Did you know:
The FBI snipers were sent to Ruby Ridge following the gunfight involving the U.S. marshals and were given unprecedented shoot-to-kill orders covering any armed adult male seen in the vicinity of the Weaver cabin. Horiuchi’s first shot wounded Randy Weaver and sent him, Harris and Weaver’s 16-year-old daughter scurrying back into the house while Vicki Weaver held the door ajar.
I believe Bill Barr issued those orders.
David DeGerolamo
I didn’t realize that! For some reason, i thought that happened under Clinton.
Barr worked under Clinton also. Amazing how the swamp get recycled, even under a swamp drainer.
But Trump could not order Barr to investigate it? He did appoint Barr and could have ordered him to do it. Why not? I think the answer is the same as for why he left his follower on 6 Jan hang at the Capital building.
From GOA:
“Barr was in charge of the Justice Department during Ruby Ridge, and he knew what was going on.
“Barr stated, under oath, that his chief gun priority would be the Ruby Ridge-like gun confiscation orders (sugar-coated as “red flag laws”).
“You may remember that Barr’s federal agents descended on Randy Weaver’s Idaho compound in August, 1992, and (1) shot weaver in the back; (2) shot Weaver’s wife Vicki to death, while she was holding her infant son; (3) shot Weaver’s 14 year-old son to death; and (4) shot Weaver’s dog.
“Courts subsequently largely exonerated Weaver, while excoriating the FBI and the Department of Justice. And, although then-Attorney General William Barr claimed to know nothing about the Ruby Ridge fiasco, a 1995 Washington Post article reported that there were 20 high-level DOJ calls about Weaver in the 24 hours preceding the murder of his wife — and two of them directly involved Barr.
“After that, Barr spent huge amounts of pro bono time trying to get exoneration for the FBI sniper who shot Vicki Weaver to death. He pushed for immunity from prosecution, organized letters on his behalf, and framed arguments before the trial and appeals courts.”
Trump literally hired the swamp
The cesspool which includes doj, fbi, and cia, is so deep and wide it could never be cleaned up. Gotta go. Every last bit, and be rebuilt. If that’s even possible. It’s a disgrace to the republic that we have these criminals running wild in the streets. How about “defund doj” for a change?
It was Janet Reno made the call to have the mother holding the infant baby . She also sent ATF hiding in a cattle trailer to Branch davidion & was at a party when they went in & was unavailable for five hours knowing she was in charge . Look what happened there . Just listen to the 911 call from them begging them to stop shooting at them more women & children than men . What a government we have let get totally out of control .
It’s likely to be much easier to keep track of who ISN’T a traitor.