Breaking News: Spartanburg, South Carolina targeted to be colonized as next refugee ‘seed’ community

I was just informed that some parts of the Spartanburg area are represented by Rep. Trey Gowdy.  All readers should know that Gowdy is the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security that has jurisdiction over the Refugee Resettlement program and should know the threat this resettlement poses for his district!

Editors note:  In my previous post I said our next two posts would be about how far along the Obama Task Force on New Americans “integration” (aka seeding) plan is in a couple of cities that are overloaded with refugees, however, reader Robin spotted this news which is more pressing at the moment!  Spartanburg beware!  South Carolina beware!

Over the years, we have noticed that South Carolina has pretty much stayed out of the top tier of states where refugee seedlings are being planted.  Looks like those days are over as it was announced that World Relief (Evangelicals) one of the TOP NINE federal resettlement contractors is about to open an office there!

They must be having refugee overload problems in North Carolina!

World Relief, like the other eight contractors*** are all Progressive advocacy groups, six of them represent the ‘religious Left.’

By the way, World Relief is the refugee contractor that attempted to establish a seed community in my rural county in Maryland in 2007 that was the event that gave birth to this blog.

Demand answers!


h/t Marcia B

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