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Statues of History Keep Falling

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

Apophis 2029!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Its funny… though it offers cold comfort, nonetheless.
Its a signpost on the road. A marker. Its how you know you are no longer at point X but have travelled to point Y, or M, or.. whatever marker you chose. But do take comfort, as it confirms we are subject to a marxist takeover. They deliberately destroy the culture, its neccessary for them to erase your history and subject you to the all powerful state, etc. If you had idols from the past to worship, you would hold on to tour history, which makes the revolution impossible.
Its how you KNOW we are actually experiencing a revolution. If they were Americans, Robert E. Lee wouldn’t be a problem. They may not like that part of our history, but they would use it to teach (like the Germans and the Holocaust). Instead they mean to erase it entirely (Marxism), ban its name and language (Orwell), and soon they will Mao/Pol Pot the dissenters. Just as soon as they can get those pesky rifles away from them!
History is a stone cold bitch, but she teaches valuable lessons.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Except that the Victors of Wars write the histories. Lee never burned down Northern towns, while it was Routine for the Ferals to torch Southern farms, towns and cities.
The FIB likes it too, they did quite a “roast” of women and children in Waco. We remember, Cold Fury is coming, there will be a Reckoning. Yankee Rebs are acceptable, ProgreSSive Ferals not so much.
1775 will Unite Us Again

Last edited 2 years ago by GenEarly
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

If we where to stand up and stop it, it would go away.

If someone was to put a monument with the names of all free blacks that owned or participated in slavery, I would donate some money and whatever else I could. Maybe put in in Northampton County, Virginia somewhere.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
2 years ago

Not to worry…when the Chinese takeover America,Canada and Mexico Statues regardless of politics & historical significance will be replaced with Mao and Xi.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

and Obamy with Mammy Mike

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

Ever hear the old saying, ‘If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans’? We moved from Forsyth County, NC with the following demographic: White (non-Hispanic) 54.4% Black or African American (non-Hispanic) 24.5% Hispanic 14.29% to a less ‘diverse’ county in Missouri on purpose. Demographics here are 96.86% White, 0.11% Black or African American, 0.84% Hispanic.
So, the ironic part? We bought a 120 acre farm. When the kids started back to school last year I happened to glance over at our neighbors drive. Three black kids waiting for the bus. OK, I thought. Foster kids. Temporary. Nope. Mobile home with a black family. Seem to be nice enough folks. Just funny they’re next door after we moved halfway across the country to avoid them.
I don’t hate anybody, but I recognize that different cultures struggle with one another when in close proximity. Much as I’d like to believe in the ‘can’t we all just get along’ mantra, I just don’t see it in history. This country has bent so far over to patronize it’s black citizens as to be ridiculous. We are abandoning our reverence for the men and women who built our nation on the altar of political correctness. Blow back is going to be epic. Unfortunately. I’m just tired of having this mess thrown in my face everywhere I look. Now black power hair combs. Geez Louise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

its utter madness brought to us by Obama the SODOMITE, The clintons as well as the Nazi jew Soros along with there self hating loathing white demented demon-rat liberal Marxist pedophiles. They love tearing statutes down but where are the people to burn down there hideous afro comb so called feel good trashy art.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

You nailed it with your statement about recognizing other cultures. Your neighbors have likewise recognized they do not want to raise their family in that environment either, but the same one you chose. You likely have more in common than you think. They are willing to live in a trailer to get that environment for their family? I’d say you have similar values.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

As a fellow TarHeel, Confederate, Christian and historian might I suggest you offer a neighborly “how do you do?” There are Conservative Blacks and I hold them in great admiration. I read Thomas Sowell and the current Lt. Governor of NC is worth more than the whole basket of slimy rinoRats in Georgia’s capital.

Southern Dan
Southern Dan
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Well, it has gotten worse in Forsyth County since you left. My wife and I live in a community sandwiched between Winston Salem, Tobaccoville and Lewisville. We both are retired and just want to live “quiet and peaceable lives” for the remainder of our time. As we were headed out to go who knows where, I noticed a pride flag hanging from a house a little more than a mile up the road. I was not ready to see that. My wife commented that we cannot get away from this mess in our community anymore. We have had to quit watching tv also. But, I will say, through all this, The Lord is using all this to draw us to a closer walk with Him. He has a remnant of people who “have not bowed the knee to baal.”

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Southern Dan

I fly a Third National flag of the Confederate States (my country) at my home here in the Ozarks. The hillbillies all like it. We’re retired, too. Came here to get away from the insanity. If we avoid the ‘news’, it worked. Nature, homogeneity in the small population, friendly people.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

The “statue” above reminded me somehow of an epic movie I sometimes enjoy when I need some serious politically incorrectness.

2 years ago

The demoRat New Orleans Mayor is currently posing for an ante-bellum portrait as a House Negro delivering an ice cooled drink to the democRat Lousiana Governor entitled “Mo Tea?”

Last edited 2 years ago by GenEarly
Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

Hopefully, in turn, we’ll replace these false god images with the heads of traitors and communists rotting in the hot sun.

Uncle Bobedy
Uncle Bobedy
2 years ago

I wonder if Lady Ruby and her daughter Ginger Mints Freeman are getting a statue before or after Saint Floyd of Fentanyl?