned and there are indeed going to be consequences, The Creator, His Son, has already provided an answer and the path to follow.
we are repeatedly bombarded with “No one is coming to save you,” when the Truth reveals Yes He did, and what have you done with this gift?

Elder Son
3 years ago

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3 years ago

You’re not alone. We share exactly the same sentiments. I think there are literally millions who agree. People don’t wear these sentiments on their shirtsleeves because we are under a soft tyranny. I personally know six redpilled people and I don’t know that many people.

Daniel DCM
Daniel DCM
3 years ago

I’m glad to hear many other like minded people. With so much censorship we don’t know what our true numbers are. But many are rising against this tyrannical system. As you see protests around the world. I wish their was a group in So. Cal. I would love to offer whatever I can to fight against the growing evil which the majority of America has become. I am a God fearing Spirit filled man. If their are any groups and anyone knows of them please reach out to me and enlighten me with the information. Stay strong and of faith for stronger is He that is in us than he that is in the world….God bless and strengthen all you like minded brothers and sisters. My prayers are with all the Elect of the Lord….

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Daniel DCM has groups nationwide for team America.

Ron Lewis
Ron Lewis
3 years ago

A veil of evil darkness has settled over this nation. I will not bow to their idol or worship their occult of the jab. The military is being DISHONORBLY discharged, I feel we are being set up for something truly terrible. How far can we be pushed, what is the trigger. Ladies and gentlemen, know your offsets and your windage’s. Send it

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

I’m supportive of many many of you here and I believe we will all come together. Everyones situation is slightly different so everyone must do and act in their own best interest. I for one do not have the skills needed to band together other people, nor do I have the resources, nor interactions with others that may require. Always acting independently in all endeavors, I will stand alone if need be, but stand I will, and insert wrenches and gravel into the works every chance I get. Stay grey!

3 years ago

Ignoring them DOES work. But it must be done en masse. Nobody should be obeying people with mental illness. NO ONE!

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  Leethal


If the entire planet suddenly just said no we ain’t playin’ …. they would just start mowing us down.

No matter how you game this out, it ends up going to violence. I don’t like that reality just like you all don’t, but it is what it is. No point in trying to convince ourselves otherwise.

3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

How can they mow you down when even the mowers are ignoring them?
Gosh, where is your critical thinking?? Don’t you know what “en masse” means???

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

simple, en masse isn’t going to happen. Too many willing to do their bidding. And there’s that little Samson option threat (((they))) made years ago. Don’t think they won’t do it, they are that nuts.

Cindy Petrosillo
Cindy Petrosillo
3 years ago

Some of us feel like we are all alone in this but Jesus is with us.
All 6 of my sisters and one brother have taken the jab. Not sure about my oldest one that lives in Rome Italy. I’ve been trying to contact her.
Please pray for my mother that’s in the emergency room right now. 
I’m praying that Jesus takes her. She is dying 🙁

David Boling
David Boling
3 years ago

My thoughts exactly, as an Oathkeeper if contacted by someone from there I would expect to be FBI. I just joined Ammon Bundy’s group “People’s Rights” a group organized on a neighboorhood level to stand up for their neighboors rights. Still early and can’t judge its legitmacy yet. For me attempting to forcefully innoculate me or my family is the line that will not be crossed.

joe blow
joe blow
3 years ago

you cannot win any war until you identify and name the enemy.since you are not allowed to name the enemy you will never win.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  joe blow

joe blow (((knows who it is))). So do I. Not so sure about the rest of you.
And he’s dead on. If you don’t know, you have zero chance of winning.

Last edited 3 years ago by fed poast
Carl Chadwick
Carl Chadwick
3 years ago

I cannot give you advice as to what you should do.
What I can do is point out to you what the Lord God says you should do.
But, even if I show you the KJV Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ said that if you (or anyone) don’t believe Moses (i.e. the 10 Commandments, Statutes, Judgements, Ordinances, etc.) then you won’t really believe Jesus Christ:
Luke 16:31 “And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” (KJV)
The Lord God Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
If you (or anyone) repent of your sins (i.e. the breaking of God’s Law --  1 John 3:4), and begin keeping God’s Law, then you will, by definition, become righteous in your actions, and the Bible says you will be embolden as a lion:
Proverbs 28:1 “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (KJV) 

3 years ago

This is the most active I’ve seen here. Some of us are old (82) and half crippled. That doesn’t mean we aren’t willing to stand. Alone? Yes. But most likely the best we (I) can do is take a couple with us when the door breaks. My own family members are scattered to the four winds. They aren’t even interested in hearing what I have to say. Some are jabbed. Most have jobs. I can only act according to what I know and believe; and yes, I am a biblical Christian (not a church person). I’m well prepared to die and let God decide my fate if I have transgressed. But know for certain that evil must be confronted one way or another. China needs our land desperately and has laid the groundwork in preparation. Know for certain that you will never be confronted by one or two. It will always be by a mob whether government or otherwise. We have seen it over the past year and a half. Unless you have prime objectives it is a no win situation. We don’t have suicide bombers. But the government does. They imported them for that reason. America has fallen never to recover. We have strayed too far and are too diversified. It has become a tribal nation fighting tribal wars. I live in an area that is overrun with illegals. Prepping is a short term solution. It is absolute we will die and I won’t bother going into details. But fight? Hell yes, I will fight.

Samantha Daniels
Samantha Daniels
3 years ago

This messenger of the Lord is warning what is coming to the world. Without knowing the truth (Jesus) it will be impossible to stand.

Kenneth Wooley
Kenneth Wooley
3 years ago

“Am I the only one here tonight, shakin’ my head and thinkin’ something ain’t right?” Ya nailed it, Aaron.
Pray for peace. Prepare for the alternative. I’ve got kids. Nuff said.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

KEY word, Ed…”your” world.

3 years ago

Perfect and right to the point that most do not understand. It is beyond disturbing to see grown men at Lowes etc. wearing masks, and you just know they have taken the toxic jab, and if they complied this easily, then they would side with the bolshevik government against us. There will be a spark, rest assured, and the best thing to do now is prepare -mostly our minds and Spirit for what is to come, and continue to not comply. Pray everyday for the wisdom from Almighty God to know when and how to act so our lives will not be wasted, but we will be able to go out with a good ratio if necessary (20:1 is a start).


[…] want to address the following comment from an article on this […]

3 years ago

First, “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” And second, Molon Labe!

3 years ago

here’s what Wes is talking about:
look up pictures-of-people-who-were-disarmed-by-their-government-and-how-utopia-manifested-for-them
what-the-progressive-liberals-have-in-store-for-conservatives (HAS 6 PARTS -- read them and understand, then get busy)

Its just a compilation history lesson and makes its point: