Worth the Watch

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Bear Claw
Bear Claw
29 days ago

Gorillas tweet is not in his feed

29 days ago

LOL, love a good conspiracy. So the The Family and Buffett controls Blackrock. During my masters program I studied Buffett and and the history of Bank of America. Both Buffett and the founder of BofA were self made men. Beyond that I don’t I don’t see the connection. I imagine if you dig deeper you will find the Blackrock board are all blood-related in some way (Hail Hydra). Buffett is an enigmatic recluse. The family, well, do you really believe the Roman Empire collapsed? Ever wonder why the Vatican is a soveriegn within Rome? We could even go full on DaVinci code or the descendants of Dracula. Forgive me if I went too far down the rabbit hole for you. The point is, nothing is as clear as it seems, so question everything.

kal kal
kal kal
29 days ago

millions of Americans, who’s retirement packages are invested in it.