Assassination Attempts Should Have Consequences

Congress is back in session and they are already posturing about the continuing resolution to fund the bankrupt federal government. The issues that people care about are moot: we are nothing but the walking dead wage slaves for them. In other words, they want us dead.

Where does that leave a country that has been destroyed from within. I am not one for seeking vengeance as that is the purview of the Lord:

I would like to see justice returned to our land. And if justice is returned, I hope that those responsible for this evil that controls our government is held accountable so that our future generations will not have to deal with it. Let us hope that they too will not become too apathetic to cherish Liberty as we have.

David DeGerolamo

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29 days ago

I agree with your sentiments.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
29 days ago

To restore justice in this country will require blood.

29 days ago

David -- -- The “Day” will soon arrive. Patriots are getting ready.

I suggest that if you really want to see politics from the macro level (and be totally shocked) take time to watch this short interview of Brent Weinstein:

The concepts reported in this video will help each of us understand who and why the assassination was attempted. It is truly an expose’ that will forever open your eyes about our nation and the unseen hands of the Controllers.

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
29 days ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Eric, not Bret, if it matters. Good video.
Re David DeGerolamo’s comments about vengeance, I’ll quote Barry Goldwater: “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Anything less than pursuing the guilty to the ends of the Earth and executing them for their perfidy, when justified, no matter how old and “helpless” they happen to be when they’re captured, would be unacceptable moderation. Just my opinion.

28 days ago
Reply to  Daniel K Day

Daniel K,

Thank you for posting Mr. Goldwater’s long ignored and forgotten remarks. They are 100% accurate now more than ever.

28 days ago

Only thru the judicious use of hemp and lead upon the domestic communists and traitors, will Justice return to this once great nation.