Biden’s America

from Matt Bracken

Holy crap.
Diner being robbed, waitress putting money in bag, poor customer just frozen in his seat, robber for NO REASON executes him with a contact head shot on his way out.

imagine our cities after they are starving in the dark.


When. When will we realize that we live in a two-tiered justice system designed to kill us. By “us”, I mean regular Americans.

Why. Why do they want us dead? The answer is not relevant. The only relevant fact is for us to accept that we are at war and the federal government is the enemy. And by stating the truth, they will come to our door at the time of their choosing to silence any opposition to their pogrom.

David DeGerolamo

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7 months ago

The victim and perp may have known each other….get rid of a witness who can ID you. Or victim made a statement the perp didn’t like. Or….just a thrill kill.

Tim Minnich
7 months ago

Spot on. The sooner the sheeple wake up to this inconvenient truth the better we all will be. Make no mistake, WE ARE AT WAR!!

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago

Killing for the sake of killing, stay armed at all times, we are at war.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
7 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

The “experts” tell us not to resist robbers because if we do they might shoot us.

Another real life example of why we shouldn’t listen to experts.

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Never take their advice.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Law and Order…. rule of law exists only for the honest, Order, the country’s been out of order for a long while. Your life and the lives of your loved one’s rests in your own hands, like Portland, Police chief says, “Don’t call 911, we will not respond.” As I was taught in martial arts, “Talk, walk, run, if not an option, Kill.

7 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

I travel for my job and sometimes its Detroit, Flint, Cleveland and I have my CC, type 4 t-shirt and a long gun in the back seat. I ran into a Police Sgt in Detroit a couple years ago and he advised all people who regularly visit the city to be prepared along with some great advice. With 45-48 million intruders in the country ready to turn on us you better be prepared. I no longer care if people think Ive put on weight…Ill take my Kevlar any day!

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago
Reply to  OPM

You have to depend on yourself OPM, when I lived in communist Calif. I was armed all the time, left for good in 2004 and have not regretted it and now live in NW Az which recently became a communist state.

7 months ago
Reply to  OPM

hi, who sells the t-shirt. i need to up my preps! thx

7 months ago

Oh dear God -- one second here a minute later ETERNITY! i CAN ONLY PRAY THAT, THAT YOUNG MAN KNEW THE LORD!

7 months ago

Could have been a hit Disguised as a robbery

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  REM

perhaps read the boy language.

7 months ago

A lot of blood. Waitress was kind of slow. Look at the video again. The victim was moving to his right. Bad idea. Shooter had no value for human life. No value should be given for his life, either.

7 months ago

Yet another example, where it *does*not*matter* whether you can win. You *must* defend yourself, even if you are garanteed to die doing so.

Take as many of them with you as you can. It’s your duty to posterity. It doesn’t matter who they are, or what syndicate/cartel/oligarcy/state/government they represent. Defend yourself.

Hammers Thor
7 months ago

I followed up on this story… it appears the man who was shot survived, but is in critical condition as of earlier today. I pray he survives and they catch the monster who shot him. This is why you don’t want to be in blue cities, and, although you have every right to be in a restaurant at 2AM, it’s just not smart to be out when the predators are roaming.

If the man, or anyone else in the restaurant had had a weapon and shot the perp, they would now likely be in jail for murder. Not enough money in the world to make me even go to New York, much less live there. Nearly every big city is no different.

And yes, the government is trying to kill us. To believe anything else is folly. I hope everyone has a plan for when they show up at your door. They’re coming.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

shoot and leave. the law is no longer on your side, it is just a stopping point on the path to the DA.

7 months ago

The lesson to be learned is this: (1) be armed at ALL times and (2) never let your guard down for a single moment.
Unfortunately, that is the reality of the times in which we live.

7 months ago

Always carry and face the entrance but not to close. Know where the exit is. When you park do it far enough away from any camera if you can.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

in all the posted clips we see of these acts of barbarism, thievery and such, has anyone noticed a common feature.